Chaos hegemony

Chapter 231 Fire Spirit Orb!

Chapter 231 Fire Spirit Orb!
The pitch-black beads floated in the center of the hall, and the surrounding black flames sang and bowed like courtiers, even the Fire Spirit Obsidian was no exception.

"Old Yan? Is this the Fire Spirit Bead?" Shen Haoxuan asked in his heart as he looked at the pitch-black bead.Yan Lao is the previous owner of Huoling Obsidian, so he should be familiar with Huolingzhu!

However, no matter how Shen Haoxuan called, he couldn't get any answer from Yanlao. Not only that, he couldn't even feel the breath of Long Mao, as if the two had never appeared in the world.

"En?" Shen Haoxuan wondered in his heart, why did Yanlao and Changmao suddenly disappear?

"Haha, yes, you were able to break through my illusion, boy, you are No.1!" Just when Shen Haoxuan was puzzled, a loud laugh sounded from the palace, and the bold and unrestrained voice kept echoing in Shen Haoxuan's ears.

"Who? Who's there?" The sudden voice shocked Shen Haoxuan, the hairs all over his body stood on end, there was someone else here besides him!
"Haha, who am I? I'm the Fire Spirit Orb you've been looking for!" The voice sounded again.

"Fire Lingzhu!" Shen Haoxuan was taken aback, looking at the pitch-black bead in front of him in disbelief.

The Fire Spirit Orb, which was originally quiet, began to tremble at this moment, and then several black flames floated out, slowly condensing into an old figure.

Looking at the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Shen Haoxuan's face was dull, and he kept roaring in his heart: "Fire Lingzhu, actually has its own spiritual wisdom, and can also be condensed into shape!"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's shocked gaze, the old man smiled lightly and said, "Why, are you surprised? Everything has a spirit, not to mention that the spirit of heaven and earth like Huoling Heiyao, it is only reasonable to condense spiritual wisdom .”

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was relieved.Fire Spirit Obsidian has been condensed for millions of years since its birth. Even if it is counted, it is estimated that it will have its own spiritual wisdom millions of years ago, let alone the spirit of heaven and earth.

"This old man is Hei Yao! It's also the Fire Spirit Orb you've been looking for!" The old man looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan looked at Hei Yao vigilantly, stepped back, and distanced himself from him.

"The illusion...?" Shen Haoxuan asked with a frown.

"That's right, I set up the stone statue sword array and the psychedelic illusion array on the square, it's a test for you!" Hei Yao looked at Shen Haoxuan and said.Then, he made a move with one hand, and the fire spirit surrounding Huo Lingzhu flew to his palm, wrapped around Hei Yao's fingers like a small snake, and rubbed against his palm affectionately.

"However, I'm surprised that you broke through in such a short period of time and brought Huo Ling here. It's been a long time since I've seen him!" Hei Yao looked at Huo Ling in his hand like a benevolent The old grandfather looks at his grandson like.

"Test?" Shen Haoxuan was speechless for a while, this test almost killed him.Seeing the obedient fire spirit in Hei Yao's hands again, Shen Haoxuan was also speechless for a while, since the appearance of the fire spirit orb, this fire spirit has been directing by himself, it seems that the tacit understanding established before has all been broken at this moment.

"But you still haven't met my requirements, I'm afraid I can't give you the Fire Spirit!" Hei Yao looked at the Fire Spirit in his hand and said lightly.

"What!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's face immediately darkened. Hei Yao meant that he was going to take back the fire spirit?He was transformed by Huo Ling's will, if he wanted to take back Huo Ling, everything Shen Haoxuan had done before would be in vain!
"Don't be nervous. For the sake of bringing the Fire Spirit here, I will give you another chance. If you grasp it, I will return you a complete Fire Spirit. If you still fail to meet my requirements, then I can only say sorry to you, Huoling, I want to take it back!" Hei Yao looked at Shen Haoxuan and said.

"What if I say no?" Shen Haoxuan replied coldly.

"You don't have a choice, how about, agree or not?" Hei Yao asked softly, playing with the Fire Spirit in his hand.

Looking at the casual Hei Yao, Shen Haoxuan frowned, he did not doubt what Hei Yao said, if he refused, he would probably cut off the connection between Huo Ling and himself.

"Okay, I accept!" In the end, Shen Haoxuan could only respond, he must get the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian, no matter what the price is!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan accepting the challenge, Hei Yao laughed and said, "Okay, be courageous! In fact, my final test is also very simple. It's just a multiple-choice question. It couldn't be easier for you!"


Hei Yao clapped his palms twice, and black flames rose not far away, illuminating several thick pillars.

Shen Haoxuan looked over, his face darkened immediately, at this moment, on the pillar, the ropes turned into black flames were tying Yanlao and Long Mao to it.


Just as Shen Haoxuan was about to step forward to rescue him, two black flame ropes stretched out suddenly, wrapped around his limbs, and fixed him in place!
"Young man, don't be impatient, it's not too late to start after hearing my test!" Hei Yao chuckled, then floated in front of Shen Haoxuan, looking at the two people tied to the pillar, his face turned cold: "My The test is very simple, it is for you to choose the same between the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian and these two soul bodies! If you choose those two soul bodies, then Fire Spirit Obsidian will never be with you again, and you will never Imagine! If you choose the Fire Spirit Obsidian, then the two soul bodies will disappear with a bang, but you can get the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian, and from then on you can control the power of the fire element in the world. How about it? This choice is easy for you!"

After Hei Yao finished speaking, he looked at Shen Haoxuan with great interest, waiting for his answer.

However, Shen Haoxuan stared at Hei Yao coldly, his eyes full of unkindness.

"Why, is it difficult to make a choice? Don't forget the purpose of your coming here. If I cut off your connection with the Fire Spirit, then you will never get Fire Spirit Obsidian in your life! Moreover, you But you have a chaotic divine body, you know the conditions for awakening it. If you lose the fire spirit obsidian, your divine body will always be incomplete! Besides, these two people are just two soul bodies. It doesn't help you much, Fire Spirit Obsidian is your best choice!" Hei Yao looked at Shen Haoxuan and bewitched.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan fell into silence.That's right, what Hei Yao said is right, the Fire Spirit Hei Yao is absolutely indispensable to me, if I want to rescue my mother and take Ling Xuan away from the Ji family, I must get the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who fell into silence, a sneer appeared on the corner of Hei Yao's mouth, and then he said coldly: "How about it, have you made a choice?"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan raised his head, looked at Hei Yao indifferently, and nodded.

"My choice is..."

(End of this chapter)

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