Chaos hegemony

Chapter 261 The Nightmare Attacks!

Chapter 261 The Nightmare Attacks!

"It's so lively!"

A hoarse and unpleasant voice sounded, like fingernails cutting through glass, which made people feel hairy!Then, under everyone's shocked eyes, a black monster covered in sharp bone spurs walked from the pitch-black space gate!

Seeing this figure, everyone present was extremely shocked. When had they seen such a monster? The sharp bone spurs glowed coldly in the sun, and the protruding spine on the back seemed to be constantly moving. Creep!
"Sect Master Chen Yu, thank you for leading the way! Haha!" Seeing the shocked expressions of everyone, the black monster seemed to be very useful. He opened his mouth and looked at the sluggish Chen Yu, laughing.

"You actually set me up?" Chen Yu looked at the rampant black monster, Chen Yu seemed to realize something, and shouted angrily.

"Haha, what else? Do you think you can really escape my palm? If it wasn't for you to take me out, what would I do with your life?" the black monster said coldly.

It turned out that in the secret realm, Chen Yu was discovered by the black monster within less than a day of escaping!The momentum is not because Chen Yu's concealment skills are not high, but because the black monster's search methods are too incomprehensible!
In order to search for Chen Yu, the black monster actually demonized all the source beasts in the secret realm. Those who are most familiar with the secret realm are naturally these native source beasts. Chen Yu was dragged out, and then, a chasing battle started!

For four days, Chen Yu, who was already injured, was attacked by countless waves of beasts. These demonized beasts had no emotions at all. They were not only tired, not only in pain, but also knew no fear, and only obeyed the orders of black monsters!
Under the pursuit of these demonized origin beasts, Chen Yu narrowly escaped death several times. Now that he thinks about it carefully, it is indeed a bit strange. It turns out that these are not narrow escapes, but traps set by black monsters!The black monster deliberately let himself die, just to let Chen Yu take him out of here!

"You... despicable!" Chen Yu's face darkened, and he said angrily.

"Despicable? Haha, I like this word!" The black monster laughed out loud, not paying any attention to the killing intent in Chen Yu's eyes.

Slowly stepping out of the pitch-black space gate, the black monster stretched out its hands, embracing the world.

"It's been a long time, finally seeing the light of day again!" the black monster murmured.Immediately, the aura on his body changed suddenly, and a chilly breath from hell burst out, instantly condensing the surrounding air!
"But, I hate this peaceful scene! In order to celebrate my rebirth, then you Five Elements Sect will sacrifice it! Blood and death are the colors that this world should have. You guys, get ready to receive my gift!" Black The monster roared ferociously, and immediately, countless black energy erupted from his body, enveloping the entire sect!

The pitch-black black air covered the sky and covered the sun, carrying a stench and cold aura, which soon enveloped the entire Five Elements Sect, and an evil aura began to spread out.

"What's going on? What happened?" The sudden change made all the disciples in the Five Elements Sect stop their movements, and looked at the black air above their heads in shock.

"What is this?" Huge doubts lingered in everyone's minds.Before they could inquire, the black air slowly descended under the shocked eyes of everyone, and penetrated into the bodies of those disciples!
The black air penetrated into the bodies of those disciples, and the pupils of the disciples who had clear eyes were immediately covered with a layer of crimson, and there was a dull growl from their throats, and their sanity was gradually eroded away!


There was a roar, and those disciples who usually looked weak and shy, seemed to be crazy at this moment, and attacked the fellow disciples around them. For a moment, the entire Five Elements School was completely chaotic!

Hearing the turmoil in the sect, the elders all showed anger, and a faint spiritual power radiated out to resist the erosion of the black energy.

"Evil animal, don't stop, otherwise, you will definitely make you pay for what you have done at this moment!" Mo Lao shouted coldly.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished giving my presents yet! Come out, my children!" The black monster didn't care about Mo Lao's threat at all, but laughed loudly, then pinched his fingerprints and shouted loudly.


As soon as the black monster's voice fell, the space gate behind it suddenly trembled, and then there was a roar of beasts, and the terrifying sound wave went straight to the sky!

The pitch-black origin beasts, like bees, swarmed out from the pitch-black space gate. The black monsters actually brought those demonized origin beasts out of the secret realm!

With the impact of these origin beasts, the space gate began to become unstable. At a certain moment, it collapsed directly, and the terrifying energy gust spread instantly, smashing some of the surrounding origin beasts into powder!
The broken space gate continuously exudes the power of space, and mixed energy overflows from the space gate, assimilating all the energy of the surrounding world!

"Oops, the space is shattered, and the energy in the secret realm seeps out, starting to devour the spiritual power of the surrounding world!" Sensing the changes in the surrounding spiritual power, Boss Qin said in shock.

"Damn it!" Mo Lao cursed secretly, looking at the mixed energy of the five elements constantly seeping out from the space crack, his brows were furrowed!If these mixed energies are allowed to infiltrate into the sect, then this piece of world will be completely destroyed, and it will become a place of death!Because of the mixed energy of the five elements, warriors can't absorb refining at all!In that case, the foundation of the Five Elements Sect would be completely destroyed!
"You go and stop him, I'll seal the space gate!" Mo Lao glanced at the dark crack, and said in a deep voice, this crack can no longer be allowed to continue to expand, and this black monster can't continue to run rampant, they must be stopped Otherwise, the Five Elements Sect would really be destroyed!

"Hey, little ones, come on me and slaughter this Five Elements Sect!" Seeing that Mo Lao was about to make a move, the black monster waved his hand, and the army of origin beasts behind him roared in unison, and then scattered in all directions, heading towards Five Elements Sect. Zong Nei rushed!

For a moment, those disciples who hadn't reacted were torn apart by these demonized origin beasts, and blood sprayed out instantly!The scene is very miserable!
"Quickly, you all lead the disciples in each hall and prepare to fight!" Seeing the army of origin beasts that began to wantonly slaughter the disciples of the sect, Elder Qin ordered to Elder Huo, now, all the disciples must be assembled to resist these Origin beast army!
Hearing this, Elder Huo and the others responded, and then, in a blink of an eye, they disappeared in place and rushed towards their entrance.And the black monster didn't stop it, since it's a good show, it has to be a bit hotter, otherwise, how can it be enjoyable?

After Elder Huo and the others left, the venue was emptied in an instant, leaving only Chen Yu, Qin Laomo and the black monster. Of course, the seventh-level origin beast at the foot of the black monster was also indispensable!

The two sides stood facing each other, the smell of gunpowder filled the air, and the battle was about to start!
(End of this chapter)

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