Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2033 Are they rich?

Chapter 2033 Are they rich?

The sudden appearance of pitch-black flame chains made Huo Wu's face change instantly, and he quickly circulated the spiritual power in his body, trying to break free from these flame chains.

However, the spiritual power in her body began to circulate, and instead of breaking the chain of pitch-black flames, it became even more tenacious.

The pitch-black flames touched her snow-white skin, making her skin turn red, and the excruciating pain made her clothes soaked in sweat.

"Auntie Big Fierce, I advise you, don't struggle, the more you struggle, the tighter the chain will jump, and it will burn your face and disfigure you, then I can't control it!" Shen Haoxuan walked slowly to Huowu In front of him, he smiled lightly.

"You... you stinky rascal, untie it for me!" Huo Wu looked at Shen Haoxuan in front of him, glaring.

The current Huo Wu dare not make a slight movement. These dark chains seem to grow out of her body, connecting with the spiritual power in her body. As long as she moves, these dark chains of flame will It will be tightly handcuffed on her body.

Seeing the red marks on her skin, Huo Wu was very anxious. As a woman, it is her nature to love beauty, if the flames really left scars on her body, she might as well die!

Shen Haoxuan came to Huo Wu with a smile on his face, seeing Huo Wu with a terrified and anxious expression, his heart felt even more happy.

After being hit by Huo Wu's Butterfly Fan, Shen Haoxuan knew Huo Wu's method. The crimson flame seemed to be transformed by her special spiritual power.

And the spiritual power that can transform into flames is simply a great tonic for Shen Haoxuan, and it can be used better, after all, there is a tree of the world in his body.

As long as the flame seeds are planted in Huo Wu's body, then Huo Wu's own flame spiritual power can be used to restrain her, there is no need for Shen Haoxuan to do anything at all.

"Admit defeat, and I'll let you go!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Let go of me first, and I'll admit defeat!" Huo Wu glanced at the black flame chains around her with some apprehension, and said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Shen Haoxuan pretended not to hear, but the pitch-black flame tightened a bit, and the red marks on Huo Wu's body became more obvious.

"Okay, okay, I admit defeat, I admit defeat!" Huo Wu finally didn't dare to continue confronting Shen Haoxuan, if she persisted, the black flame chains would really ruin her appearance!
Hearing that Huo Wu had conceded defeat, all the martial artists in the surrounding auditorium froze in place.

Is this an admission of defeat?What is this competition about?
Didn't it mean that as long as you get hit by Huo Wu's butterfly fan, you will definitely die?Why was Shen Haoxuan still able to fight back, and even forced Huo Wu to admit defeat?

Huo Wu is a strong player on the winning streak list, and that Dragon God didn't know where it came from.

The host on the side was also stunned for a moment, lost again?Huo Wu on the winning streak also lost?And also lost so simply?
When Shen Haoxuan heard that Huo Wu had conceded, he snapped his fingers, and the pitch-black flames wrapped around Huo Wu's body disappeared instantly.

The moment those pitch-black chains disappeared, Huo Wu's figure flickered and charged towards Shen Haoxuan.


With a muffled sound, when Huo Wu rushed over, pitch-black flames suddenly rose from Shen Haoxuan's body, wrapping him in it.

Seeing the pitch-black flame, Huo Wu instinctively stepped back.

"Do you dare to tell me your real name?" Huo Wu looked at Shen Haoxuan and roared angrily.

"If you don't change your name if you're going or if you don't change your surname when you sit down, that's true of the Dragon God!" Shen Haoxuan said with a wicked smile.

"You..." Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Huo Wu stomped her feet angrily, and her record of ten consecutive victories was broken just like that.

At the moment, Huo Wu could only leave angrily and ignore Shen Haoxuan.

It wasn't until Huo Wu left that there was a little noise in the underground boxing arena. Everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan's thin back, obviously he didn't match this underground boxing arena at all, but they defeated Heihu and Huo Wu, two powerful opponents one after another , and still so calm, where did this kid come from?

After defeating Huo Wu, Shen Haoxuan didn't intend to continue the challenge, so he jumped off the competition ring.

"How's the harvest?" Shen Haoxuan asked in a low voice when he came to Xiao Keer's side.

"You pay ten for the battle with Heihu. We earned 30 Hongmeng stones and 4000 yuan of spirit crystals. As for the battle with Huowu, we earned 100 yuan of Hongmeng stones and more than [-] quick spirit crystals!" Xiao Xiao Ke'er shook the storage ring, this time it was quite rewarding!

Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, with so many grandmist stones and spirit crystals, it seemed that he could break through to the Immortal King Realm just around the corner!

"Let's go!" Shen Haoxuan didn't stay long in the underground black market, and turned around and left the underground boxing arena with Xiao Ke'er and Immortal Emperor Chiguang.

And after the three of Shen Haoxuan left, the eyes of the host on the stage flashed the color of the lunar calendar, and his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the underground boxing ring.

The three of Shen Haoxuan had just left the underground boxing arena when a figure flashed past and directly stopped in front of them.

"Huo Wu!" After seeing the person coming, Shen Haoxuan frowned.

"What? Do you still want to continue fighting?" Shen Haoxuan said coldly.

"Hmph, is this girl such a stingy person? I just came here to remind you that you are already being targeted!" Huo Wu said proudly with her head held high.

Hearing Huo Wu's words, Shen Haoxuan's thoughts moved, a powerful power of spirit was released, and soon he noticed several sinister auras following behind.

"You guys are really naive, do you think that if you earn money in the underground black market, you can leave openly?" Huo Wu glanced at the storage ring in the hands of the three of Shen Haoxuan, and said indifferently.

"What do you mean?" Shen Haoxuan looked back and asked in a deep voice.

"This is Yingzhou City, a place that only talks about fists and no rules, especially in this underground black market. Now that you have taken the money from the underground black market and want to leave, isn't that a dream?" Huo Wu said faintly With a smile.

"So you're here to stop us?" Shen Haoxuan sneered.

"Hehe, I'm not a lackey of the underground black market, I just came to inform you!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Wu raised her head and glanced behind Shen Haoxuan, then waved her hand at Shen Haoxuan and said, "Okay, I've brought the words, whether you can get out alive depends on your luck!"

Seeing the back of Huo Wu leaving, Shen Haoxuan suddenly stopped her: "Wait, the last question, are the people in the underground black market rich?"

Shen Haoxuan's nonsensical question made Huo Wu stunned, then she seemed to think of something, and nodded slightly.

"That's good, thank you for reminding me!" Shen Haoxuan thanked Huowu.

However, the moment the voice just fell, Shen Haoxuan turned around suddenly, turned into a jet-black thunderbolt, and rushed into a certain alley...

(End of this chapter)

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