Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2041 Run away!

Chapter 2041 Run away!
"This Senluo Hall is a bit evil!" Furukawa said in a deep voice, looking at the several peaks deep in the Senluo Hall.

His ancient family is very strong in the imperial domain, but there are also existences that cannot be provoked. In this Senluo hall, he seems to feel a strong aura.

No, it seems to be two strands!
"Young Master Gu He, you are the pride of the Emperor's Domain. Even if there are strong men hidden in the Sen Luo Palace, how many dare not show respect to the Gu family?" Jian Fengchen smiled from the side.

"Yes, now that you are married to Fairy Yaoguang, no one dares to be disrespectful to the Gu Family and the Holy Land of Yaoguang together!" Li Qiushui echoed with a smile.

Hearing Li Qiushui and Jian Fengchen's words, Gu He took a deep breath, and his face also had a playful look.

The Gu Family and the Holy Land of Waking Light are enough to make one side of the Emperor Territory tremble, so what is he afraid of?
Thinking of this, Furukawa walked towards Senluo Hall with his head held high. He wanted to see who would dare to support Senluo Hall.

Looking at Gu He's back, Li Qiushui and Jian Fengchen were very excited. As long as Gu He stepped into the gate of Senluo Palace, they could attack and razed the entire Senluo Palace to the ground!
However, just as Furukawa was about to step into the gate of Senluo Palace, a terrifying coercion fell from the sky, making Furukawa's body tremble violently.

"Emperor prestige? No... this is divine power!" Furukawa's complexion changed greatly upon feeling the coercion.

His current strength has returned to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but in the face of this coercion, he has no room to fight back. Only the supernatural power of the gods can give him such a great sense of oppression!
The Sen Luo Temple is already close to the arrival of the strong man in the divine realm, how is this possible!

Furukawa looked terrified.

In his ancient family, there was a strong man in the divine realm who wanted to come, but he couldn't find any way. Even if he had enough grandmist stones, he didn't dare to try it casually. After all, the strong man in the divine realm was too important for a family.

When facing the seal of divine martial arts, the strong in the imperial realm, the stronger their strength, the more difficult it is to overcome. Even the strong in the divine realm, even with the protection of the grandmist stone, will definitely suffer backlash. If they are not careful, they will fall.

Therefore, unless you have a fearless spirit, you dare to cross the seal of Shenwu, otherwise, you can only wait for the seal of Shenwu to disappear.

Now in the Senluo Palace, there is a strong man in the divine realm who is not afraid of life and death and has crossed over?
"The wild boy of the Gu family, dare to be arrogant in front of me?" A voice full of arrogance came from Senluo Hall, resounding through the whole world.

Gu He and other saint sons of the imperial domain felt the whole world trembling, and their ears were like thunder, and some weak warriors were bleeding from their ears!
"No... I don't know which senior is sitting here?" Furukawa said tremblingly.

With the power of a strong man in the divine realm, he will not be weaker than his ancient family!

After Gu He finished speaking, a purple divine light burst out from the Xuanwu Peak of Senluo Hall, forming a complicated and mysterious gossip formation, and then disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the flashing purple gossip formation, Gu He shuddered all over, his face instantly turned pale, bloodless, and he knelt directly on the ground.

"Purple... Purple Cloud View!"

Not only Gu He, but also those holy sons of the imperial domain all knelt on the ground, and their clothes were instantly soaked in cold sweat.

Even after beating them to death, they didn't expect that the person sitting in the Senluo Hall was actually the Taoist priest of Ziyun Temple, the number one temple in the Emperor's Domain!

In the imperial domain, the strongest forces are the four holy mountains where the four major domain masters sit, followed by the direct affiliated forces of the holy mountains, followed by the major dynasties, followed by the ancient families and the major holy lands .

His ancient family is not qualified to contact such forces as Ziyun Temple.

Even if the Gu family had a strong man in the divine realm, they were still dying in the wind, but in Ziyun Temple, there were real strong men in the divine realm!

As for the other emperor's sons, this is even more so. The ancient family is an existence they look up to, let alone Ziyun temple!

"Even if the Patriarch of your ancient family is here today, you have to be polite. Where do you have the courage to break into my mountain gate?" Ziyun asked indifferently.

Hearing the anger in Ziyun's tone, Furukawa's heart was shocked, and he quickly said: "Senior Daoist, this junior has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, so please spare my life and give me a chance!" Furukawa responded respectfully.

The current him, where does he still have the air of before?

"Get out, let me meet again next time, even if it's an immortal from the Gu family, it won't be able to save you!" Ziyun said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the tyrannical divine power dissipated immediately.

The divine power dissipated, and Gu He scrambled back to the side of Fairy Yaoguang as if he had been pardoned.

"Quick, go, get out of here!" Furukawa said in a panic.

Even if he didn't need to remind them, those holy sons of the emperor's domain had no reason to plan to stay. In a flash, one ran faster than the other, and within a minute, all the warriors who had gathered in front of Sen Luo Hall disappeared.

This is the power of a strong man in the divine realm. It only takes one sentence to make the enemy frightened and flee.

Furukawa aggressively attacked the Senluo Temple, shaking the entire sacred realm of the gods.

When he came to the Senluo Hall, he was dismissed with a single sentence, which shocked the entire divine realm.

Sen Luodian, as a force in the sacred realm of the gods, would actually scare people from the ancient family of the emperor's domain.

What's more, in the Senluo Palace, there is actually a strong man in the divine realm, which is unexpected.

However, this play let the warriors of the God Realm and the Emperor Realm know that the Sen Luo Temple should not be provoked!
Furukawa was repulsed, and Sen Luodian regained its calm.

After another half month, Shen Haoxuan finally woke up from his cultivation state, and his aura finally broke through the Immortal Venerable Realm!

"Finally a breakthrough!" Shen Haoxuan felt the surging power in his body, and was very happy in his heart.

Immortal Venerable Realm, only when he reaches this realm, can he truly have the strength to compete with those Tianjiao of the Emperor Domain, and there is no need to borrow other people's strength!

"Huh?" After Shen Haoxuan woke up, he suddenly found that beside him, there was actually a middle-aged man in golden armor.

From the whole body of this middle-aged man, an extremely cold aura burst out. This aura is not the power of evil spirits, but the purest murderous aura!
A person who can condense murderous intent to such a degree will definitely kill countless people!

"A strong man in the divine realm?" Shen Haoxuan could still feel the divine power emanating from him.

It's just that he was a little puzzled, why did the aura of a strong man in the divine realm suddenly appear in the Senluo Palace!

Shen Haoxuan walked towards the strong man in the divine realm.

However, when Shen Haoxuan approached the golden armored middle-aged man, the middle-aged man's closed eyes suddenly opened, and a sharp killing intent came towards Shen Haoxuan...

(End of this chapter)

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