Chaos hegemony

Chapter 327 Plan!

Chapter 327 Plan!

"Brother Shen, thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for you, my Han family would be doomed!" Han Xu looked at Shen Haoxuan, said gratefully, and then looked at the messy Han family, his face darkened again .

Looking at Han Xu, Shen Haoxuan didn't know how to be safe, and suddenly suffered the disaster of extermination, no matter who he was, he would definitely not be able to recover!

"Brother Han, I'll leave this person to you!" Shen Haoxuan then threw Lan Quetian in front of Han Xu.

Han Xu looked at Lan Quetian in front of him, and a stern look appeared on his face again. It was this man who killed his grandfather, and it was him who almost wiped out his family.Han Xu raised the long knife in his hand and swung it at Lan Quetian!


In an instant, blood splashed everywhere, and a scream came from Lan Quetian's mouth.Han Xu's knife did not directly kill Lan Quetian. If he were to die so easily, it would be too cheap for him.Han Xu broke Lan Quetian's tendons and hamstrings. In addition, Lan Quetian's dantian was destroyed and his strength was crippled. Now he is completely useless. This is more painful than killing him!

"From now on, use your whole life to pay off the debts of our Han family!" Han Xu snorted coldly, and then kicked him out of the Han family.

After abolishing Lan Quetian, Han Xu knelt down in front of Han Feng again, bowed down, Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing didn't know what to say, they could only stand quietly behind Han Xu, waiting for Han Xu to recover come over.

After a while, Han Xu finally stood up, bowed deeply to Shen Haoxuan and Bai Lao, and asked softly, "Do you have any plans for the next few?"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan stepped forward, patted Han Xu on the shoulder and said, "I promised Grandpa Han that I would send you to the third elder of the Tiangang Sect. After seeing that you are safe, I will not left!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Han Xu nodded heavily at him, then looked at Bailao and Murong Wanqing and said, "Where are you two?"

Murong Wanqing blinked her eyes, and then said: "I want to follow my cousin!"

Hearing this, Old Bai's face darkened, and he directly objected: "No, the old man is worried that you will be in danger outside, so let me take you back to the family! In the past, you used the Xuanhuang fruit as an excuse, but now that you have obtained the Xuanhuang fruit, you You must go back with me too!"

Hearing that Bai Lao wanted to let her go home, Murong Wanqing was not happy at the moment, she directly hugged Shen Haoxuan's arm, and said with a bitter face: "Grandpa Bai, it's not easy for me to meet Brother Haoxuan. , do you just have the heart to separate the two of us? Don't you feel sorry for Wan Qing?" While speaking, two big watery eyes stared at Bai Lao, and she used her nirvana!

"You, you..." Bai Lao saw that there was nothing he could do with Murong Wanqing's trick, and he was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan chuckled and said: "Old Bai, why don't you go back with Xuanhuangguo first, I will take care of Wanqing!" Shen Haoxuan also agreed to let Murong Wanqing stay, and he has not yet done anything about the Murong family. To fully understand it, I still need the help of Murong Wanqing.

"But..." Bai Lao wanted to say something, but was blocked by Murong Wanqing.

During that time, Murong Wanqing snatched a Xuanhuang fruit from Shen Haoxuan, stuffed it directly into Bailao, and said, "Oh, Bailao, you should go back first, I promise not to cause trouble outside, besides, brother Haoxuan is protecting you, no one will Can hurt me!"

Seeing Murong Wanqing rushing away in such a hurry, she could only let out a long sigh, nodded to Shen Haoxuan, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

After Bai Lao left, Han Xu, with the help of Shen Haoxuan and Murong Wanqing, buried all the members of the Han family in the back mountain. Next, he planned to go to Tiangangzong with Shen Haoxuan.

Although the Han family is gone, the Han family's property is still there. As one of the three giants in the desert city, the Han family's property is definitely enviable. Although Han Xu really wants to protect it, but his current strength It's not enough, and I can only bear it now.

Standing on the cliff, looking at the forces stationed in the Han family one after another below, Han Xu recorded them one by one in his mind, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "The day I return will be the time when you perish!" !" Looking at the Han family again, Han Xu left without looking back.


Three days later, Ling Feng, Duan Ruyan and Shi Dahu also came to their senses. When they heard that Shen Haoxuan and the others were going to the Tiangang Sect to find the third elder, the three of them were also happy for a while, and then they volunteered to lead the way and rushed to the Tiangang Sect... …

Tiangangzong is the existence of the overlord level in this Northern Territory.Among the two sects, two valleys and eight cities in the northern region, the strength of the Tiangang sect can faintly rank first.With such strength, it is naturally in the area with the most abundant spiritual power in the Northern Territory. This is also one of the few mountains and canyons in the Northern Territory, and this canyon is also named Tiangang Canyon because of the relationship with the Tiangang Sect!

After several days of trekking, Shen Haoxuan and the others finally came to the Tiangang Sect's sphere of influence.In the current situation, both Ling Feng and Duan Ruyan changed into Tiangangzong's costumes, and led Shen Haoxuan towards the entrance of the sect.

A few people went up the mountain and came to the entrance of the Tiangang Sect's sect, only to find that it had already been occupied by a sea of ​​people.

"Why are there so many people?" Seeing the crowd of people, Murong Wanqing asked curiously.

Hearing this, Ling Feng patted his forehead, as if he remembered something, and said immediately: "Oh, look at my memory, today is the day when Tiangangzong recruits disciples every three years!"

"Recruiting disciples, no wonder there are so many people!" Han Xu nodded and said, and couldn't help sighing at the moment, as expected of a great sect, so many people signed up to recruit disciples.

"Let's go, I'll take you in!" Ling Feng looked around, and immediately led Shen Haoxuan and the others to take a shortcut towards the sect.

"Stop, my Tiangang Sect recruits disciples today, and everyone can only enter at the entrance of the sect!" However, just as they were about to step into the Tiangang Sect, they were stopped by the Tiangang Sect disciples.

"Outer disciples!" Seeing the disciples blocking the way in front of him, Ling Feng frowned.The Tiangang Sect is divided into the outer sect and the inner sect. The clothes of the outer sect disciples are usually light blue, while the clothes of the inner sect disciples are all dark blue, and their surnames are embroidered with gold thread on the chest, like Ling Feng and Duan Ru Yan is the disciple of the inner sect, one of them has Ling embroidered on their chests, and the other has Duan embroidered on their chests.

"We just came back from our mission, so there's no need to stop us!" Ling Feng stepped forward and said politely.

"Why, can inner disciples ignore the rules? There is an order from above that you must go through the gate entrance. In addition, irrelevant personnel cannot be brought into the sect." The outer disciple said arrogantly.

Hearing this, Ling Feng frowned even more, and then said again: "Rules? Why didn't there be such rules when recruiting disciples before?" Or, you just said these rules casually! "After that, Ling Feng's aura pressed towards the outer disciple.

Sensing Ling Feng's aura, the disciple's face turned pale, and he couldn't help stepping back. Ling Feng is an inner disciple, and he is an outer disciple. The gap between the two is like a gap!
However, at this moment, a soft voice sounded from behind the outer disciple: "This rule is made by me!"

(End of this chapter)

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