Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2064 Prepared!

Chapter 2064 Prepared!

"It's thundering?"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the dark clouds in the sky, frowning tightly.

When did so many thunderclouds gather in the sky?Didn't the violent power just now consume all the spiritual power in the entire world?
How much spiritual power would it take to gather such a large thundercloud?
"Is there another person under the thundercloud?!" A sharp-eyed martial artist shouted.

Everyone looked up, and they saw a strong man in armor under the thunder cloud. The aura emanating from him far surpassed Xia Yuan's!
This turned out to be a strong man in the realm of God!
And this strong man in the divine realm is none other than Zhang Wei, the Shenwei general who was separated from Shen Haoxuan before!

"I'm sorry, the law of thunder is not something I'm good at, so I wasted some time. The power of thunder is enough!" General Shenwei pointed to the huge thunder cloud above his head, and said to Shen Haoxuan.

"If you were a little later, these thunder clouds would be useless!" Shen Haoxuan coughed a few times and said weakly.

"Then I'll leave it to you!" General Shenwei said lightly, and then came to Xiao Ke'er's side in a flash.

Listening to the conversation between Shen Haoxuan and General Shenwei, all the warriors around were stunned. This huge thundercloud was prepared by General Shenwei for Shen Haoxuan?
What on earth does this mean?

Just when everyone was puzzled, a thunder sounded, and a bright thunder appeared in the sky, striking towards Shen Haoxuan like lightning!
Sensing the rolling thunder power, Xia Yuan's expression froze, and he quickly avoided it!

The thunder light struck directly between Shen Haoxuan's eyebrows, and the faintly shining dragon's scales shone brightly at this moment. Shen Haoxuan's originally pale face now regained his vitality, and the aura in his body became strong again!


Feeling the aura emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body, the expressions of the warriors around him changed drastically.

Under the power of thunder, Shen Haoxuan recovered from his injuries so quickly?

Xia Yuan also froze in place, how is this possible, even if it is a panacea, it is impossible to have such a quick effect!
Is this guy a monster?Dare to devour the power of thunder?
However, he didn't know that the power of thunder passed through the Nilin of the Dragon Clan and turned into the purest energy of heaven and earth, poured into Shen Haoxuan's dantian, finally gathered on the tree of the world, and fed back to Shen Haoxuan!

The thunder fruit on the World Tree also trembled slightly at this moment, continuously supplying energy to Shen Haoxuan!
This is the task Shen Haoxuan gave General Shenwei before challenging Xia Yuan!

He knew that Xia Yuan was in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, and that Xia Yuan was the third prince of the Great Xia Dynasty. He definitely had more than one hole card in his body. It would not be so easy to completely defeat him!

Therefore, Shen Haoxuan asked General Shenwei to prepare such a huge thundercloud for him, which contained the purest thunder power, which could continuously provide him with combat power!
If General Shenwei had come to the battlefield earlier, Xia Yuan would be lying on the ground now!
Unexpectedly, General Shenwei was not good at controlling the laws of thunder, so he went out to sea and brought back a huge storm thundercloud for Shen Haoxuan.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, and Shen Haoxuan came back with his life saved!

The body gradually recovered its strength, Shen Haoxuan also jumped out from the cliff, came under the thunder cloud, frantically absorbing the power in the thunder cloud!
"We can't let him go on!" Xia Yuan's expression was gloomy, the tyrannical spiritual power gathered in his hands, and he shot towards Shen Haoxuan.

However, before his strength touched Shen Haoxuan, he was scattered by the surrounding thunder force!

If Xia Yuan was still at the peak, he might still be able to threaten Shen Haoxuan, but now Xia Yuan is seriously injured, and his strength is not half of what he was before!
"Damn it!" Xia Yuan's face was gloomy, and he never thought that Shen Haoxuan would still keep this hand!
In mid-air, Shen Haoxuan's body was flickering with thunder, it looked like the god of thunder came into the world, lightning bolts fell from the sky continuously, leaving deep pits one after another on the ground!

The scene in front of him was like the end of the world, the entire Peach Blossom Island was shrouded in thunder!
Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, and two rays of light burst out.

Staring indifferently at Xia Yuan below, the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a sneer.

Now, the battle situation has been reversed, and Shen Haoxuan, who has the power of thunder, has regained the initiative.

"Shen Haoxuan, if you hadn't asked for help, you would have been a corpse by now!" Xia Yuan said with a gloomy expression!

"You are fighting me at the level of the Immortal Emperor! And you have found so many strong people to test my details, even you know how to use others, why can't I?" Shen Haoxuan said indifferently.

At the same time, the power of thunder behind him began to condense, and a huge thunder unicorn slowly appeared in the thunder cloud.

Seeing that thunder unicorn, Xia Yuan's pupils shrank. In his current state, if he was hit by this thunder unicorn, his fate would be very miserable!
"General Chen!" Xia Yuan roared.

At this time, he didn't care about face anymore, if Chen Guang was not allowed to come out, his situation would be in danger!
However, General Shenwei had been prepared for a long time. With a flash of his figure, he directly stopped in front of Chen Guang.

"It's best not to intervene in the battle between young people!" General Shenwei said lightly.

Facing General Shenwei, Chen Guang's face became gloomy. He wanted to save Xia Yuan, but General Shenwei's strength was higher than his. For a while, he couldn't break through General Shenwei's peace of mind!

The thunder unicorn became more and more solid, until finally it looked like a real unicorn.

Shen Haoxuan raised his hand and waved it down at Xia Yuan indifferently, the Thunder Qilin behind him screamed and rushed out!

The violent thunder force overflowed, and a look of madness flashed in Xia Yuan's eyes, and the blood of the demon god in his body burned away, forming a huge protective shield.

The next moment, Thunder Qilin swallowed Xia Yuan directly, and even swallowed the entire Peach Blossom Island!
"Boom boom boom!"

The violent thunder force continuously exploded, and the Peach Blossom Island that was still left was destroyed bit by bit. In the end, there was no place to stay!

"What a terrifying power!" Seeing this scene, the hearts of all the martial artists watching the battle trembled.

This power seems to be no weaker than the Buddha Fury Lotus released by Shen Haoxuan just now!

"Where's Xia Yuan? He won't be killed!"

The faces of those warriors from the Imperial Domain were ugly. If the third prince from the Imperial Domain was defeated by Shen Haoxuan, then the Imperial Domain's face would be greatly lost!
Because this battle is not just a battle between Shen Haoxuan and Xia Yuan, it is also a battle between God's Domain and Emperor's Domain!
(End of this chapter)

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