Chaos hegemony

Chapter 281 I'm Going! [Chapter 8, please subscribe, please reward! 】

Chapter 281 I'm Going! [Eighth change, please subscribe, please reward! 】

"Boom..." With a muffled sound, the spiritual eagle exploded and turned into a little bit of starlight. At the same time, a devouring force erupted from the giant hand of the spiritual thought, swallowing the little bit of starlight directly.


The Lingnian eagle was crushed, and Yang Hao spurted out a mouthful of blood, his face suddenly turned pale.The spiritual eagle was connected to his spirituality, and at this moment his sea of ​​consciousness was also a little traumatized.

"Brother Yang, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Yang Hao's appearance, Qin Meier's face changed greatly.

When the surrounding people saw that Yang Hao vomited blood and retreated in an instant, their faces were a little shocked, and their eyes were full of disbelief.Just now, they only felt a spiritual thought that was more terrifying than Yang Hao erupting from Shen Haoxuan's body. After that, Yang Hao retreated with blood. Could it be that this Shen Haoxuan is more terrifying than Yang Hao.

However, he looks much younger than Yang Hao, such a young fourth-rank alchemist, this is definitely a monster among monsters!

Shen Haoxuan ignored the gazes of the people around him, walked straight to Yang Hao, and patted his shoulder with a palm.Yang Hao was originally an alchemist, his own strength was not very high, coupled with being suppressed by Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts, he was directly slapped by this palm and fell to his knees in front of Shen Haoxuan.

Qin Mei'er on the side wanted to say something, but felt the strong evil spirit on Shen Haoxuan's body, she shut her mouth tactfully, Shen Haoxuan's appearance did not look like a person who cherishes fragrance and cherishes jade, maybe she will give it to her after a while. Such a slap in the face made me lose all face.

Shen Haoxuan bent down, lifted Yang Hao's chin, and said lightly: "Now, who is the trash?" The domineering momentum directly crushed Yang Hao, making Yang Hao tremble.

"Who, don't you know that this is the Alchemy Masters Guild? Noisy, what a shame!" At this moment, a burst of shouting sounded from the Alchemy Masters Guild. He rushed out from the gate of the guild.

After seeing this old man, the faces of the surrounding crowd changed, and they all lowered their heads, while Yang Hao was full of joy and shouted: "Master, master, save me!"

That's right, the person who came was Taylor, the vice president of the alchemist guild.

Taylor looked at Yang Hao who was kneeling in front of Shen Haoxuan, his face darkened, and he shouted sharply: "Who are you, you dare to behave wildly at the gate of the Alchemy Masters Guild? Don't you know the rules of the Alchemy Masters Guild?" A terrifying spiritual coercion enveloped Shen Haoxuan.

"Savage? I just want to be assessed. This guy won't let me in, and even insulted me. His master didn't teach his apprentice well, so naturally I have to do it for him!" Shen Haoxuan shrugged and said casually.As for the coercion of spiritual thoughts, it is the same as scratching an itch for Shen Haoxuan, there is no pressure at all, Taylor's strength is only a fifth-rank alchemist, it is not certain whether Shen Haoxuan is strong, his coercion of spiritual thoughts, Naturally, it would not cause any danger to Shen Haoxuan.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was so calm, Taylor was also shocked, and then a surge of anger rose in his heart. Those who are familiar with him know that Taylor is notoriously protective, and Shen Haoxuan dared to make his apprentice kneel down in front of everyone On the ground, wouldn't that be equivalent to hitting him in the face?

"Hmph, little Zhuzi, speak out loud, see if I won't teach you a lesson for your parents today!" Taylor's eyes narrowed, two red flames suddenly appeared in his hands, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.

Seeing Taylor who was ready to attack without saying a word, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and the hostility in his heart was also aroused.I just wanted to enter the Alchemy Master Guild for an alchemist assessment, but they made things difficult for me everywhere. Now, I really can't bear it anymore!

Thinking of this, the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body began to swell, and the fire spirit Hei Yao was ready to move and was about to explode.

"Wait a minute!" At the moment when swords were on the verge of breaking out, there was a soft shout, which made both Shen Haoxuan and Taylor suppressed. With the surging spiritual power in their bodies, they all turned their eyes to the gate of the Alchemy Masters Guild.

A moment later, a young man about the same age as Shen Haoxuan came out of the darkness, waving a folding fan in his hand, his white clothes fluttering in the wind, a smile that could captivate thousands of girls appeared on his handsome face, and his exquisite facial features matched , not inferior to those beauties, at first glance, this boy really looks like a girl.

Seeing this handsome young man, Taylor glanced at Shen Haoxuan lightly, and immediately said to the young man with his fists cupped, "Mr. Han, why did you come out? Discuss about alchemy."

However, the boy just smiled and waved his hands, then walked down the steps, looked at Shen Haoxuan with great interest, and wandered around him.

Seeing the handsome young man dangling in front of his eyes, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes.A faint fragrance floated into Shen Haoxuan's nose, and Shen Haoxuan couldn't help muttering: "What kind of powder does a big man wear?"

"It's not just this brother, what's your name?" The handsome young man stared at Shen Haoxuan as if he found a piece of peerless gem, and clasped his fists immediately.

Seeing that handsome young man's gaze, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help feeling a little terrified, and immediately took two steps back involuntarily.He secretly said in his heart: "This guy, he doesn't have any special hobbies!"

"Brother, what's your name?" The handsome young man looked at Shen Haoxuan who was behaving strangely, and asked again.

Shen Haoxuan bit the bullet and said, "Shen Haoxuan!"

"Oh, Brother Shen, I have something to ask, I wonder if Brother Shen can agree?" The handsome young man asked again.

"Not interested!" Shen Haoxuan directly refused, he doesn't have time to help others with things right now, Shen Haoxuan is now thinking of the alchemist certificate from the Alchemy Association, and then wait for Luo Zhengtian to get the elixir together, hurry up Rush to the northern desert.

"Uh..." Hearing Shen Haoxuan's straightforward refusal, the handsome young man didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Mr. Han, didn't you say that you want to cooperate with the alchemists of our alchemist guild? Why are you looking for this kid? This kid doesn't know if he can make alchemy! Besides, with his slender arms and legs, How can it withstand the harsh climate of the desert city in the northern region? I think you are still thinking about it!" Taylor said quickly behind the handsome young man.

Hearing this, the handsome young man also hesitated for a while, and looked at Shen Haoxuan with some regret.Shaking his head helplessly, the other party didn't think of it, and he couldn't make things difficult for others.

" said you were going to the desert city in the Northern Territory?" Shen Haoxuan asked softly.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Jun Yi asked softly, looking at Shen Haoxuan who was a little excited.

"I promise! I'll go with you!"

[ps: Some book friends said that the chapters were repeated, and the shoes said that there was no problem in the background release. Now the editor in charge is looking for problems, and I will reply to everyone later, so that everyone will not waste money in vain!This is the eighth update today, and there are two more tonight!Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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