Chaos hegemony

Chapter 233 Fusion of Fire Spirit Orbs!

Chapter 233 Fusion of Fire Spirit Orbs!
Chapter 233: Fusion Fire Spirit Orb!
"Hei old man, I just said that Haoxuan will definitely surprise you, how about it, am I right!" Boss Yan laughed.

Hearing this, Hei Yao looked at Shen Haoxuan with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Old man Huo, you have found a good disciple!" Hei Yao sighed, and then made a move with one hand, and the jet-black fire spirit bead slowly floated over and floated in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"Don't blame me for testing you many times. The Fire Spirit Obsidian is the spirit of heaven and earth, and the energy it contains is of great importance. If someone with a wicked mind gets it, it will be a disaster for the creatures in the world! Consciousness, naturally has to guard for its master.

But you did surprise me and comfort me.I have seen many geniuses, in order to gain power, they can use any means, even betray their own relatives, such warriors are just puppets of power!But you are different. You have ambitions and your own principles. As you said, only the strong can dominate power, while the weak can only be dominated by power!You are undoubtedly the most suitable owner of the Fire Spirit Obsidian. Now, the Fire Spirit Orb belongs to you! "Hei Yao smiled, looked at Shen Haoxuan in front of him and said.

"Mine?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the pitch-black bead in front of him in disbelief, and said in a trembling voice.

On the side, Old Yan also looked at Shen Haoxuan with satisfaction, and nodded in satisfaction.Then he jokingly said, "Why, don't you want it?"

"No, no, no! It's just that happiness came too suddenly!" Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand with excitement, and took the fire spirit bead.

As soon as the Fire Spirit Orb was in hand, a feeling of coolness instantly spread throughout the body. It was hard to imagine that the Fire Spirit Orb, which gave birth to the Fire Spirit Obsidian, would be so cold, like a piece of Hetian jade, completely different from the violent Fire Spirit Obsidian. on the contrary.

After the Fire Spirit Bead fell into Shen Haoxuan's hands, the Fire Spirit Obsidian also returned to Shen Haoxuan's side again, and after circling him for two weeks, it turned into a black streamer and rushed into the Fire Spirit Bead.


The moment Fire Spirit Obsidian rushed into the Fire Spirit Orb, a black flame rose from the surface of the Fire Spirit Orb, and then, under Shen Haoxuan's shocked gaze, slowly floated into the midair.


When the fire spirit orb flew to the top of the main hall, a terrifying breath erupted from the fire spirit orb, the surrounding space began to tremble, and the mixed energy began to churn, and the fire attribute energy was stripped out, slowly Condensed into a crimson flame dragon.


The crimson flame dragon let out a roar, then took off, and began to circle around the hall. The bright flames illuminated the entire hall as if it were daytime.


As if summoned by the crimson flame dragon, the Fire Spirit Orb trembled, and a black flame dragon suddenly flew out of the walnut-sized Fire Spirit Orb and greeted it.

In the main hall, Shen Haoxuan raised his head and looked in shock at the two flame dragons intertwined in the sky above the main hall, one black and one red, very spectacular!Moreover, following the appearance of the flame dragon in the past two days, a storm of energy was set off in the hall, which made the robes on Shen Haoxuan's body rattle.


Two dragon chants sounded, and the originally entangled flame dragon turned away. When it was about to fly out of the hall, it suddenly turned around. Under Shen Haoxuan's shocked gaze, it rushed towards the fire spirit orb in the center of the hall like lightning. And go!


With a loud bang, two flame dragons, one black and one red, carrying a fire storm, slammed into the fire spirit bead fiercely, and then melted into the fire spirit bead.And with the integration of the two long dragons, the Fire Spirit Orb began to tremble non-stop, and at the same time, a terrifying power of heaven and earth emanated from the Fire Spirit Orb, which shocked Shen Haoxuan's mind.


After a while, the two flame dragons finally completely merged into the Fire Spirit Orb, and the power of heaven and earth emanating from the Fire Spirit Orb also began to subside, and finally, it turned into an ordinary pitch-black bead that landed on Shen Haoxuan's body. hands.

"This is the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian!" Seeing the inexplicable Fire Spirit Orb in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Hei Yao said softly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, he finally got the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian!

"Now you can fuse it!" Hei Yao looked at the Fire Spirit Orb and said with some reluctance.The Fire Lingzhu is his sustenance, he has guarded it for millions of years, every parting is sad, but looking at Shen Haoxuan, Hei Yao felt a sense of relief in his heart.

For millions of years, there have been countless genius disciples who wanted to merge with Fire Spirit Black Yao. The only one who satisfied Black Yao was Shen Haoxuan in front of him. He wanted to see how powerful the Fire Spirit Obsidian would be on this young man, and he also wanted to see what the awakened Chaos Divine Body would look like.

"Fusion? How to do it?" Shen Haoxuan asked, looking at the round Fire Lingzhu in front of him.

"How did you fuse the Fire Spirit Obsidian back then, now do it!" Black Obsidian explained.

"Don't you need to prepare anything?" Shen Haoxuan asked. He had prepared a lot of things for the fusion of the Fire Spirit Obsidian. Gotta get something ready.

"No, you have already refined the Fire Spirit Obsidian before, but now it's just to strengthen it, it's only good for you, not bad!" Old Yan said with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan understood, then looked at the Fire Spirit Orb in the same hand, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

After the entrance of the Fire Lingzhu, it turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into Shen Haoxuan's body.Because of refining the Fire Spirit Obsidian before, the Fire Spirit Orb came to Shen Haoxuan's dantian with ease at this moment.

When the Huo Lingzhu came to the dantian, it began to become restless. It kept wandering around the spirit crystal in Shen Haoxuan's dantian, and bumped into it from time to time. A crisp sound came out from Shen Haoxuan's dantian. Shen Haoxuan looked at it. Terrified.

That is my spirit crystal, if it is smashed by the fire spirit orb, my cultivation base will be crippled with a single sound!

Fortunately, the Fire Spirit Orb only bumped twice symbolically, and then lightly touched the spirit crystal, and a trace of flame gushed out to envelop it.


Shen Haoxuan snorted softly. After the spirit crystal was wrapped by the fire spirit beads, it began to be burned crazily. The originally peaceful spirit crystal became boiling at this moment, and the faint spiritual power was evaporated. Soon, the entire dantian of Shen Haoxuan Just dissatisfied with the spiritual mist!
Strange to say, Shen Haoxuan not only didn't feel the slightest pain when the spirit crystal was calcined, but instead enjoyed it, the refreshing feeling almost made him groan.


In the dantian, the black flames became more and more prosperous, the spirit crystal was burnt red, traces of faint impurities were calcined out by the fire spirit obsidian, and were excreted along the pores of Shen Haoxuan, and as those impurities were peeled off, Shen Haoxuan's The spirit crystal became crystal clear, looking like a crystal without any impurities!
(End of this chapter)

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