Chaos hegemony

Chapter 256 Healing!

Chapter 256 Healing!


The tyrannical spiritual power storm raged non-stop, rolling up all the surrounding rocks, and the momentum was very powerful!

"Boom..." Suddenly, an illusory figure rushed out from the violent vortex of spiritual power, holding a blood man in his hand.This is Yanlao and Shen Haoxuan.

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan's condition can be said to be extremely bad, his whole body is full of wounds, there is no complete place, and blood keeps flowing down his arms like he doesn't want money, it looks shocking.Moreover, Shen Haoxuan's aura also became inaudible, and he lost consciousness and remained motionless.

Shen Haoxuan was already seriously injured, coupled with the impact of the explosion of the spirit seed, if Lao Yan hadn't rescued him at the last moment, Shen Haoxuan's life would have been confessed here!

Glancing worriedly at Shen Haoxuan in his arms, Yan Lao didn't stop there, his body turned into a stream of light, and disappeared instantly...

After Yanlao left, after another half hour, the raging spiritual storm finally stopped. The originally towering hall was completely razed to the ground at this moment, and a huge deep pit appeared in front of him, cracking the ground. , countless thick cracks spread like spider webs, it can be seen how terrifying the attack caused by detonating the spirit seed is!

The breeze blew, and a puff of smoke and dust was stirred up. Suddenly, under the broken rubble, something seemed to be wriggling!


With a muffled sound, under the rubble, an arm covered in black blood suddenly stretched out, and then they held each other fiercely!

There was a burst of explosion, and the black monster staggered out from under the ruins.In the center of the explosion of the spirit species, the black monster can still stand up, which shows how powerful it is!
However, at this moment, the condition of the black monster was not much better. All the bone spurs on the joints were broken, and the body was covered with wounds, large and small, especially on the chest. The blood couldn't stop coming out!

Moreover, the breath of the black monster is very vain, and has long lost its previous power. He lowered his head, licking the black blood on his chest, and a killing intent surged in his heart, and then a gloomy voice sounded: "Shen Haoxuan, I must I will kill you, I want to share your blood and eat your flesh to relieve my hatred!"

The shadowy voice echoed continuously in the surrounding empty pit, and the surrounding air instantly cooled down!

"En?" Suddenly, the black monster turned its head, deep in the palm, a violent suction erupted suddenly, above the deep pit, a level [-] origin beast was directly sucked into the palm of its hand, and immediately, black air burst out, The fourth-level origin beast was wrapped in an instant, and in just an instant, the fourth-level origin beast disappeared, and was directly swallowed by the black monster!

After devouring the fourth-level source beast, some small wounds on the black monster's body began to squirm, and it began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmph!" Inhaling the remaining black energy into the body, the black monster snorted coldly, jumped onto the deep pit, and began to look for the origin beast to recover from its injuries!

"Shen Haoxuan, the day when I recover from my injuries will be the day of your death!" The cold voice of the black monster echoed in the forest...


At this time, in a pitch-black cave, a faint light came out, dispelling the surrounding darkness. Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan who had been unconscious all this time, with anxious expression on his face.

Shen Haoxuan's situation at this time is not appreciable, the spiritual power in his body is constantly being lost, if it wasn't for the Fire Spirit Black Yao to keep his dantian closed, Shen Haoxuan might have become a useless person now, the injury this time is really too serious!
Yanlao searched through the storage ring, but there was no medicinal material that could be used to refine the elixir. There is a sect secret realm here, and there is no elixir that he needs. Now, Yanlao is at a loss what to do for a while!

At this moment, Changmao's figure appeared in front of Yanlao, holding a golden Yuandan in his mouth.

"This is... this is the eighth-level source pill Shen got before?" Yan Lao was pleasantly surprised when he saw the golden source pill, but then his face darkened again.Although there is plenty of energy in the source pill, the energy contained in the eighth-level source pill is also very violent. With Shen Haoxuan's current state, I'm afraid he can't bear this energy!

"I can't control that much, and there is no other way now, I will assist in healing his injuries, and at this time, a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor!" Long Mao said in a deep voice.

"That's the only way to go!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice, looking at Shen Haoxuan, whose eyebrows were raised and his expression was pained.

"Let's get started!" Yan Lao's face became serious, this was related to Shen Haoxuan's life and death, he dared not be careless in the slightest.

The golden source pill slowly floated up, and a huge spiritual thought erupted from Yan Lao's body, wrapped around the golden source pill, and began to stimulate the energy in it, rushing towards the long hair!

Now Shen Haoxuan's injuries could not bear the direct infusion of energy from the golden source alchemy at all, so he could only absorb this energy indirectly through his long hair.Shen Haoxuan signed a life-and-death contract with Chang Mao, so the power gained by the two can be shared.


The golden energy was filtered by the long hair, and poured into Shen Haoxuan's body, but even so, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but hum, his face became even paler!
This golden energy poured into Shen Haoxuan's body, and soon attached to the dilapidated meridian, and began to slowly repair it.This is a huge project, because the meridians in Shen Haoxuan's body are like twisted twists, they are completely twisted together, and some places have even been completely broken. With such injuries, it was enough for him to die several times.

The golden energy moved forward along Shen Haoxuan's meridians, and soon, Shen Haoxuan's entire body was rendered golden, and a cocoon of light slowly formed, wrapping it in it.

At this moment, there is no need for Yan Lao to activate the medicinal power of the golden source pill. Changmao, Shen Haoxuan and the golden source pill directly formed a perfect cycle. With the breathing of Changmao and Shen Haoxuan, the golden energy is rhythmic Hesitating, it is very strange.

Seeing this scene, Yan Lao's hanging heart slowly let go. With the long hair as a buffer, as long as the golden energy is absorbed by Shen Haoxuan, he can escape the danger of his life, and maybe even wait for the injury to recover, and his strength still remains. Breakthrough possible!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was starting to heal his wounds, Old Yan was also lost in thought, his brows were full of worry, it was not about Shen Haoxuan, but the black monster outside!

Thinking of the black monster, Yan Lao couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and information about the black monster flashed in his mind one by one.

"Ah, a catastrophe is about to come again!" A slight sigh sounded, and then, Yan Lao cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan again, and a gleam of light flashed in his dim eyes...

[ps: There is another update in the early morning, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! ! ! ]
(End of this chapter)

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