Chaos hegemony

Chapter 269 Fight!

Chapter 269 Fight!

"Life is pretty big, I didn't expect you to come out of that secret realm alive!" The black monster looked at Shen Haoxuan who was floating in front of him, and said casually.

"Hmph, you haven't died yet, how can I be willing to die?" Shen Haoxuan said coldly.

"Oh, what you mean is that you want my life? I don't know where you are so loud. Is it the strength of your spirit general? Or is it the secret method that is not popular!" The black monster heard Shen Haoxuan Then, he said jokingly, and then, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, crushing towards Shen Haoxuan!
The sudden terrifying coercion directly pressed down from the top of Shen Haoxuan's head, instantly dropping his body from mid-air downwards for tens of meters.

"Huh..." Suzaku's wings on the back flapped desperately, trying to stabilize the falling body.The difference in strength between the two is really too big, a spirit general and a spirit emperor are simply worlds apart!

Looking down at Shen Haoxuan below, the black monster said with a disdainful smile: "This is your reliance? Then I will not be polite to your life that was sent in vain! Haha!"

The black monster laughed wildly, and the harsh and ugly voice spread out, making people's hearts tremble!

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, looked at the black blame me coldly, without any expression on his face.

"Old Yan, today. Let us master and apprentice work together to completely wipe out this beast!" Shen Haoxuan said softly in his heart with his eyes fixed.

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's voice fell, an extremely powerful spiritual thought erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and with the explosion of this Li spiritual thought, Shen Haoxuan's strength instantly skyrocketed. After breaking through to the ninth-order spirit form, the breath gradually stabilized.

Yanlao's spiritual power directly raised Shen Haoxuan to two great realms.At this time, the coercion exerted on him by the black monster is useless!
The black monster looked at the soaring strength of Shen Haoxuan, raised his brows, and then murmured: "I didn't expect to hide this hand, this power... a very strong spirit, it seems that there is a powerful spiritual power hidden in his body." Spiritual body!"

Thinking of this, the black monster licked his lips. If Shen Haoxuan's life, the fire spirit obsidian, and a powerful spirit body were swallowed up, he might grow to an unbelievable level!This Shen Haoxuan really did him a big favor.

"That's all?" The black monster raised its chin, and said disdainfully, not paying attention to Shen Haoxuan whose strength has skyrocketed.

"That's the only way? Then watch carefully!" Shen Haoxuan's mouth twitched, and then, the seal in his hand slowly moved.

"Overlord Tribulation!"

There was a loud shout, and then, waves of spiritual power visible to the naked eye suddenly spread from Shen Haoxuan's center, and directly dispersed the surrounding clouds and mist.

The powerful power erupted from the midair and spread towards the entire Five Elements Sect. After feeling the aura, the disciples who cleaned up the remaining source beasts in the sect raised their heads in shock and looked at Shen Haoxuan in the midair.

"This... this aura has actually reached the level of the Spirit Emperor! Is that really Shen Haoxuan?" the disciples said in disbelief.

Elder Huo also looked at Shen Haoxuan with some trepidation, this aura also caught up with that black monster.However, he couldn't decide who was stronger between the two, and he would only know this after the battle.


Ripples of spiritual power fluctuated around, Shen Haoxuan's body slowly rose into the air again, and finally stopped in front of the black monster. The distance between the two was less than two steps away, and Shen Haoxuan's aura was slowly moving towards the black monster. The monster went against the oppression.

Feeling the pressure from Shen Haoxuan's body, the face of the black monster slowly sank.This breath had indeed caught up with him.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the black monster that was close at hand, and said indifferently: "Are you satisfied with this?"

Hearing this, the black monster snorted coldly, opened its mouth and said cruelly: "Huh, do you really think you are an onion? The strength improved by relying on secret methods and foreign objects is not worth mentioning in front of me. Three tricks , it only takes three strokes to pierce you under my bone spurs, when the time comes..."


However, before the black monster finished speaking, a muffled sound sounded.I saw Shen Haoxuan lifted his knee up, turned into an afterimage, and hit the black monster's chin fiercely. The huge force poured out instantly, throwing the black monster's body directly, black blood mixed with two A shattered tooth flew out of its mouth.

Shen Haoxuan's figure flickered, and the moment the black monster flew upside down, he appeared in front of him, clasped his fingers together, and swung towards the black monster's head!


There was another muffled sound, and the black monster didn't have time to react. Its body fell rapidly from mid-air like a cannonball, and finally, it slammed into the ground. Standing down, cracks were cracked inch by inch, showing how terrifying the strength of Shen Haoxuan's blow was!

Looking at the black monster smashed into the ground, Shen Haoxuan's face froze, turned into a stream of light, and rushed forward, the unicorn arm burst out instantly, the crimson lines shone, black flames lingered on the arm, and smashed towards the black monster go!


There was a loud noise, and the whole earth seemed to start to shake. Countless broken stones splashed out with scorching energy, and a huge pothole appeared where the black monster was. Around the pothole, a The shocking cracks spread like spider webs.The attack of this punch was so terrifying!
Shen Haoxuan's unicorn arm is deeply inserted into the ground, where is the center of these potholes and cracks, but there is no sign of the black monster.

Shen Haoxuan pulled out the unicorn arm slowly, his face was still indifferent, he cast his gaze forward, and said indifferently: "Three tricks have been passed, it seems that you are nothing more than this!"

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, in the originally empty space, a black figure slowly appeared, it was the black monster.

At this time, the black monster looked a little embarrassed, two blue fangs in its mouth were broken, and there was still a trace of black blood hanging from the corner of its mouth.The black bone spurs on the knees and elbows were full of cracks, and one of them broke directly.With just three hits, Shen Haoxuan injured the evolved black monster!

The black monster spat out the blood foam in its mouth, and a ghastly voice sounded from his mouth: "It seems that I really underestimated you. Next, let me play with you well, I hope you don't let me down." !"

"Hmph, let the horse come here!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and his powerful aura broke out again...

[ps: After taking the train for a day today, I finally returned home, and I can code with peace of mind!Adjust the status tomorrow. If there is no notification of the shelves the day after tomorrow, the shoes will come back with a small explosion, at least five more!If there is a notice, there will be a big explosion in Laibo, at least ten more!It can be regarded as an apology for updating instability during this period of time!Also, thanks again for supporting my brothers! ]
(End of this chapter)

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