Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2057 Battle Yunfan!

Chapter 2057 Battle Yunfan!
"It turns out that it was the Great Xia Dynasty that slaughtered the descendant of the demon god!" Xiao Ke'er's eyes flashed coldness.

The Great Xia Dynasty was really cruel and ruthless. Did they slaughter the entire clan for the sake of the so-called deification of demons?


When Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er were talking, Yun Fan's huge figure took a step forward, and the whole earth seemed to viciously tremble.

"You kill yourself, you still want me to do it!" A hoarse voice sounded from Yunfan's mouth, his fierce eyes fixed on Shen Haoxuan, and the powerful aura on his body shook the surrounding peach trees!
"The Great Xia Dynasty slaughtered your lineage of demon gods, yet you still work for them?" Xiao Ke'er asked in a deep voice.

"The lineage of the demon god has nothing to do with me, my life was given by His Highness the Third Prince!" Yun Fan glanced at Xiao Ke'er, and said coldly.

In Yun Fan's eyes, Xiao Ke'er could not see the slightest emotion, as if he really had nothing to do with the Demon God.

"Aren't you from the lineage of the Demon God?" Xiao Ke'er stared at Yun Fan for a while, then suddenly came to her senses.

Yun Fan is not from the lineage of the Demon God, but a dead man created by Xia Yuan by using Demon God transformation!

"You know too much!" Yun Fan snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

With a thought, a long black stick appeared in his hand, Yun Fan stood there holding the long stick, a strong coercion burst out from his body.

"Ke'er, back off!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, and immediately, endless sword intent surged out of his body, and finally a divine sword was condensed in his hand!
The divine sword appeared, and waves of shocking sword intent crazily swept towards the surroundings, cutting off all the falling peach blossoms in the sky!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan entering the fighting state, Xiao Ke'er stopped talking, and withdrew to the side in a flash.

In the open space, only the sword-like Shen Haoxuan and the fierce golden-armored demon god Yunfan were left!
The powerful aura here also attracted many warriors to watch, but they only dared to hide in the distance and did not dare to come forward at all.

The sharp sword intent collided with the monstrous evil spirit, distorting the space.

The collision between the two was so fierce that the experts from all sides watching the battle held their breaths.

Everyone was waiting intently, not daring to breathe loudly, for fear of destroying the intense atmosphere.

Even this world fell into dead silence at this moment!
A faint majesty swept across the void, but it was this subtle sound, as if it was a drum that suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

In an instant, the two figures who were facing each other across a long distance moved at the same time!


Two roars sounded from behind Shen Haoxuan and Yun Fan, and the two turned into two beams of light, colliding together instantly.

Shen Haoxuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and fierce sword intent was flying around him. Where the sword shadow passed, the ground burst, and thick sword scars appeared on the surrounding peach trees. The air in front of him was even more so. was cut mercilessly.

On the other side, Yunfan's movements were more violent, his feet kicked the ground suddenly.

Under Yunfan's huge figure, the ground that was already full of potholes burst open immediately, and countless dust and gravel splashed wildly towards the surroundings.

The pitch-black iron rod in Yunfan's hand had already been infused with the power of the demon god at this moment, and a dazzling golden light burst out, and even the space was distorted when he waved it. ,

The divine sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand was also lifted up, and the power of his whole body pierced out along his arm. In his dantian, the sword-shaped fruit on the tree of the world was also trembling crazily, dispelling all the mighty energy. All poured into the Excalibur.

"The first form of Benlei swordsmanship, a sword of Thunder!"

Shen Haoxuan shouted loudly, and countless bright thunder lights suddenly lit up on the divine sword in his hand, and the spiritual power in the entire world became violent at this moment.

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan mercilessly slashed the sword at Yunfan, where the sword shadow passed, the ground below exploded instantly, and the sky seemed to have a hissing sound, as if under the sword, trembling!
Benlei swordsmanship is a kind of immortal emperor's martial art that Shen Haoxuan has learned in the Wordless Book of Heaven. With the sharpness of the sword and the domineering power of thunder, wherever it passes, it is unstoppable!

And the moment Shen Haoxuan shot, a bloodthirsty smile flashed across Yun Fan's face.

"Sky-breaking Azure Dragon Stick!"

Yun Fan let out a low growl, and she swung the golden long stick ready to go in his hand. In an instant, his whole body size skyrocketed again, turning into a small mountain. The phantom of the green dragon surrounded him, faintly, containing enormous power!
The two fought fiercely, and they didn't hold back at the beginning!
As soon as he made a move, he took out his strongest combat power and the strongest hole card!

No one dares to take this kind of battle lightly!
Under the watchful eyes of many strong men, they got the destructive sword shadow and this huge long stick surrounding the green dragon, and they collided head-on.

This is completely head-to-head, head-on confrontation, without the slightest backing down!
A loud bang sounded, and the terrifying roar shook the sky. Those strong men watching the battle couldn't help but uttered a low cry, and hurriedly retreated backwards!

The moment they retreated, an earth-shattering power erupted from the center of the two of them, swallowing up everything within a radius of ten miles around them in almost an instant, those peach trees instantly turned into flies gray!
From this, it can be seen how terrifying the collision between the two was!

Bang bang bang!
There was a continuous explosion, and the two people who were at the center of the explosion shot out at the same time, and both of them were blown away by that huge force!

The feet of the two of them wiped out a long gully on the ground, and they stopped after hundreds of meters.

The moment the figure just stabilized, the two rushed out again, and the same was true for Yunfan. The huge figure did not slow down his speed at all, but gave him a greater impact!
Almost instantly, the two collided again.

There was another loud bang, and the place where the two confronted each other, the space couldn't help but tremble!
Shen Haoxuan's face was stern, this was the first time he became serious after entering the peach blossom forest, the thunder light sword in his hand was like a poisonous snake, piercing out like lightning, pointing directly at Yunfan's throat.

And the golden long stick in Yunfan's hand swung airtightly, completely resisting the long sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand.

Even if some thunder light broke through the defense, but the bombardment on the golden battle armor on Yunfan's body has no power at all!

For a while, the two unexpectedly came to a stalemate, regardless of the outcome!
The warriors watching this scene couldn't help but gasp. Are these two monsters?Is this still a battle in the realm of Immortal Venerable?
(End of this chapter)

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