Chaos hegemony

Chapter 316 Meet Ling Feng again!

Chapter 316 Meet Ling Feng again!

There was the imprint left by the Snake Emperor on the Xuanhuang fruit, and when he realized that the Xuanhuang fruit had been stolen, he was furious, and with a roar, he directly turned into the real deity, a giant python entrenched in the sky, killing the scorching sun in the midair All covered.

The Snake Emperor, who had turned into the true deity, had greatly increased in strength, and now he was suppressing Bai Lao to fight. You must know that before, he could not take advantage of Bai Lao's hands at all!

On the ground, it seemed that they felt the anger of the Snake Emperor, and the snake group that besieged Shen Haoxuan seemed to have gone crazy. The dozen or so fourth-order poisonous snakes even hugged together and attacked collectively. In a hurry.

"Looks like Wan Qing has succeeded!" Shen Haoxuan swiped the giant black flame ruler in his hand, cutting all the poisonous snakes that had sneaked up in two, and the flames at the cut instantly devoured their corpses and burned them into ashes.

"Master won't play with you guys anymore!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, the fire spirit obsidian on his body suddenly increased, and the oasis directly turned into a black sea of ​​flames, covering all the poisonous snakes around it.

These poisonous snakes are inherently cold, and they can withstand the terrifying temperature of the Fire Spirit Obsidian there. The poisonous snakes with low strength were burned instantly, and the stronger ones were also struggling. Shen Haoxuan also took advantage of this gap, Suzaku's wings behind him trembled, and his body turned into afterimages, disappearing into the oasis.

In the sky, after feeling the auras of Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing walking away, Bai Lao looked at the huge sky-reaching python and sneered: "My mission is complete, goodbye!"

"Tearing the sky hand!" After Bai Lao said, with a soft drink, a huge spiritual power palm formed, and slapped towards the Snake Emperor!
"Hiss!" The Snake Emperor neighed, flicked his huge tail, and with a violent sonic boom, he directly faced the giant spiritual palm, and the next moment, they collided with each other!


With a loud noise, a ferocious storm of spiritual power raged instantly, and the pair of giant tails of the Snake Emperor were directly sent flying, and countless snakes flew up, shining dazzlingly under the scorching sun.

"Hiss!" The severe pain made the Snake Emperor uncontrollably hiss, and when she came to her senses, Bai Lao's figure had completely disappeared!
"Search for me! Even if you search all over the desert, find them for me!" A moment later, a furious voice rose from the sky, and the surrounding sand dunes were trembling, countless yellow sand Roll down!

After receiving the order from the Snake Emperor, the snakes in the oasis burrowed into the ground one after another and scattered towards the desert. If they stayed here again, they might bear the wrath of Her Majesty the Queen.

"Hmph, do you think you can escape?" In the sky, the huge python once again turned into a half-human, half-snake snake-man. It snorted coldly and closed its eyes to feel it carefully. After a long while, the eyes suddenly opened , looked to the east, sneered, and disappeared in place in an instant.

At this time, in the east of the oasis, Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao all appeared at the agreed place.

"How is it, got it?" Shen Haoxuan asked Murong Wanqing.

"En!" Murong Wanqing nodded joyfully, and then took out the three wooden boxes carved from black and white trees, and three golden black and yellow fruits were lying in them.

Seeing those three golden black and yellow fruits, Shen Haoxuan also smiled in satisfaction, but then his face darkened again.

Seeing the sudden change of Shen Haoxuan's face, Murong Wanqing was also a little surprised, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There is a problem with Xuanhuangguo!" Shen Haoxuan brought the three wooden boxes over and looked them over carefully.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Murong Wanqing was also taken aback for a moment, then she looked at Xuanhuangguo, her brows furrowed, but she didn't find any problem after watching for a long time.

Shen Haoxuan looked at it for a long time, and then the powerful spiritual thought gushed out, directly penetrated into the Xuanhuang fruit, after a long while, a green snake pattern appeared on the surface of the Xuanhuang fruit!

"This... this..." Seeing the green snake pattern, Murong Wanqing turned pale with shock.In this mysterious yellow fruit, there is actually the imprint of the Snake Emperor!
Shen Haoxuan also snorted coldly, and his powerful spirituality turned into a sharp sword, directly erasing the snake pattern.Although the strength of the Snake Emperor has already reached the level of the Spirit Emperor, but it is a spirit beast after all, how can Lingnian compare with the fifth-rank alchemist Shen Haoxuan, it doesn't take much effort to erase the snake pattern.

"It's a good thing I have a cousin, otherwise I'm going to fall for the Snake Emperor this time!" Seeing the green snake pattern disappear, Murong Wanqing patted her proud chest and said.

"Don't be too happy, the Snake Emperor probably already knows our location, hurry up, it's not suitable to stay here for long!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice after erasing the marks on the three black and yellow fruits.

Hearing this, Murong Wanqing and Bai Lao also nodded, and then rushed forward.

Ten minutes after Shen Haoxuan and the others left, the space where they were standing suddenly fluctuated, and the figure of the Snake Emperor appeared on the sand dune.

"Well, they disappeared here! I can't feel the mark anymore, it seems that one of them has an alchemist with a strong spiritual sense!" A cold look flashed in the beautiful eyes of the Snake Emperor.

"Hmph, no matter where you escape to, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" The Snake Emperor snorted coldly. These people destroyed their homeland and stole the Xuan Huang Guo that they worked so hard to raise. This hatred must be avenged!

After all, the Snake Emperor's figure flickered, and he chased forward...


In the desert, time flies by on the way. At this time, it has been two days since Shen Haoxuan left the oasis. After two days of traveling, Shen Haoxuan and the others are already close to the edge of the desert hinterland, and there is still half a day to go. , even if you can get out of this hinterland, the road will be much easier for a while.

"Oh, I can finally go out, I'm getting sunburned here!" Murong Wanqing wiped the sweat from her forehead and muttered.

Shen Haoxuan glanced at him, shook his head and smiled lightly, but suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, and his nerves immediately tensed up.

"Hush, someone is coming!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, and then pulled Murong Wanqing and Bai Lao to hide behind a sand dune.

After a while, there was a noise not far away.

"Stop, hand over your things quickly, maybe I can leave you with a whole body!" A rough voice sounded, followed by a burst of commotion.

"Hmph, if you want something, you can get it yourself. Even if I die today, I will have to help you!" Then, a familiar voice sounded, but the voice was a little weak.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing looked at each other, they both recognized the owner of that voice.

"Ling Feng!" The two shouted together.

(End of this chapter)

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