Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2161 The Land of Inheritance Opens!

Chapter 2161 The Land of Inheritance Opens!
"Mister Twelve!"

After the three of Shen Haoxuan appeared, there was a burst of exclamation from around.

They are plotting against Shen Haoxuan, and now the real master has appeared!

The crowd consciously parted ways, and the three of Shen Haoxuan came in front of the two brothers Xia He.

"Two princes, tell me about it? I'm curious, how did you get those four keys?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Xia He in front of him with a smile, with a sneer on his face.

Seeing the appearance of the three of Shen Haoxuan, Xia He also had a grim smile on his face.

"It's true that there is a way to heaven, you are not here, and there is no way to hell, you just come to vote!" Xia He sneered.

Just as he wanted Shen Haoxuan's life, these three people were sent here!

"Prince Xia, didn't you say that as long as this group of people kill me, you will take them to get the other four keys? I want to see if you are lying!" laugh.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the group of warriors around turned their gazes to Xia He and the two, their eyes full of doubt and curiosity.

Faced with Shen Haoxuan's questioning, Xia He and his two remained unchanged, and said loudly: "I can get the key to the Golden World, so naturally I have the ability to get the other four too!"

"As long as you kill Shen Haoxuan, we will give you the other four keys!" Xia Yuyin looked at Shen Haoxuan with a smile.

However, no one has done anything at this moment, the less Xia He and the other two say a solution, the more suspicious everyone will be!
The three of Shen Haoxuan still looked at the two of Xia He with a smile.

Yang Jiaerlang was even holding back his laughter at this moment, the remaining four keys are all in the hands of Shen Haoxuan, what are these two people still guaranteeing here?
"Give it with both hands?" Shen Haoxuan smiled dumbly, then stretched out his hand, and four keys of different colors appeared in his hand.

"You said, but these four?"


Seeing the four keys, there was another burst of shouts in the arena. The four keys, together with the five monsters in the hands of the two Xia He brothers, which opened the inheritance land, are all collected!

Xia He and the two were taken aback for a moment, and then their faces became gloomy in an instant!
The three of Shen Haoxuan actually got the other four keys, but they only got one.

"Everyone, if you take action and kill these two people, I will offer these four keys with both hands!" Shen Haoxuan said loudly.

As soon as this sentence came out, the audience instantly fell silent.

This is Shen Haoxuan, using his own way to treat his own body?
However, behind Xia He and Xia Yu is the Great Xia Dynasty, which is no less powerful than Ziyun Temple, so how dare they make a move?

For a moment, the entire space became deathly silent.

Both Shen Haoxuan and Xia He were deadlocked in place.

Xia He held a key in his hand, and Shen Haoxuan held the remaining four keys in his hand, both wanted the other's life.

But behind both sides, there is a colossus, no one can afford to offend!
"Why don't you join hands and open the land of inheritance together?" Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, an old voice came faintly.

As soon as the voice fell, a few figures came out from the space, they were those god-level powerhouses who entered the True Dragon Trace!
Among them, there are many hidden old monsters!
As soon as these people appeared, the surrounding coercion doubled immediately.

Both Shen Haoxuan and Xia He also held the keys in their hands tightly. Among these hidden old monsters, how many of them are deadly enemies of Ziyun Temple and Daxia Dynasty!

A few hidden old monsters stood up in the sky, and Shen Haoxuan and Xia He's whole bodies tensed up.

"You two, let's open the place of inheritance!" A stooped old man walked slowly in front of Shen Haoxuan and Xia He.

"It's Old Man Vulture!" The warriors around whispered, this is a super strong man who has long been famous.

Now, the strength is estimated to have reached the realm of a god emperor!

Shen Haoxuan and Xia He narrowed their eyes slightly, but this old vulture has no grudges against Ziyun Temple and Daxia Dynasty.

The two looked at each other, and finally nodded.

Old Man Vulture's suggestion touched the hearts of the two of them.

Of the five keys, Shen Haoxuan got four, Xia He got one, and the two of them would definitely not be willing to hand over the keys in their hands!

Moreover, it is unrealistic to want to kill the other party. As the favored child of the two great powers, if you want to decide whether to win or lose, it will definitely be a situation where both sides will suffer, and it will be cheaper for others.

The appearance of this group of old monsters happened to give the two of them a step down!

Shen Haoxuan and Xia He took out the key.

The five keys collided together, making the whole Dragon Trace tremble.

In the next moment, the five worlds began to become distorted, frantically merging together!
The huge movement made the warriors present feel terrified, as if they were going to be swallowed by this distorted world!
There was a deafening roar, and five huge statues appeared in everyone's sight.

The five god statues, like the giant pillars of the sky, poured down endless terrifying divine power, making everyone's hearts tremble fiercely!
These five statues are the statues of the five great holy masters back then!
This place of inheritance turned out to be the statues of the five great holy masters!
The five keys flew into the statues of the five holy masters.

"Hurry up!" Seeing the five keys flying into the statues of the five holy masters, some warriors couldn't hold back, and rushed out directly, chasing after them.

In the end, the bodies of these warriors were all submerged in the statues of the five holy masters.

"Whoever wants to get the inheritance, enter the statue of the holy master!" A hidden old monster shouted in a low voice, and then rushed out with a flash.

Many warriors have already left in advance. In their eyes, the strength of the five holy masters is the strongest, and there is no need to choose.

But for Shen Haoxuan and others, it was different.

Shen Haoxuan is from the Eastern Region, so naturally the first choice is Lord Xiao!
Lord Xiao also had the most choices.

Shen Haoxuan has fallen behind other warriors!

Shen Haoxuan leaped, and directly submerged into Lord Xiao's statue.

After he entered the statue, he was in a daze. There seemed to be a small world in the statue!

On the cloud-shrouded mountain, a middle-aged man with a resolute face was sitting under an old tree, looking at Shen Haoxuan with a smile.

As if he had noticed the gaze of the middle-aged man, Shen Haoxuan slowly came under the ancient tree.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, a look of shock flashed across Shen Haoxuan's face.

"This... this is exactly the same as Lord Xiao's statue!" Shen Haoxuan muttered in his heart.

"Sit down, your guess is right!" Just as Shen Haoxuan was guessing in his mind, the middle-aged man smiled and said.

His voice was not loud, but it rang in Shen Haoxuan's ears like thunder.

" are Lord Xiao?"

Shen Haoxuan opened his mouth wide and couldn't help screaming...

(End of this chapter)

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