Chaos hegemony

Chapter 240 Show your power!

Chapter 240 Show your power!

"Brother Shen!"


Hearing that familiar voice, everyone in the Yao Sect was overjoyed, and their hearts were finally relieved.But when they saw the pair of huge flaming wings behind Shen Haoxuan, they couldn't turn the corner in their minds, when did the boss grow wings?
Shui Ruolan looked at the back in front of everyone, and she was relieved. Although she was also shocked why Shen Haoxuan grew a pair of huge wings, she quickly calmed down and said to Yaomen: " Rewind, we will cause trouble for Big Brother Shen here!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Yao Sect followed Shui Ruolan, retreated in stature, beheaded all the low-level origin beasts behind them, and came to the edge of the dark canyon. They looked at Shen Haoxuan confidently, as if they were not afraid that Shen Haoxuan would be killed by those ten beasts. Several fourth-level origin beasts surrounded and beat them up!
"Who is that? Apart from us, how could there be other people in the secret realm!" The pair of huge flaming wings blocked Xue Gong's sight, and he did not see Shen Haoxuan's face.

"Brother Xue...Brother Xue! That seems to be Shen Haoxuan!" On the side, a disciple accidentally caught a glimpse of Shen Haoxuan's face and said tremblingly.

"What! Shen Haoxuan! Wasn't he killed by a level five origin beast? Why did he appear here? What happened to those wings?" Xue Gong looked at Shen Haoxuan's back in shock and exclaimed.

However, no one could answer his question. Everyone just looked at the pair of flame wings in shock, wondering what they were thinking.

But at this time, after Shen Haoxuan saw that all the people in the Yaomen had retreated, his eyes were fixed, and he looked coldly at the dozen or so fourth-level origin beasts rushing over!

"Today, I'll use you guys to test the power of the unicorn arm!" Shen Haoxuan licked his lips, his eyes full of fiery fighting intent!
"Kirin Arm!"

Shen Haoxuan let out an angry roar, his originally slender right arm swelled violently, and the robe on his arm shattered with a stabbing sound. In the blink of an eye, a pitch-black arm covered with crimson lines appeared in everyone's eyes. Burning black flames, hot mist rises, fiercely stimulating everyone's nerves!
At the same time, a prehistoric aura erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, making him look like a fierce beast from ancient times!

With a loud noise, the wings of the Suzaku behind Shen Haoxuan flapped, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball. There were bursts of sonic booms along the way, and the terrifying vigor directly blasted those low-strength Origin Beasts away!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan approaching, a fourth-level origin beast roared, and the violent five-element energy continuously condensed in its mouth, and finally turned into an energy light ball, attacking Shen Haoxuan!
Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan didn't intend to dodge at all. The crimson lines on the unicorn's arm were shining. He raised that thick arm and punched it directly. The powerful fist turned into a huge unicorn, blowing the energy light The ball was swallowed!


The unicorn transformed by the fist wind roared, carrying a terrifying power, and punched the body of the fourth-level origin beast. The next moment, the body of the fourth-level origin beast burst open, and Lian Yuandan It didn't condense out either, Shen Haoxuan's punch directly shook all the energy on that fourth-level origin beast into powder!

"What a powerful force!" Shen Haoxuan felt a wave of palpitations at this, clenched his fists, then looked at the remaining four-level origin beasts around him, sneered, and disappeared in place in an instant.

And when those origin beasts saw their companions die, they completely aroused the hostility in their hearts. They didn't know what it meant to be afraid, they just roared and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan!
"Brush brush..."

Looking at the dozen or so fourth-level origin beasts rushing over, Shen Haoxuan's body soared into the air, the vermilion bird's wings stretched out, countless fire feathers turned into sharp arrows, and flew towards those fourth-level origin beasts, blocking their steps!

Shen Haoxuan roared angrily, raised the unicorn arm, and slammed it down on the ground. The next moment, a violent energy visible to the naked eye spread from Shen Haoxuan as the center. Wherever it went, mountains and rocks cracked, countless The body of the low-level source beast burst open!

The ground cracked inch by inch under this terrifying force, and the whole earth was trembling. The dozen or so Origin Beasts closest to the impact were directly thrown into the sky!

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan's body disappeared in place, and the Suzaku wings on his back spread out, turning into a huge flaming long knife, cutting towards the ten fourth-level origin beasts!

"Boom... bang... bang..."

As Shen Haoxuan's figure flickered, muffled bangs sounded, the fourth-level origin beast that couldn't use its strength in mid-air was like a living target, and could only be cut by the scorching flaming long knife, its body cracked and disintegrated. Make a source pill.

I dare not use the power of the unicorn arm anymore, these four-level source beasts can be regarded as a source pill no matter what, they can't be wasted!With one wave of Shen Haoxuan's hand, more than a dozen Yuandan flew out and landed in Shui Ruolan's hands.

Seeing the dozen or so source pills in her hand, Shui Ruolan couldn't recover, these are more than a dozen fourth-level source beasts, they became the source pills in her hand in just the blink of an eye, and Shen Haoxuan disappeared After a while, it became even more perverted!

When he was astonished, Shen Haoxuan had already landed beside him, and said in a deep voice: "Get out of here quickly, the movement just now may cause a riot in the Yuan beast tide!"

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, there was a thunderous roar from the depths of the source beast ocean, a burst of smoke and dust was stirred up, and countless source beasts rushed towards here!

Seeing the rioting Yuan Beast Ocean, Shui Ruolan quickly put away the Yuan Pill in her hand and said, "Back to the Dark Canyon!"

After all, everyone in the Yaomen quickly got into the dark canyon again.

"Brother Xue, what should we do?" Looking at the frenzied Yuan beast horde, a disciple asked fearfully.

"Let's go in too!" Xue Gong looked at the dark canyon, gritted his teeth, and went straight in...


In the dark canyon, a flame flashed, dispelling the surrounding darkness!
Fire Spirit Obsidian danced on Shen Haoxuan's fingertips, illuminating the surroundings like daytime!The energy emitted by the complete Fire Spirit Obsidian cannot be covered by the Dark Canyon at all. This fire light is much stronger than that of Long Mo and Long Zhen!
"Huh..." Seeing that no one had suffered any losses, Shen Haoxuan let out a long breath, and hid both the unicorn arm and the vermilion bird wings.

"Boss, it's a good thing you arrived in time, otherwise we would have suffered heavy losses!" Zi Mo looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a long breath.

"I came here following Ruolan's mark, what happened? Why are there so many origin beasts gathered here?" Shen Haoxuan frowned and asked.

"We don't know either, but we saw the Ocean of Origin Beasts after passing through the dark canyon, they seem to be mourning something!" Shui Ruolan said.

"Mourning?" Shen Haoxuan looked outside the dark canyon, narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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