Chaos hegemony

Chapter 221 The Adventure Begins!

Chapter 221 The Adventure Begins!
"Huh..." Everyone disappeared behind the pitch-black space gate. Both Mo Lao and Qin Lao took a deep breath, and their faces turned a little pale. Come on, open the secret realm of the sect, and the two old men with unfathomable strength Speaking of it, the consumption is also huge!
"It's another group, I don't know which kid will be able to become a blockbuster this time!" Elder Qin said with a sigh as he looked at the stone wall that was slowly returning to calm.

"Haha, I'm very optimistic about that kid with the Fire Spirit Obsidian!" Mo Lao said with a big laugh.

"Oh, do you think he can really get the Fire Spirit Orb in the secret realm? Not everyone can enter that place!" Elder Qin asked with narrowed eyes.

"Why, don't you believe me? Why don't we make a bet!" Mo Lao looked at Qin Lao with a treacherous smile on his lips.

"Okay, tell me, what are you betting on?" Old Qin said unconvinced. He knew how terrifying the place where the Fire Lingzhu was. Although Shen Haoxuan did have some talent, but with his strength, he was still far behind. !
"How about betting on that century-old bottle of wine that you keep in your collection?" Mr. Mo said with a big laugh.

"No problem, what if you lose?" Elder Qin asked.

Hearing this, Mr. Mo did smile lightly, and then said: "I won't lose, if you don't believe me, just wait and see!" After finishing speaking, Mr. Mo cast his eyes on the stone wall again, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth. Elder Qin looked confused.



After stepping into the pitch-black gate, Shen Haoxuan felt a sense of dizziness in his mind, his eyes went dark, and he couldn't see anything.

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan felt a sense of weightlessness, and suddenly opened his closed eyes. When he saw his situation, he broke out in a cold sweat!

Shen Haoxuan was now in the sky hundreds of feet high, shoulder to shoulder with the white clouds in the sky!Feeling the cold wind blowing, Shen Haoxuan only had time to give a wry smile, and then his body fell like a kite with a broken string!

"Damn, are you playing with me?" A roar came from mid-air, resounding through the sky!

With such a high distance, if Shen Haoxuan falls, even if his physique is strong, he will probably fall to pieces!At that moment, Shen Haoxuan secretly scolded this unreliable teleportation array in his heart, this is simply cheating!

Immediately, the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body surged, he stretched out his palm, and slapped down fiercely!

There was a deafening sonic boom, and under Shen Haoxuan's palm, a mass of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye blasted out, and the powerful thrust slowed down Shen Haoxuan's descent.There is no way, Lingxu stepping into the air can only be done by warriors who have reached the Linghuang rank, Shen Haoxuan can only rely on a stupid method to slow down his speed, so as not to be thrown to death!

"Boom boom boom!"

In the sky, bursts of bangs came continuously, and Shen Haoxuan's falling speed gradually slowed down. When he was tens of meters away from the ground, phantoms under his feet flashed. To the ground, a burst of smoke and dust was splashed!
However, Shen Haoxuan who had just landed was not yet relieved, a sense of crisis came, and Shen Haoxuan's body instinctively leaned back. The next moment, a khaki sharp arrow flew past the tip of Shen Haoxuan's nose, and the sharp wind blew Shen Haoxuan's cheeks hurt!


Shen Haoxuan, who was leaning back, slapped the ground with one hand, and suddenly jumped into the air with that reverse thrust. At this time, he also looked to clean up the things that attacked him.It was a khaki calligraphy, because it was in the same color as the surrounding environment, Shen Haoxuan didn't notice it before.

The khaki-colored scorpion saw that he had missed a hit, and the tail of the scorpion turned into an afterimage again, stabbing at Shen Haoxuan who was in mid-air!

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the scorpion tail directly penetrated Shen Haoxuan's body, however, what it pierced was nothing but an afterimage!

"If you dare to attack your young master, I will die!"

A shout sounded, Shen Haoxuan's figure suddenly appeared above the scorpion, Huo Ling Hei Yao instantly wrapped his fist, and ruthlessly smashed down the scorpion's back!


The huge force directly smashed the scorpion into the ground, and the terrifying energy penetrated through, cracking the ground inch by inch, and a burst of smoke and dust was stirred up and scattered around!

A shrill roar came out of the scorpion's mouth, and then it jumped twice before dissipating into little streams of light. Finally, it condensed into a round translucent bead, floating in front of Shen Haoxuan.


Seeing the floating bead, Shen Haoxuan grabbed it.

"Could this be the source beast and source pill in the secret realm of the sect?" Shen Haoxuan began to research, and found that this is indeed another energy different from the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

"It's just that this energy is too small!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help muttering as he looked at the bead that was only the size of a fingernail.

"Just be content!" Suddenly, Yan Lao's illusory figure appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, and said with a blank look at him.The strength of this source beast is at most equivalent to that of a spirit disciple of the seventh or eighth order, so the energy contained in it is relatively small. If you encounter a powerful source beast, let alone get the source pill, it will be good if you can save your life up!

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also smiled awkwardly, and then put away the source pill. Although the energy contained in it is very little, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, so it cannot be wasted!

After putting away the source pill, Shen Haoxuan had time to take a good look at this sect's secret realm.

Surrounded by a yellow sand area, the breeze blows and the sand waves surge.Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Haoxuan realized that when the teleporters started, they were teleported randomly, but Shen Haoxuan's luck was a little bit bad, and he was teleported into mid-air...

After taking two steps forward, Shen Haoxuan stretched out his palm, stroked the air, and murmured: "The energy here is really chaotic, the attributes of the five elements are all mixed together, ordinary warriors can't absorb it at all!"

"Well, indeed, this place should also be a battlefield in ancient times, which caused the spiritual power of the world to become chaotic. It is estimated that the source beast was also produced under such circumstances! But this is indeed a good thing for you, Chaos Divine Body It was originally born in response to the Five Elements, and if you cultivate here, you will probably improve a lot faster than the outside world!" Yan Lao said with a chuckle.

"Hey!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan licked his lips, and clenched the palm that was moving in the air, a wave of warm energy poured into his body, and after circling the route of Chaos Batian Jue for a week, it poured into the Within the spirit crystal in the dantian.

"This energy is more pure than the spiritual power from the outside world!" Shen Haoxuan said in surprise when he saw the shining spirit crystal.

"Of course, the energy here is left over from the ancient times, so it is naturally much purer than the outside world! Moreover, this place is only the periphery, and the energy in the center of this secret realm may be even greater!" Yan Lao looked at the secret realm In the depths, murmured.

"Oh?" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's expression brightened, and he was also full of curiosity about the depths of the secret realm.

"But before that, let's find out Long Mo and the others first!" Shen Haoxuan murmured, he was not familiar with this secret realm of the sect at all, anyway, Long Mo and the others came in once, maybe they know more!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan found a direction and plunged into the secret realm of the sect...

(End of this chapter)

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