Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2015 Valley of Corpse!

Chapter 2015 Valley of Corpse!

Lao Ya looked at the three of Shen Haoxuan in front of him, frowning.

"Why should I trust you?" The old crow snorted coldly.

Over the years, countless warriors have tried to trick him into the Valley of the Evil, and the combination of the three of Shen Haoxuan is really too strange, too young, it's no wonder the old crow can trust them!

"The shopkeeper of Wan Gu Zhai is the guarantor, if you don't believe me, you can personally follow us to Wan Gu Zhai!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Seeing the confident look on Shen Haoxuan's face, the old crow groaned for a moment, then still shook his head and said: "You guys go, I will never enter the Valley of the Wicked again!"

"You..." Hearing the old crow's refusal, Liu Qing suddenly didn't understand why he asked so many questions if he didn't agree.

"Okay, we'll wait for you at Wanguzhai!" Shen Haoxuan stopped Liu Qing, then turned around and left the tavern directly.

Liu Qing and Xiao Ke'er glanced at Lao Ya, and they could only leave with Shen Haoxuan.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back, a tangled expression appeared on Lao Ya's face, and after a long while, he let out a long sigh, stooped his body, and walked into the inner hall.

On the street, Liu Qing asked Shen Haoxuan with a frustrated face: "The old crow won't follow us into the Valley of the Evil, how can we get in? Are we looking for those fake scavengers?"

"Who told you that the old crow didn't take us into the Valley of the Evil?" Shen Haoxuan smiled faintly.

When he left, he saw the hesitation in the old crow's eyes. After all, he just couldn't pass the test of his mouth. It is estimated that he has already gone to Wanguzhai to verify it.

"Let's go to Wan Gu Zhai!" Shen Haoxuan turned his head and walked directly towards Wan Gu Zhai.

Not long after, Shen Haoxuan came to the door of Wan Gu Zhai, and in Wan Gu Zhai, the shopkeeper was talking with an old man wearing a strange costume and carrying a bamboo basket.

When Liu Qing and Xiao Ke'er saw the old man's face, they almost screamed out.

This old man is none other than the old crow that he saw in the tavern before.

When Shen Haoxuan saw the old crow, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he walked up to him.

"Old senior, it seems that your footsteps are faster!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the old crow and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that you even knew the nine languages ​​of the ancestors of the Futian Clan, so I'll just trust you once!" The old crow looked directly into Shen Haoxuan's eyes and said in a deep voice.

"I will not disgrace my life!" Shen Haoxuan cupped his fists at the old crow and the shopkeeper.

This time I was able to convince the old crow, thanks to the shopkeeper's help!

"It's not too late. At noon, it's a good time to enter the Valley of the Wicked. Let's start now!" Now that he has decided to enter the Valley of the Wicked, the old crow said directly without delay.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded.

This time, Shen Haoxuan didn't intend to let Liu Qing follow, Liu Qing's strength entered the Valley of the Wicked, it was still somewhat reluctant.

Liu Qing also knew that, so he didn't refute, and just stayed.

Shen Haoxuan followed Lao Ya and Xiao Ke'er, and set off directly towards the Valley of the Wicked.

The distance between Wicked Man's City and Wicked Man's Valley is not too far, and the three of them arrived here soon.

The Valley of the Wicked looks like a huge valley, but above the valley, there is a large piece of dark clouds and mists that block the sunlight outside. Standing outside the valley, you can feel a burst of darkness. A gust of wind blew by.

The Valley of the Wicked has another name in the outside world, the Valley of Corpses. There are many powerful people buried in the valley, or sleeping there. It is rumored that the evil energy in the Valley of the Wicked can renew the life of those who are about to die. Therefore, since ancient times, it has been There are many strong people who entered the Valley of the Wicked when they were dying, and fell asleep, hoping to be resurrected.

However, the chance of reviving the first life is too small. For millions of years, only one or two strong people can come out of it alive. !

Feeling the evil spirit coming from all around, goose bumps popped up on both Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er.

All the warriors gathered outside the Valley of the Wicked, and they didn't dare to take a step forward. If they got lost in it, they really wouldn't be able to come back!

"This is just the outermost part of the Valley of the Wicked, so there's nothing to be afraid of!" The old crow glanced at the cowering warriors around him, and said contemptuously.

Shen Haoxuan smiled helplessly, the old crow is a real scavenger, has entered the real Valley of the Wicked, how can these people compare with the old crow?
"Follow closely, don't blame me if you get lost!" The old crow adjusted the strange clothes on his body, walked straight towards the depths of the Valley of the Wicked with his head held high.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er also hurriedly followed.

Entering the Valley of the Evil, the sight around him gradually disappeared, and soon he couldn't see anything, it was pitch black, and even Shen Haoxuan's powerful spirit power was useless.

But when the old crow came here, it was as if he had returned home, with a light in his eyes that Shen Haoxuan had never seen before.

Following closely behind the old crow, the three rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, which was indeed a real run.

The only one who dared to run in the Valley of the Wicked was the old crow.

I don't know how long it took to advance, but the speed of the old crow finally slowed down, and Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er also clearly felt that the evil force around them was getting stronger and stronger.

"The real Valley of the Wicked has arrived!" The old crow stopped in his tracks, and his face became serious.

Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er looked forward, although the evil power here was stronger, but the realization became much clearer, the evil power was all concentrated.

What appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er at this time was a huge, bottomless pit. Around the pit, ravines protruded one after another, like teeth in the mouth of a devil. The black mist visible to the naked eye rises from the deep pit.

"How do we get in?" Shen Haoxuan asked in a deep voice looking at the bottomless pit below.

The old crow didn't answer, but slowly squatted down, put the bamboo basket on his back in front of him, and bowed down very solemnly.

Afterwards, the old crow took out a villain from the bamboo basket, and a drumstick and bamboo tube. The drumstick and bamboo tube were engraved with mysterious runes. In the dark mist, those runes Wen shone with a faint light.

"This is the costume of our scavengers. The villain in our hands, the drumstick and the bamboo tube represent our identities. These are our life-saving things in the valley of corpses!" The old crow explained to Shen Haoxuan and the two.

Looking at the strange costumes and items in the old crow's hands, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er had weird faces. They wanted to see how this weird thing could survive in the valley of corpses...

(End of this chapter)

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