Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2029 Yingzhou City!

Chapter 2029 Yingzhou City!
Yingzhou is a small island in the sacred realm of the gods.

Although the size of the island is small and its geographical location is very special, warriors in the sacred realm of the gods will never go to that place. It is said that on Yingzhou Island, there is a kind of ape-like monster living. Erosion, no matter what they see, will make them savage.

Regardless of whether it was the same kind or a different kind, or even the rocks on the top of the mountain, sometimes they would be humiliated by them, which was despised by the warriors in the holy realm of the gods.

Although those ape-like monsters are not strong, they are more numerous and can use illusions, so no one wants to provoke them.

"These holy sons of the imperial domain really have a strong taste!" The three of Shen Haoxuan rushed towards Yingzhou Island, complaining.

Since the arrival of the emperor's sons, the apes on Yingzhou Island have been repelled by them, and they even built a city on Yingzhou Island. It seems that they intend to establish a foothold there.

"Since the sons of the emperor established Yingzhou City, there have been many warriors from the holy world of the gods to follow. Now Yingzhou Island has faintly become a force!" There is no less inquiry about the news inside.

Hearing this, the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a sneer.

"If that's the case, then we have to go to Yingzhou Island!" After saying this, the speed under Shen Haoxuan's feet became even faster.

When the three of Shen Haoxuan rushed to Yingzhou Island, a piece of shocking news also came from Yingzhou Island.

"Fairy Yaoguang and the third young master of the Gu family are getting married on the [-]th day of this month, and we invite warriors from the sacred realm of the God Realm to celebrate together!"

"Before Fairy Yaoguang and the third son of the Gu family get married, whoever can send Shen Haoxuan's head will get a volume of divine high-level martial arts, an artifact, the two major powers of the Gu family and the Yaoguang Holy Land, and you can choose!"

This piece of news, like a plague, spread throughout the entire Divine Realm within a few days.

The identities of Fairy Yaoguang and the third son of the Gu family had already been spread throughout the holy world of the God Realm, and those warriors rushed to Yingzhou Island one by one with envy.

Either of the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ancient Family of the Emperor's Domain, any one of them, is a force capable of leveling the sacred realm of the Divine Domain. If one can join them, the future path of cultivation will definitely be smooth.

All of a sudden, all the fighters in the holy realm of the gods began to frantically search for Shen Haoxuan. There were even a lot of fighters who wanted to attack Sen Luo Temple, but fortunately they were all scared away by Daoist Ziyun.

"Fairy Yaoguang and the third son of the Gu family have some tricks!" Shen Haoxuan who had already arrived outside Yingzhou Island sneered.

Senluo Hall is guarded by Taoist Ziyun, no one can enter, Shen Haoxuan is not worried, what he has to do now is to turn Yingzhou Island upside down!
After the three of Shen Haoxuan changed their appearances, they strutted into Yingzhou Island. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. Fairy Yaoguang and the third son of the Gu family would never have thought that he would come in person To Yingzhou Island.

Now on Yingzhou Island, those monsters have disappeared, countless figures are flying past in the sky, and it has indeed become a new force!
Yingzhou City!
The three of Shen Haoxuan came to the city of Yingzhou. This newly established city already had a large scale. Even standing outside the city, one could still hear the sky-shattering sound coming from inside the city.

The three people who had already changed their faces, naturally no one could recognize their identities, so the three walked into Yingzhou City just like that.

There are still ten days left before the fifteenth day of this month.

But the current Yingzhou City is full of red flags, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere. It seems that for the wedding of Fairy Yaoguang and the third son of the Gu family, these saints from the holy world of the gods and the emperor have spent a lot of effort !
"Where are we going?" Xiao Ke'er asked.

Looking at the situation in Yingzhou City, they can't just rush up to find Fairy Yaoguang and the third young master of the Gu family, as long as their identities are exposed now, they will probably run for their lives!
"Go and have fun first!" Shen Haoxuan glanced across Yingzhou City, and finally locked on the black market.

The city of Yingzhou is full of fish and dragons, and the place where these people like to gather is naturally the black market!
The place where the underground black market is located is just below a gambling house, there is no need for Shen Haoxuan and the three to look for it, so someone will naturally take them down.

When we came to the ground, the noise from all around came rushing towards us, this place was more lively than the streets and alleys on the ground!
"Come, come, invite the three distinguished guests!" Seeing the three of Shen Haoxuan, a servant immediately came up to greet them.

Although the appearances of the three of Shen Haoxuan have changed, the aura on their bodies is hard to hide, especially the Chiguang Immortal Emperor, even the emperor's prestige that unintentionally emanates is not something ordinary people can bear, the boy naturally thinks, The three of Shen Haoxuan are not ordinary people.

"Hehe, the three of you are here to attend the wedding of Fairy Yaoguang and Young Master Gu He!" the servant asked with a smile on his shoulders, leading Shen Haoxuan and the three of them.

"Let me tell you, Fairy Yaoguang and Young Master Furuhe are famous fairy couples in the Imperial Domain. It is our honor that they can hold their wedding in the holy world of my God's Domain!"

"This time, Fairies Yaoguang and the others have invited talents from all over the world. They not only want to let the warriors in the sacred realm of God's Domain witness their love, but also want to give everyone a benefit, so that they can have the opportunity to enter the Holy Land of Yaoguang, and even It is the practice of the ancient family, I think you are here for this too!"

The servant looked at the three of Shen Haoxuan and talked freely.

"Hehe, yes!" Shen Haoxuan responded casually.

"Either you have vision, but actually it's very easy to enter the Yaoguang Holy Land or the Gu Family, just lift the head of that Shen Haoxuan, and now that Shen Haoxuan has probably become a bereaved dog, running away everywhere!"

"You said that guy is also true, where did he have the guts to kill Fairy Yaoguang's younger brother, he really deserves it!" The boy continued.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan sneered in his heart, even if they were killed, he would never have thought that the person standing beside them was the person they most wanted to kill!

"Hey, so who... Come here, Son!" Just as the boy was leading Shen Haoxuan and the three of them around, he was stopped by a yell.

"Come, come, call the girl next to you!" Not far away, several young men in fancy clothes gathered together and shouted at the young man, and the girl they were talking about was the girl next to Shen Haoxuan. Xiao Keer.

Although Xiao Ke'er has also changed her appearance, her temperament cannot be concealed. Even though her face is mediocre, she still attracts others!

"This..." Seeing those holy sons of the imperial domain, the boy looked embarrassed, turned his head to look at Shen Haoxuan, and said in a low voice: "Those are all holy sons of the imperial domain, why don't you let this young lady accompany you?" After a while, they will be happy, and maybe they will give you some benefits!"

(End of this chapter)

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