Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2011 Grab something with me?

Chapter 2011 Grab something with me?
"It turned out to be the Son of Bai Ming!"

Seeing that young man, there was a burst of exclamation in Wan Gu Zhai.

Recently, more and more emperor warriors descended into the sacred realm of the gods, and the warriors in the sacred realm of the gods also knew more and more about those holy sons. Some people even made a list of strengths and weaknesses, just to record these The power of the Son.

"Sacred Son of Baiming, ranked No. 90 and eighth in the ranking of the Sons of the Emperor's Domain, and the fifth level of the Immortal King Realm of strength!"

Although it is only at the bottom of the list of emperor's sons, all those who can make it to this list are descended from the great powers in the emperor's domain, and their strength is comparable to the elders of the first-class forces.

"I heard that when the Holy Son Bai Ming came, there were more than a dozen third-rate forces to greet him, and the scene was great. Moreover, the Holy Son Bai Ming subdued more than a dozen third-rate forces one after another, and killed many warriors from the Imperial Domain!" Inside Wanbaozhai, The warriors who originally selected the treasures stopped their movements and lowered their heads to whisper.

Listening to the conversations of the warriors around him, Shengzi Bai Ming was smiling, but his smile, in the eyes of Shen Haoxuan and the other three, was as fake as it could be.

"I'm sorry, we were the first to see it, there must be one who comes first!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly, not intending to give up the treasure of the Immortal Emperor.

"Really? Then I'll give you four hundred grandmist stones!" Shengzi Bai Ming still had a faint smile on his face.

"Four hundred Hongmeng Stones! Is the Son of Bai Ming so rich?" Everyone exclaimed.

Although more and more Hongmeng stones are appearing in people's sights with the revival of spiritual energy in the holy world of God's Domain, more and more of them are still buried in various ancient ruins. If you want to get them, you need to pay a lot. small price.

Being able to take out four hundred Hongmeng stones proves that the Son of Bai Ming has already collected quite a few relics.

"Four hundred Hongmeng stones are enough to lure a martial artist from the Immortal Martial Realm to descend from the Emperor's Domain!"

When Shen Haoxuan heard Shengzi Baiming's bid, he didn't continue to follow, but just looked at him coldly.

"Hmph, even four hundred Hongmeng stones can't be taken out, how dare you come to visit Wanguzhai?" Shengzi Bai Ming sneered, then turned to look at the shopkeeper, and said, "I want this treasure of the Immortal Emperor, I don't care Whoever bids, I will give an extra hundred grandmist stones!"

Seeing Shengzi Baiming's rich and powerful appearance, the warriors in Wanguzhai couldn't help but gasp again. It really is the existence on the ranking list of Shengzi of the Emperor's Domain, and he is so rich.

"This..." The shopkeeper looked at Shen Haoxuan. If it was the past, he would definitely sell this treasure directly to Bai Ming Shengzi for the sake of profit.

But today Shen Haoxuan said the names of the Sun Moon Tonggong and Yin Yang Tianshu, which surprised him very much, and he admired Shen Haoxuan very much.

If Shen Haoxuan refuses to buy it, he can sell it to others.

Seeing Shengzi Bai Ming's attitude, Liu Qing was extremely unhappy, and snorted coldly, "It's amazing to be rich!"

"Haha, what you said is true, being rich is great! If you are capable, you can pay a higher price, you are so poor!" Shengzi Bai Ming glanced at Liu Qing with disdain, and then his eyes stayed on Xiao Ke'er.

"However, if you let this beauty stay with me for a night, maybe I can give you this treasure of the Immortal Emperor!" Shengzi Bai Ming said with a lewd smile.

In the imperial domain, there are very few holy sons who have seen Xiao Ke'er, and the holy son Bai Ming naturally doesn't know Xiao Ke'er.

Hearing the words of Shengzi Bai Ming, Xiao Ke'er's eyes flashed a chill. Her status in the imperial domain is like the princess of the imperial domain. She is extremely noble. Who dares to blaspheme?

But before Xiao Ke'er could make a move, Shen Haoxuan stopped her. He looked at Shengzi Bai Ming with a faint smile on his lips.

"No one can take things from me yet, shopkeeper, we want this treasure!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Hmph, can you offer a starting price? Shopkeeper, I'll offer seven hundred Hongmeng stones!" Shengzi Bai Ming directly shouted a sky-high price, which exceeded the original price of this treasure, and even the shopkeeper almost couldn't help but agree directly. down.

"Huang Gong Kunwu, one sound moves the sky." Shen Haoxuan didn't increase the price but said such a sentence without thinking.

However, after hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the shopkeeper's face changed drastically, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body. This seemingly inconspicuous shopkeeper was actually a strong man at the peak of the fairy realm ?
"How could you..." The shopkeeper looked at Shen Haoxuan incredulously, and was speechless for a while.

"Since the young master wants it, then this treasure belongs to the young master!" After a long while, the shopkeeper suppressed the shock in his heart, and immediately said to Shen Haoxuan with cupped fists.

"Shopkeeper, as I said, isn't it enough to bid seven hundred Hongmeng stones?" Shengzi Bai Ming frowned and said in a cold voice.

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, we don't sell this treasure, it's just a gift for this young master!"

"You..." Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Shengzi Bai Ming's expression changed drastically.

"I'm sorry everyone, the shop is still closed for the time being, please come back tomorrow!" The shopkeeper shouted loudly to everyone in the shop.

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, everyone couldn't help but be moved. The shopkeeper of Wanguzhai wants to close the door and drive away customers because of Shen Haoxuan alone?The signboard of Wanguzhai is the largest and most famous in this villain city, this is smashing his own signboard!

But the current shopkeeper can't care so much anymore, what Shen Haoxuan said before is much more important than the Wannian signboard.

"You..." Seeing the coldness on the shopkeeper's face, Shengzi Bai Ming didn't dare to say anything more. After all, he was a strong man at the peak of the Immortal Venerable Realm, so he could only shake his sleeves and leave.

"What's so great about being rich?" Seeing Shengzi Bai Ming leave, Liu Qing raised his voice and said, "Compared to our Junior Brother Shen, you are nothing!"

Shengzi Bai Ming trembled with anger at Liu Qing's words, but he could only hold back his temper and left in despair.

Soon, the warriors in Wanguzhai were emptied, and the shopkeeper brought the three of Shen Haoxuan to a very secret room.

"I don't know where you got that sentence just now, my lord?" The shopkeeper looked at Shen Haoxuan and asked in a deep voice.

Seeing such a dignified expression on the shopkeeper's face, Liu Qing and Xiao Ke'er also showed puzzled expressions on their faces. Shen Haoxuan only said one word, and the shopkeeper's attitude towards him completely changed. It's really unbelievable!

"Junior Brother Shen, what did you say just now?" Liu Qing asked curiously.

"The secret of the ancestors is also the formula to open the sun and moon gong!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the shopkeeper and said with a smile.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the shopkeeper's complexion changed drastically again, and he immediately saluted Shen Haoxuan heavily. It seems that he guessed right in his heart, this Shen Haoxuan is definitely not an ordinary person...

(End of this chapter)

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