Chaos hegemony

Chapter 237 Scouting Squad!

Chapter 237 Scouting Squad!

Hearing Shui Ruolan's words, Zi Mo snorted coldly, and could only suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart.

After the members of the Yao Sect returned to the team, Xue Gong took a cold look at Shui Ruolan, then turned to the disciples and said, "We are now very close to the center of the sect's secret realm, the further we go, the more Yuan Beasts will be , the strength will be stronger, so I think we should set up a scouting team to scout the way for us! Do you have any opinions and suggestions?"

Hearing this, everyone is looking at me, and I am looking at you, whispering.Xue Gong said that's right, now they have entered the secret realm, the mixed energy here is very strong, there are relatively more origin beasts, and their strength is stronger!In the past few days, they have been attacked by Yuan Beast no less than ten times, and each time is stronger than the last, so it is necessary to set up a scout team!

However, who is going to complete this task?The source beasts here are more violent than those outside. Being a scout is undoubtedly the most dangerous, and the people here are not stupid, no one is willing to be this shield.

"I think the establishment of the scouting team is very necessary, but everyone knows the dangers involved. I think only the strongest Yaomen team can undertake it! What do you think, Dua Xuegong!" On the side, Mu Feiyu took the lead Standing out of the team, he looked at the Yaomen and said in a cold voice.

Hearing Mu Feiyu's words, an imperceptible sneer flashed at the corner of Xuegong's mouth, and then he said: "That's exactly what I mean, there are Long Mo, Zimo and Shui Ruolan in Yaomen, all of them are from the Five Elements Sect. The top-notch combat power, the scout team composed of them will definitely be able to predict the danger for everyone in advance, presumably for everyone's safety, they will agree!"

"Why, I don't agree, why do you entrust us with such a dangerous task?" Hearing Xue Gong's words, Zi Mo was the first to object. The original beast, maybe everyone in the Yaomen will have to confess here, these people are the core members of the Yaomen, losing one is a great blow to the Yaomen!

However, Xue Gong ignored Zi Mo's objection at all, he just looked at Shui Ruolan coldly, waiting for the woman's answer.Shui Ruolan's resourcefulness is higher than his, which makes Xuegong very unhappy, isn't she not as good as a woman?I'd like to see how you choose now!

Shui Ruolan frowned, Xue Gong's scheming this time was so deep that it actually involved the safety of the entire team!If he and others do not agree, they will be rejected by the entire team, and will definitely be accused of selfishness, which will seriously damage Yaomen's reputation.But if he waits for others to agree, then Xuegong may use this opportunity to severely damage Yaomen!For Yaomen, neither choice will have any good results!
However, a smile appeared on the corner of Shui Ruolan's mouth. If Xuegong really thought that this would embarrass Yaomen, then he would look down on him too much. After all, these people in Yaomen were trained by Shen Haoxuan, the perverted sect master. Yes, it is as difficult as going to heaven if you want them to suffer and do things for nothing!

"Okay, for everyone's safety, this scout team will naturally be undertaken by our Yaomen!" Shui Ruolan chuckled lightly and replied lightly.

"Ruolan, you're crazy, this guy is obviously looking for a coolie, so a ghost will serve him as a scout!" Zi Mo snorted coldly and said dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Shui Ruolan chuckled lightly, and then said loudly: "We did this to protect everyone present. After all, we are in the same sect. We have the ability. Naturally, we have to take on this important task. What do you say? Go!" After finishing speaking, Shui Ruolan secretly winked at Yaomen people.

"Naturally!" Long Mo answered first, although he didn't know what Shui Ruolan meant, but he knew that he should cooperate with her now.Among Yaomen, apart from Shen Haoxuan, Long Mo only admired Shui Ruolan, not for Shui Ruolan's strength, but for her resourcefulness.

Seeing Long Moying coming down, everyone in the Yaomen also responded in unison, anyway, since the sect master is not here, they will not suffer a loss if they follow Shui Ruolan and Long Mo!
"The people of Yaomen really value love and righteousness. It seems that the rumors in the sect are indeed true!"

"Indeed, such a friendship makes me want to join Yaomen!"

Shui Ruolan's few words made those disciples who were originally neutral begin to lean toward everyone in the Yao Sect.But Xuegong's complexion darkened immediately when he heard everyone's whispers!

Seeing Xuegong's gloomy face, Shui Ruolan continued: "However, it is not impossible to want us to be scouts, but I have one condition!"

"Say!" Xuegong said coldly.Shui Ruolan actually used his words to attract everyone, and she actually used her!

"Hehe, our condition is very simple, that is, when we were scouts, all the source pills we obtained belonged to our Yao Sect. How about it, this is not too much!" Shui Ruolan said lightly, playing with her hair.

"No!" Xuegong refused directly after hearing the words.

"Before the matter of Yuandan, we have stipulated that it should be distributed according to work. Are you Yaomen going to monopolize it now?" Xue Gong said coldly.

"Distribution according to work? Isn't it the greatest credit for our Yaomen to take such a dangerous job as a scout? Anyway, my conditions are there. If you agree, we will set off immediately. If you don't agree, then Find another master!" Shui Ruolan waved her hand indifferently and said.

"You..." Xue Gong looked at the indifferent Shui Ruolan with a gloomy expression.

"Okay, I promise you, but you also have to live to enjoy those source pills. It's not easy to be a scout!" Xue Gong gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry about it!" Shui Ruolan said lightly, then looked at Xuegong and sneered.She is the clearest about Yaomen's strength. Long Mo, Zimo and others have always hidden their strength. Long Zhen has never made a move since entering the secret realm. After Shen Haoxuan's hands-on training, Shui Ruolan can't guarantee that she can Beat Long Zhen!With these few people around, as long as they don't encounter too powerful Yuan Beast, there will be no danger.

This was all explained by Shen Haoxuan, and Shui Ruolan always kept it in mind.

Seeing that Shui Ruolan agreed, Xue Gong snorted coldly, and thought to himself: "Hmph, there is a dark area ahead, since you are so greedy, you have to pay for it!"

"Then please open the way ahead at the Yaomen, and try to get there as soon as possible to take out the ruins. The secret place Mashan is about to be closed, we don't want to make this trip in vain!" Xue Gong said to everyone in the Yaomen.

Hearing this, Shui Ruolan didn't talk nonsense, and directly led the people of Yaomen towards the front.

(End of this chapter)

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