Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2035 Party!

Chapter 2035 Party!

After Huo Wu returned with the Hongmeng Stone in exchange for Lingjing, Shen Haoxuan and Chiguang Immortal Emperor also returned.

"Thank you, here are some grandmist stones!" Shen Haoxuan took out another storage ring and handed it to Huo Wu.

This storage ring looks even more exquisite. Huo Wu took it and saw that there were thousands of grandmist stones in the storage ring, which was a great wealth.

"You...couldn't have robbed Shengzi Situ!" Huo Wu asked weakly.

That is the Holy Son of the Imperial Domain, and I heard that the Situ Holy Land where the Situ Holy Son is located is also an incomparably powerful force. Aren't these three people afraid that the strong man from the Situ Holy Land will come and kill them?

"Don't be surprised, you'll get used to it after a while!" Xiao Ke'er patted Huo Wu's shoulder and said lightly.

After following Shen Haoxuan for nearly half a year, Xiao Ke'er has basically understood who Shen Haoxuan is, and in his eyes, there is no word of fear.

Huo Wu could only nod her head, and left the inn with the storage ring to exchange for spirit crystals.

In this way, in the next few days, Shen Haoxuan would bring back a storage ring every day, and there would be more and more Primordial Stones inside.

And every time Huowu exchanged for spirit crystals, I could hear that the emperor's son on the winning streak list today was robbed by someone, and the emperor's son on the winning streak list tomorrow was robbed by someone. In just five days, none of the top ten sons of the Emperor's Domain in the winning streak list was spared.

When Huo Wu heard the news, from the beginning she was apprehensive and frightened, but in the end she had already entered one ear and exited the other.

Shen Haoxuan's actions in the past few days have made her get used to it slowly. Anyway, there are immortal emperors around. In Yingzhou City, there is no one who will be Shen Haoxuan's opponent except Fairy Yaoguang and Guhe.

Return to the inn with the changed spirit crystal again.

Today, Shen Haoxuan didn't go out again, but has been practicing all the time, and those spirit crystals that were exchanged were basically used up.

When Huo Wu walked into the room, a powerful aura burst out from the room, making Huo Wu startled.

In the room, Shen Haoxuan sat cross-legged in a formation, surrounded by spirit crystals, but those spirit crystals had lost their brilliance, and all the power in them was integrated into the formation, and finally gathered in Shen Haoxuan's body.

And that powerful aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body.

After devouring so many spirit crystals, Shen Haoxuan's strength has finally officially entered the Immortal King Realm!

After the strength breakthrough, the surrounding formations slowly dissipated, and Shen Haoxuan's tightly closed eyes also opened suddenly.

"Congratulations, your strength has entered the realm of the Immortal King!" Huo Wu stepped forward and congratulated.

Shen Haoxuan stood up, clenched his fists, felt the power surging in his body, but there was not much joy on his face.

"It's still too weak!" Shen Haoxuan finally spoke after a long while.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Huo Wu staggered. How many people want to cultivate to the Immortal King Realm, but they can't reach it in their lifetime. Now that Shen Haoxuan has reached the Immortal King Realm at a young age, he is still not satisfied?
"The wedding between Fairy Yaoguang and Gu He is about to begin!" Shen Haoxuan suddenly asked Xiang Huo Wu.

Huo Wu nodded, counting the time, there were only two days left before the wedding.

"In the past two days, many warriors from the holy realm of the gods have come, and the heads of the Xiaoyaozong and the Wuji Sword Sect, the two first-class forces, have also gathered in Yingzhou City!" Xiao Ke'er came in from the door and said in a deep voice .

In the past two days, Yingzhou City has been very lively. Whether it is from the Holy Realm of the God Realm or the Holy Son of the Emperor Realm, all gathered here. Turned into a sea of ​​red.

"From the Xiaoyao Sect and the Wuji Sword Sect?" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly.

These two immortals really plan to cooperate with those warriors from the Imperial Domain?

As a first-class force in the holy world of the gods, they should have led the warriors in the holy world of the gods to fight against these invaders, but they turned their backs first!
"Oh, by the way, Fairy Yaoguang and Gu He are having a banquet in the City Lord's Mansion tonight, do you want to go?" Xiao Ke'er asked as if thinking of something.

"Doesn't the banquet require an invitation to enter?" Huo Wu looked puzzled, it was a high-end banquet, and ordinary people could not enter it.

"This is an invitation card!" Xiao Ke'er stretched out his hand, and four invitation cards appeared in his hand.

Looking at the golden invitation card, Huo Wu looked dull, where did he get it.

"Those sons of the Emperor's Domain have never seen beautiful women. Isn't it very easy to get invitations?" Shen Haoxuan laughed and picked up the invitations on the table.

"Then tonight, let's go meet that Fluttering Fairy and Gu He for a while!"


In the evening, the four of Shen Haoxuan arrived at the City Lord's Mansion in Yingzhou City.

Before entering the City Lord's Mansion, Huo Wu grabbed Shen Haoxuan, took a deep breath and said, "After seeing Fairy Yaoguang and Gu He, you have to be mentally prepared!"

"What? I've seen all kinds of beauties before, so I won't be so fascinated by her!" Shen Haoxuan smiled lightly.

Didn't Fairy Yaoguang and Xiao Keer be at the same level?He has long been used to Xiao Ke'er's appearance, and he can figure out the general appearance of Fairy Yaoguang.

Having said that, Shen Haoxuan led the three of them and walked straight into the palace of the Lord of Yingzhou.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, Shen Haoxuan also met many acquaintances along the way, Li Xiaoyao from the Xiaoyao Sect, Jian Wushuang from the Wuji Sword Sect, etc., were all there. They chatted with the emperor's sons, and they looked very happy.

In addition, the holy sons who were robbed in the past few days were also at the banquet.

Although their faces were expressionless, the gloomy look in their eyes could not be concealed.

As the emperor's son, they were robbed by someone, and they were still in the city of Yingzhou. What's even more annoying was that they didn't know each other's identity, and they just remembered a little bit of breath. It was really annoying.

The four of Shen Haoxuan randomly found a seat and sat down, expecting the appearance of Shengzi Yaoguang and Furukawa.

After half of the banquet, there was a sudden commotion in the courtyard.

Many emperor sons at the wine table all stood up, their eyes all focused on one place.

Shen Haoxuan also stood up curiously, he also wanted to see what kind of fairy who could be at the same level as Xiao Ke'er would look like.

Beside Shen Haoxuan, Xiao Ke'er looked indifferent, drinking tea to himself, while Huo Wu covered his face, not daring to look at Shen Haoxuan's expression, it seemed that both of them had seen Fairy Yaoguang and Gu He.


In the crowd, a path suddenly diverged, and a woman in a red dress walked out slowly on lotus steps, and her appearance slowly appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

When Shen Haoxuan saw the woman, he froze in place for an instant, and the bold words he had released before suddenly turned into bubbles at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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