Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2054 Dongfang Gu!

Chapter 2054 Dongfang Gu!
Almost instantly, Shen Haoxuan came in front of the two of them.

An extremely fierce sword intent suddenly burst out from Shen Haoxuan's body, turned into countless vigor, and rushed straight at the two warriors from the Imperial Domain.

"Puff puff……"

Only the sound of sword energy entering the flesh sounded, and blood sprays exploded on the two of them, splashing towards the surroundings.

"This..." The two imperial warriors only felt pain all over their bodies, as if their whole bodies were about to be torn apart, the look in their eyes gradually disappeared, and the vitality in their bodies also disappeared little by little.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Shen Haoxuan's icy face, their hearts were already at the bottom of the valley.

Shen Haoxuan was not their prey, he was simply the god of death!
The two of them never imagined that Shen Haoxuan possessed such a terrifying power. Just one blow killed both of them. They didn't even see how Shen Haoxuan made the move from the beginning to the end!

The two bodies fell to the ground with a bang, and the bluestone slabs on the ground were stained blood red with blood, which looked extremely coquettish.

Shen Haoxuan withdrew his gaze indifferently, they were just two ants, not worthy of his concern, even Shen Haoxuan didn't bother to snatch the point tokens from their hands.

Looking at the two people who were dying, Xiao Ke'er shook his head, sighed softly and said: "Oh, with your meager strength, why provoke him?"

However, Xiao Ke'er has gradually gotten used to Shen Haoxuan in this furious state, and she kept telling herself in her heart that she must not provoke Shen Haoxuan to be angry in the future, otherwise, she would invite a god of death to go home!

"General Shenwei, I don't need you here anymore, I want you to do something now!" Shen Haoxuan came to General Shenwei and said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan whispered a few words to General Shenwei.

Listening to Shen Haoxuan's words, General Shenwei's expression gradually became strange.

"Are you really going to do this? Will this..." General Shenwei hesitated.

"Don't worry, I'm sure!" Shen Haoxuan showed a confident smile.

Seeing the smile on Shen Haoxuan's face, General Shenwei could only nod his head, then disappeared in place in a flash.

"What did you ask General Shenwei to do?" Seeing the mysterious look of Shen Haoxuan and the two, Xiao Ke'er couldn't help asking curiously.

"You will know this in due time, let's go, let's go hunting now!" Shen Haoxuan smiled mysteriously, and led Xiao Ke'er towards the peach blossom forest.

Heroes will be opened, and the sound of fighting can be heard everywhere in the peach blossom forest. It seems that these warriors want to win the championship, and then enter the Great Xia Dynasty or Tianyang Chamber of Commerce!
Shen Haoxuan just swaggered in the peach blossom forest.

The warriors who met Shen Haoxuan all stopped, staring at Shen Haoxuan with green eyes, that's a thousand points, even the two people who were fighting would stop and look at Shen Haoxuan.

Xiao Ke'er felt a little terrified after being topped by so many warriors.

But Shen Haoxuan was still strolling in the courtyard, without the slightest fear on his face.

"Stop, Shen Haoxuan, right?" Just as Shen Haoxuan passed by a battlefield, a cold shout stopped him directly.

Afterwards, a powerful aura erupted from behind Shen Haoxuan, and Hao Ran reached the realm of Immortal Venerable!
"Dongfanggu in the Lower Emperor's Domain invites you to fight. I don't know if you dare to fight?" A young man in a black outfit from the Emperor's Domain looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a smile.

Hearing the invitation from the young man from the imperial domain, some of the powerful men from the imperial domain were surprised.

"It turned out to be Dongfanggu! Isn't that the young master of Heimuya?"

"Damn it, let him take the lead. Shen Haoxuan has a thousand points in his hand!"

"I really hope that Shen Haoxuan won't fight. Dongfanggu's strength has reached the realm of immortals, so he can't defeat him!"

The surrounding imperial warriors whispered in low voices.

"Dongfanggu, don't you want to lose face? You have entered the Immortal Venerable Realm for ten years, and now you are challenging a warrior who has just entered the Immortal Venerable Realm?" Xiao Ke'er looked at Dongfang Gu contemptuously and said.

"Hehe, it's said in the rules that you can do anything to gain points, I just follow the rules!" Dongfang Gu smiled lightly, not feeling ashamed at all for his actions.

Xiao Ke'er wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Shen Haoxuan!

Shen Haoxuan took a step forward, looked at Dongfang Gu in front of him, and said calmly: "Tell me, how do you want to fight?"

"Anything you want, but if you lose, you have to give me all the thousand points!" Dongfang Gu said greedily.

"What if you lose?" Shen Haoxuan's expression was still indifferent.

"You only have five hundred points, if you lose, give me another arm!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Dongfang Gu was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Haha, I will lose? I'm just an inferior person in the holy world of the gods, what right do I have to lose?" Dongfang Gu smiled disdainfully.

The next moment, Dongfang Gu suddenly withdrew his smile and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan.

It seems that for those one thousand points, he really did everything he could, even using sneak attacks.

"call out!"

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and a thin long needle invisible to the naked eye pierced through the void and shot towards Shen Haoxuan's eyebrows, and behind the thin long needle was Dongfang Gu himself!

This is Heimuya's famous stunt, a sky-reaching needle, any warrior who is hit by the sky-reaching needle will lose at least half of his combat power.

Moreover, the Tongtian Needle is extremely fast, and its body is so small that it is difficult to catch it with the naked eye. In the tense battle, few people can notice the trajectory of the Tongtian Needle!

Facing Dongfang Gu's attack, Shen Haoxuan didn't move at all, just stood there straight.

"Hmph, you're dead!" Dongfanggu smiled cruelly.

The next moment, his Tongtian Needle pierced Shen Haoxuan's eyebrows, and his figure also came in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"Go to hell!" Dongfang Gu raised his fist and threw it at Shen Haoxuan's face.

Being hit by the Tongtian Needle, Shen Haoxuan lost at least half of his combat strength, and this punch was enough to smash Shen Haoxuan's head.

Seeing this scene, all the warriors around him heaved a long sigh. It seems that Shen Haoxuan is still too young. After all, he is a low-level warrior in the sacred realm of the gods. How could he be Dongfanggu's opponent?


A dull sound rang out.

The picture Dongfang Gu expected did not appear, and his sharp punch seemed to be blocked by something.

When he raised the throw, he found that Shen Haoxuan was holding his fist with one hand, without any emotion on his face.

Dongfang Gu's heavy punch was caught lightly by Shen Haoxuan just like that!

"This... how is it possible!" Dongfang Gu's complexion changed drastically, and he roared in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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