Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2020 Evil God Mo Wufeng!

Chapter 2020 Evil God Mo Wufeng!
"What the hell... is this monster!"

Looking at the huge heart in front of him that was constantly gushing out black and evil energy, Shen Haoxuan was extremely shocked.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, a dull sound came from the Wetbone Forest, like the sound of a heart beating.

Both Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er's nerves tensed up, their eyes kept scanning their surroundings, alert to the imminent danger.

"The daughter of Emperor Xiao's family in the Eastern Region? She is really a rare guest!"

When Shen Haoxuan and the two looked around, a gentle and soft young man suddenly appeared in their realization.

The young man was dressed in a white robe, his body was spotless, and his face was handsome. Under the dark evil spirit, he looked very out of place.

The moment they saw this young man in white, the hearts of Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er seemed to stop beating, and a terrifying coercion descended on them, forcing them to retreat.

The two looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

The white-clothed young man in front of him had unintentionally released his coercion, but even so, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er were a little unbearable, let alone the young man's full blown outburst.

What shocked them even more was that the young man in white was able to directly call out Xiao Ke'er's origin. It seemed that he was the evil god descending from the imperial domain!

"You know me?" Xiao Ke'er looked at the young man in white with a solemn expression.

"Hehe, I naturally know you. I hugged you when I was a child!" The young man in white sat cross-legged lazily in front of Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Keer, and did not drive them away.

Looking at the young man in white in front of them, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er had an indescribable feeling.

The gap between this evil god and what they imagined is far worse.

The evil god in their impression is a bloodthirsty maniac with a ferocious face, vicious and cunning, and a man who does all kinds of evil, but the young man in front of him looks like a scholar who has no power to restrain a chicken, which is really strange up!

But when things go wrong, there must be a demon. The more strange it is, the more it proves that this young man in white is not simple.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, my name is Mo Wufeng, which is also called by the people of Diyu... Evil God!" The young man in white seemed to have thought of something, and added.

"Evil God!" Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er naturally knew his identity.

"You also know my father?" Xiao Ke'er took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice.

Mo Wufeng smiled lightly, supported his cheeks with his hands, and said slowly: "I know, the name of Emperor Xiao in the Eastern Region is unknown to everyone in the entire Emperor Region, but it is a pity that Emperor Xiao ended up with a wife. The ions are scattered, and the family is destroyed!"

Speaking of this, Mo Wufeng suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at!" Xiao Ke'er's face was sullen, his family was wiped out, this Mo Wufeng can still laugh!
"I'm sorry, I'm laughing at myself. I did all those things, so I have nothing to sigh about!" The corner of Mo Wufeng's mouth suddenly raised a wicked smile, and that bookish face suddenly turned into a smile. Become vicious.

Hearing Mo Wufeng's words, both Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er were taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, Xiao Ke'er was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her eye sockets turned red little by little.

The demise of the Xiao family was actually done by Mo Wufeng, and what was his expression and tone?
He clearly wiped out all the masters of the imperial domain, but he can still laugh. What is human life in his eyes?Worthless?

"You bastard!" Xiao Ke'er was furious in her heart, and she jumped up, wanting to kill Mo Wufeng.

Looking at Xiao Ke'er who was furious, Shen Haoxuan quickly pushed her down with sharp eyesight and quick hands.

This evil god Mo Wufeng is really too weird, Shen Haoxuan can feel that if Xiao Ke'er rushes out, it will definitely be a dead end.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill this bastard!" Xiao Ke'er struggled, her eyes flushed.

The genocide is right in front of her, how can she suppress the hatred in her heart, even if she dies, she will bite off a piece of Mo Wufeng's flesh!
Looking at Xiao Ke'er who had been eroded by hatred, Shen Haoxuan helplessly raised his hand and slashed at her neck, causing Xiao Ke'er to pass out.

Holding Xiao Ke'er, Shen Haoxuan raised his head, and looked coldly at the evil god Mo Wufeng.

In the distance, the evil god Mo Wufeng saw Shen Haoxuan knocking Xiao Ke'er unconscious, a look of boredom appeared on his evil face.

But when he looked at Shen Haoxuan, his whole body trembled fiercely.

"Haha, interesting! Interesting!" The evil god Mo Wufeng looked at Shen Haoxuan, and suddenly laughed, his lazy eyes also slowly turned purple, extremely evil and charming.

"There are many treasures on you!" The evil god stared at Shen Haoxuan with purple eyes, and said with a smile.

"Let me do the math, the scales of the Dragon Race, the scales of the White God, and... the World Tree Godhead!" When he said the last thing, Mo Wufeng couldn't help but licked his lips, and a greedy look flashed in his eyes .

Hearing that Mo Wufeng had seen through all his secrets, Shen Haoxuan's heart sank to the bottom.

The gap between the two is really too big now, as if one is in the sky and the other is in the ground, there is no comparison at all.

"Why? What is your purpose of slaughtering the four major domain masters of the Imperial Domain, destroying the Imperial Domain, and coming to the Holy Realm of the God Domain? " Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, looked at Mo Wufeng, and asked word by word.

"There's no reason, it's just boring!" Mo Wufeng spread his hands out of boredom, and said casually.

"Boring? Just because of boredom?" Hearing this, the anger in Shen Haoxuan's heart rose.

"Do you know how many people will die because of your boredom? When the empire collapses and the god realm collapses, how many lives will be involved in this disaster? Just because of your boredom, the whole world will face a catastrophe. Innocent people will die in vain, don't you feel any guilt? In your eyes, what are these lives?" Shen Haoxuan said coldly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the lazy look on Mo Wufeng's face gradually disappeared, and the smile on the corner of his mouth also disappeared.

"Innocent people? You tell me innocent?" Mo Wufeng's face turned ferocious a little bit. It seemed that Shen Haoxuan's words hurt his heart. Even the huge heart behind him beat at a faster speed. Also speed up.

Mo Wufeng was angry, and a horrible breath erupted from his body. Under this breath, the whole wet bone forest began to tremble. Countless white bones fell from the top of the mountain, and the ground roared, as if moaning.

Shen Haoxuan's face sank, the tree of the world at his dantian trembled slightly, and colorful barriers emerged to protect Shen Haoxuan, but he could still feel the compelling prestige of Mo Wufeng...

(End of this chapter)

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