Chaos hegemony

Chapter 266 Killing the Yuan Herd!

Chapter 266 Killing the Yuan Herd!
As these disciples joined the battlefield, the Yuan Beast army was defeated by these hundreds of people for a while. Seeing the retreating Yuan Beast army, everyone's faces were full of ecstasy.

Those who were chased by these origin beasts before could only run for their lives, but now they have beaten all the resentment back, and this is all due to one person, that is Shen Haoxuan!Everyone looked in the direction of Shen Haoxuan, and they couldn't help but click their tongues.

I saw that Shen Haoxuan who was holding a huge black flame ruler, every time he swung a large piece of Origin Beast, there would always be a large piece of Origin Beast bursting open, the pair of huge black wings on the back were afraid to hit them, and the scorching fire feathers shot at the Origin Beast army like a rain of arrows The pieces of source beasts fell down like harvesting wheat. The number of source beasts killed by Shen Haoxuan alone was more than all the people present combined!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's ferocious appearance, these disciples worked even harder, and swung the long swords and knives in their hands more fiercely, chopping all those origin beasts to the ground.

However, these disciples were already exhausted before, even with the maintenance of Shen Haoxuan's pill, it is impossible to restore their peak strength in an instant, and they are so brave now, they are only infected by Shen Haoxuan!But now, those demonized origin beasts reacted and began to organize and attack these hundreds of people frantically. After a while, these disciples retreated again.

"Boss, it can't be done, this group of origin beasts are like lunatics, they are completely consuming our physical strength with their lives, those disciples can't hold it anymore!" At this moment, Zi Mo took the time to come to Shen Haoxuan's side, panting Said, now, his condition is not much better.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan turned his head to look, those disciples were working hard to hold on, and the fire of the fire spirit obsidian on their body was getting dimmer and fainter.The sub-fires of Huo Ling Obsidian are driven by their spiritual power. From the degree of burning of the Huo Ling Obsidian's sub-fire, it can be seen that these disciples are really at the end of their battles now.

"Boss, why don't you retreat first, these disciples are already exhausted, even with the support of your elixir, boss, it won't last long. Why don't we retreat to the main peak, and after a while of cultivation, we will be able to get rid of these little bastards." Kill a piece of armor without leaving it!" Zi Mo suggested, and at the same time swung the heavy hammer in his hand, beheading an attacking source beast.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the group of demonic beasts that were still coming continuously, and frowned. After pondering for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Back, you guys go first!"

"Ah, let's go first? The boss..." Zi Mo was surprised.

"I'll stay and stop them. The ferocity of these Yuan Beasts has been aroused, and they won't let it go. It won't help if we retreat. You go first, and I will cut off the rear for you!" The beast empties.

"No, that's too dangerous!" Zi Mo frowned and objected directly.Although Shen Haoxuan is now the main force to kill the source beast, but the surrounding disciples also share a lot of pressure. If he and others leave, then Shen Haoxuan will face the attack of the entire group of source beasts alone!

"Don't worry, I have my own way! Go now!" Seeing Zi Mo's worried expression, Shen Haoxuan said directly.

"This..." Zi Mo knew that once Shen Haoxuan made a decision, no one could change his mind, so he turned around and ran towards those disciples, shouting: "Retreat, retreat to the main peak!"

Hearing Zimo's cry, all the disciples began to gather, broke away from the Yuan beast herd, and began to retreat towards the main peak!
"En? Where's Brother Shen?" On the way to retreat, Shui Ruolan suddenly found that Shen Haoxuan was not in the crowd, and asked immediately.

"The boss is behind!" Zi Mo said.

"What? Why didn't you drag him along! The last time Big Brother Shen almost died trying to stop that black monster for us, do you know that this time you let him bear the pressure of the entire Yuan Beast army alone? , for us?" Shui Ruolan said angrily after hearing this, looking at Zi Mo.

Being reprimanded by Shui Ruolan, Zi Mo didn't have any temper at all, and immediately said with a bitter face: "You know the character of the boss, no one can change his mind about what he has decided, and I can't help it either!"

Hearing this, Shui Ruolan snorted coldly, what Zi Mo said is indeed true, Shen Haoxuan has his own principles, which cannot be changed by ordinary people, and at the moment, he can only look anxiously at the dark tide of origin beasts below, praying to Shen Haoxuan Can get out of the body.


Down below, the herd of Yuan Beasts, which lost their target, flocked towards Shen Haoxuan from all directions, surrounded him in the blink of an eye, and then roared and rushed forward, their eyes were full of crimson, they wanted to kill this human being, alive Tear it up, eat its flesh, drink its blood!

The berserk tide of origin beasts submerged Shen Haoxuan in an instant, and there were still countless origin beasts coming up behind him, and soon Shen Haoxuan's figure disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalps felt numb, and their hearts became nervous. If Shen Haoxuan was killed, then no one would be able to stop the army of origin beasts!


Just when everyone was worried, a pillar of black flames shot up into the sky, directly burning the herd of Yuan beasts pressing above Shen Haoxuan into nothingness.The Vermilion Bird's wings behind Shen Haoxuan's back trembled, and his body rose from the sky, suspended in mid-air.

Looking at the roaring Yuan Beast below, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, pulled the spiritual power in his hand, and it was divided into two different types of spiritual power, tumbling in his left and right hands.Shen Haoxuan, who possesses a chaotic divine body, is the master of the spiritual power of the five elements. Looking at the two attributes of spiritual power jumping in his hands, Shen Haoxuan's eyes focused, and he slammed them together.

"Bang bang..."

A sound of explosion came from Shen Haoxuan's hand, and the two kinds of energies of different attributes began to repel each other, and a violent wind of spiritual power burst out from Shen Haoxuan's palm.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan's expression remained unchanged. For the current Shen Haoxuan, fusing two different attributes is as easy as pie, and he didn't care about the resistance of the two spiritual forces, and pressed them together fiercely.

Spreading out his palms, a group of extremely deep energy light clusters appeared in Shen Haoxuan's palms, and waves of palpitating energy scattered around.

"Send you a big guy!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the army of origin beasts below, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and then threw the energy light ball in his hand directly down!

"Sunshine Explosion!"

The deep energy light group descended to the center of the army, Shen Haoxuan pinched the seal in his hand, and then, under the shocked eyes of everyone, it exploded!

There was a loud noise, and the whole earth began to tremble. The next moment, a terrifying storm of spiritual power spread across the army of origin beasts, turning into an ancient ferocious beast, devouring all the origin beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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