Chaos hegemony

Chapter 308 Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes!

Chapter 308 Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes!

It has been three days since the battle between Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing, within three days, the entire desert city was full of lively discussions about everything about Shen Haoxuan!
"What do you guys think is the origin of this kid? With the strength of the first-order spirit, he can defeat the eldest lady of the Murong family!"

"Could it also be a child of a big family who came out to practice? Mysterious identity, strong combat power, and also a high-level alchemist, maybe he is really a child of a big family!"

"Then how can he know the Murong family's secret skills? It can only be used by the Murong family's inheritance. This kid can't be the illegitimate child of the Murong family!"

In the desert city, there were endless discussions about Shen Haoxuan.At this time, in a secret room deep in the Lan family, a man in blue robes was hiding in the darkness, only a pair of big hands were exposed, in which two lion heads were constantly spinning.Below, Blue Shark was standing there respectfully, motionless.

"Is the Murong family still in the Han family?" A cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Patriarch, I'm still here!" Lan Sha bent down and said respectfully, it turns out that the person hiding in the darkness is the Patriarch of the Lan family!

"That plan is put on hold for the time being. We can't afford to offend the Murong family. After she leaves, we will immediately take down the Han family!" The head of the Lan family said in a cold voice. There was a storm of spiritual power, and faint black air rose up, floating around the blue-robed man.

Feeling the mighty aura of the head of the Lan family, Lan Sha couldn't help swallowing and spitting, that cold breath made him feel uncomfortable all over!
"Okay, back off, remember, keep an eye on every move of the Han family, this time, I must completely wipe the Han family from this desert city!"

"Yes!" Hearing these words, Blue Shark retreated quickly as if he had been pardoned.

After the blue shark withdrew, there was a tumbling in the secret room, and countless black air began to gather, and soon, a figure appeared in the secret room.

"My lord!" After the figure appeared, the Patriarch of the Lan family immediately got up and shouted respectfully.

"How is the job I entrusted to you?" A hoarse voice sounded, as scary as fingernails on glass.

"Returning to my lord, the eldest lady of the Murong family is currently in the Han family. It is not convenient for us to take action. After she leaves, we will definitely take down the Han family!" The head of the Lan family replied.

"The Murong family, are you talking about the Murong family in the imperial capital?" Hearing the words of the Patriarch of the Lan family, the mood of the figure in the black air seemed to become unstable, and the black air around him churned.


"The Murong family is indeed a colossus, and it's not the time to tear yourself apart with them, so don't act rashly!" After a long while, the figure finally calmed down, and said lightly.

"Yes, my lord! It's just that I don't understand. With my lord's strength, why do you have to attack a small Han family? It seems..." the head of the Lan family asked with some doubts.

"Hmph, you shouldn't ask, it's best not to ask! Don't forget that your current strength was given to you by me. Since I can give it to you, I can take it back. You just need to follow my words honestly." Just do it!" The figure snorted coldly, and directly interrupted the words of the Patriarch of the Lan Family, the black air around him suddenly became violent, and the cold aura instantly enveloped the Patriarch of the Lan Family.

The Patriarch of the Lan family felt the cold atmosphere, and his clothes were instantly soaked in cold sweat, and immediately replied: "I know my lord, this villain will definitely do my best to complete the things my lord told me!"

The Taoist figure looked coldly at the Patriarch of the Lan family, and then turned into countless black air and disappeared into the secret room.

After the man in black disappeared, the Patriarch of the Lan family heaved a sigh of relief, and then his eyes became cold.

"Han family, hum!" The Patriarch of the Lan family snorted coldly, and then shook his palm violently, and the two golden lion heads were crushed directly!

At this time, in the bamboo forest deep in the Han family, Han Xu and Murong Wanqing were sitting in the gazebo, looking at the wooden house, as if they were expecting something.

"Oh, it's been three days, and Brother Shen hasn't woken up yet!" Han Xu said with a sigh.Hearing this, a trace of worry flashed across Murong Wanqing's eyes.

In the wooden house, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes tightly, and there was a look of pain between his brows.

This is an endless field of fire, Shen Haoxuan walked in it, the skin on his body was burnt red, and scary blisters appeared one by one, it looked very miserable!
Shen Haoxuan bit his lips tightly. He raised his head and looked at a huge skeleton in the distance. A trace of tenacity flashed in his eyes. He endured the pain from his body and walked towards the huge skeleton.

The huge skeleton was surrounded by golden flames, and its wings spread out, as if it was going to soar into the sky!If you look carefully, you can find that this is the remains of the ancient mythical beast Suzaku!

Shen Haoxuan kept approaching the Suzaku wreckage.However, the closer to the Suzaku wreckage, the higher the surrounding temperature, and the greater the pain Shen Haoxuan endured!

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan couldn't summon the Fire Spirit Obsidian to protect his body at all, he could only rely on his own resistance and his perseverance to push his body forward!
Shen Haoxuan also knew that his spirituality was trapped in this endless fire field, and the mystery of whether he could get out was the Suzaku wreckage!

Shen Haoxuan walked forward with difficulty, his shoes had already been burned, and the flesh under his feet had turned black and hard, completely charred, and there was a smell of burning.

Looking at the wreckage of Suzaku which was less than a hundred meters away, Shen Haoxuan's eyes turned hard, and he stepped forward again!

"Hoo..." Stepping out, the clothes on his body began to ignite spontaneously, the surrounding temperature had reached a terrifying level, Shen Haoxuan's skin was instantly dry and cracked, and traces of blood mist rose from his body. Produced by evaporation!

The heart-piercing pain made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help crying out, but in order to escape from this ghostly place, Shen Haoxuan resisted the pain coming from his body, his eyes were blood red, and he ran forward!

At a distance of [-] meters, Shen Haoxuan seemed to have walked for dozens of centuries. When he came to the side of the Suzaku wreck, the bones on his legs were melted, and Shen Haoxuan fell directly to the ground!

On the Suzaku wreck, golden flames kept churning. Shen Haoxuan raised his head and stared blankly at the Suzaku wreck, his eyes were bewildered, and he didn't care about the sparks constantly emerging from his body.

"Huhu..." The golden flames danced rhythmically, and after a while, Shen Haoxuan's body was also covered with golden flames, and he jumped up following the flames on the Suzaku wreckage.

"Phoenix nirvana, rebirth from the ashes, so it is like this, I understand, haha, I understand!" Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan burst into a burst of wild laughter, and a hoarse voice sounded, floating in the entire endless fire domain...

(End of this chapter)

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