Chaos hegemony

Chapter 242 Level 8 Origin Pill Birth!

Chapter 242 The eighth-level source pill is born!

In the pitch-black dark canyon, a bright area formed a sharp contrast with the surroundings. Shen Haoxuan and the others gathered together, closing their eyes and resting their minds.In the corner, the members of Xuegong looked enviously at the people of i Yaomen, but they didn't dare to step half a step into the bright zone, Shen Haoxuan's strength before made them afraid.

"Hmph, Shen Haoxuan, you won't be able to be proud for long!" Xue Gong stared at Shen Haoxuan who had his eyes closed tightly with resentment, and said sinisterly.


In the darkness, I can't feel the passage of time. In the blink of an eye, two days have passed!

On this day, Shen Haoxuan's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and two substantial flames rose from the pupils. His deep gaze pierced through the darkness and looked towards the center of the ocean of origin beasts.

"The eighth-level source pill is about to be born!" Shen Haoxuan said softly, then stood up and walked out of the dark canyon.Seeing this, everyone from Yaomen and Xuegong quickly followed his pace.

Outside the dark canyon, on the endless plain, there were countless source beasts crowded. At a certain moment, these source beasts began to become restless, and the shrill roars continued to be heard. The sound shook the world, and the entire space was filled with a A sad breath.


Suddenly, a shocking roar came from the center of the Origin Beast Ocean, and sound waves visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings. Under the roar, the whole space began to tremble, and Shen Haoxuan and the others quickly sealed it with spiritual power. Ears, but even so, they were still pushed back dozens of steps, and some weak ones spit out a few mouthfuls of blood!

"This should be the eighth-level origin beast! The cry before dying is so terrifying!" Shen Haoxuan was shocked.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

There were a few more roars, but the voice was getting weaker and weaker, and the eighth-level origin beast was already at the end of its strength!

After a few roars, all the surrounding Yuan beasts prostrated themselves on the ground, whimpering, as if they were saddened by the passing of their king.

Hearing the sobs of thousands of source beasts, Shen Haoxuan let out a long sigh. Now that the eighth-level source beasts have not died, these source beasts are naturally willing to be inferior. However, once the eighth-level source pills are born, these source beasts may be more powerful than anyone else. They are all crazy, wanting to get that eighth-level source pill and become the new ruler of this world!

Just as Shen Haoxuan was thinking wildly, a bright beam of light rose from the ocean of origin beasts, straight into the sky!
"The eighth-level source beast is dead, and the eighth-level source pill is about to be born, everyone be careful!" Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

Sure enough, the next moment, a phantom of a huge Origin Beast formed in the beam of light, and a faint power rose up, making everyone present want to kneel down!


At the same time that the phantom of the source beast was formed, the mixed energy between the heaven and the earth began to riot, and a huge energy vortex was formed centered on the beam of light. The next moment, the energy storm suddenly spread, spreading towards the ocean of the source beast, with a tyrannical force The wind rolled up countless source beasts and threw them into that beam of light!

Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan was shocked, this eighth-level origin beast actually let these origin beasts be buried with him, such a cruel emperor!

Those origin beasts wanted to stay away from that beam of light, but under the coercion of the eighth-level origin beast, they could only prostrate on the ground, unable to move at all!The storm continued to spread, and all the beasts below the fourth level were rolled up and thrown into the beam of light!And with the investment of these origin beasts, the beam of light became brighter and brighter, even covering the sunlight above the sky!


At a certain moment, the bright beam of light exploded suddenly, and a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings along with the shocking noise!

"Get down!"

Seeing the energy ripple, Shen Haoxuan shrank his eyes and let out a loud cry, and then he prostrated himself on the ground. Everyone behind him also felt the horror of the energy ripple. After Shen Haoxuan reminded him, he also fell on the ground!


Energy ripples flew over the heads of Shen Haoxuan and the others, and bombarded the dark canyon behind them. The loud noises shook everyone's eardrums.

After a while, the storm finally calmed down. Everyone looked back and saw that the dark canyon was directly cut by the energy ripples to form a huge gully. The sunlight penetrated through this gully and shot directly into it, dispelling the darkness!
Seeing that terrifying ravine, everyone in Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but swallowed, feeling a little scared in their hearts, if such a terrifying power hit him, he would probably be blasted to pieces!


A roar brought back the minds of Shen Haoxuan and the others. They turned their heads and looked, and couldn't help but take a breath. In the originally dense sea of ​​source beasts, now there are only hundreds of source beasts left. Those low-priced source beasts were all thrown into the beam of light...

"Brother Shen, look at that!" Shui Ruolan pointed in the air and exclaimed.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan cast his gaze over, and in mid-air, a golden source pill exuded dazzling light, traces of pure energy flew out from the source pill, distorting the surrounding space.

"Eight-level source pill!"

Seeing that golden Yuandan, everyone exclaimed, their eyes filled with fiery fiery colors!If he obtained this eighth-level source pill and refined it, he might directly break through the level of spirit generals and become a strong spirit master!


When everyone was about to move, a roar brought them back to reality!At this moment on the plain of Nuoda, the remaining source beasts stared at the eighth-level source pill, their eyes were full of greed, and then, as agreed, they rushed directly towards the golden source pill!

Seeing those hundreds of source beasts above level four or five, everyone's faces darkened. Yes, although level eight source pills are tempting, they don't have the strength to snatch them from these source beasts!
However, Shen Haoxuan's face did not change at all, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the source beasts wrestling together for the eighth-level source pill, he secretly said happily: "Go ahead, grab it!" The more powerful the better, then I can reap the benefits of the fisherman!"


The sound of fierce fighting came from above the plain, and the splashed energy storm spread outwards, setting off waves of dust. In a scuffle, the fourth-level origin beasts with the largest number were eliminated first, followed by the fifth-level beasts. Origin beasts, in the end, there were only two peak-level beasts left in the arena, who were about to step into the seventh-level origin beasts!
These two Origin Beasts faced each other tit for tat, staring at the golden Origin Pill above their heads, then jumped up, rushed forward together, and wrestled together again!
"The opportunity is here!" Seeing the gradually emptied plain, Shen Haoxuan chuckled.

"Go to the ruins of the palace first, the attention of these two Origin Beasts is above the eighth-level Origin Pill, so they shouldn't notice you!" Shen Haoxuan ordered to the Yao Sect people behind him.

"Then what about you, Brother Shen?" Shui Ruolan asked softly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan turned his head and glanced at the golden source pill, then licked his lips, and said with fiery eyes: "Of course I'm going to grab that eighth-level source pill!"

(End of this chapter)

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