Chaos hegemony

Chapter 33 Red Flame Chalcedony

Chapter 33 Red Flame Chalcedony
"Crimson flame chalcedony?" Shen Haoxuan murmured looking at the beautiful red lotus on the stone platform.

"Go, go down and have a look!" After saying that, Yan Lao lifted Shen Haoxuan up with his spiritual thoughts, and slowly floated towards the stone platform.

When Shen Haoxuan landed on the stone platform, his expression changed instantly!
"This... so rich fire attribute spiritual power!" At this moment, Shen Haoxuan seemed to be bathed in an ocean of spiritual power, his whole body was wrapped in viscous spiritual power, and he couldn't even move his body!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan's embarrassment, Old Yan smiled slightly and said: "Of course, this red flame red lotus is condensed from the purest fire attribute spiritual power, it's no wonder that the surrounding spiritual power is not strong!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan mobilized the elixir in his body, gray chaotic spiritual power slowly emerged, slowly enveloping his whole body, Shen Haoxuan also regained his mobility!

"It's amazing!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed, and then asked again: "Old Yan, didn't you say that this is the red flame chalcedony? Why did it become the red flame red lotus again?"

"Its name was originally called Red Flame Red Lotus. Because it looks like a piece of precious jade, it is also called Red Flame Jade Lotus! And the essence it condenses is Red Flame Chalcedony!" Yan Lao explained.

Afterwards, Yan Lao walked up to Chiyan Honglian, looked at the four drops of red liquid on the stamens, and couldn't hide his inner joy anymore, and said, "Boy Shen, you are really lucky to have Four drops of red flame chalcedony!"

Seeing Yanlao's crazy state, Shen Haoxuan rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Yanlao, tell me what's the use of the Chiyan Honglian and Chiyan Chalcedony? Why are you happy there alone? "

"Hmph, brat, what do you know, this red flame red lotus is a treasure for cultivation, especially for warriors with fire attributes.

The red flame and red lotus are condensed from the purest fire-attribute spiritual power in the world, so they have the effect of gathering spirits. If ordinary warriors sit on it to practice, their cultivation speed will be at least doubled. At least five times as much for warriors with higher attributes! "

"Five times!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan not only took a breath!What is the concept of five times the speed of cultivation? Take Shen Haoxuan himself as an example. It took him one and a half months to break through from the third level of tempering to the spirit. If he had the red flame and red lotus from the beginning, it would only take nine days!What a speed against the sky!

And the later the stage, the greater the effect of the red flame red lotus. You must know that the further you practice, the more difficult it is to break through. Sometimes it takes five or even ten years to break through once. With the red flame red lotus, it will get twice the result with half the effort ah!Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan's breathing became heavy.

"However, this is not the most valuable part of Chiyan Honglian. The most valuable thing about Chiyan Honglian is the Chiyan chalcedony it has condensed for thousands of years! It is rumored that a drop of Chiyan chalcedony can make a person who is not Ordinary people who cultivate directly evolve into warriors with extreme physiques!" Yan Lao said endlessly.

"What!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed in shock.You must know that there is no one in ten thousand extreme attribute physiques, and not even one person in 1 people has it, and warriors with extreme attribute physiques are the darlings of the world, and it is only a matter of time before they reach the pinnacle of martial arts!This drop of red flame chalcedony can turn an ordinary person into a peerless genius, it really is a treasure!

"However, this scarlet flame chalcedony is hard to come by. I searched for most of my life but couldn't find even a single chicken feather. I didn't expect you to find it so casually. I'm so angry!" Yan Lao said.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan could not listen to Yan Lao's words, he had long been lying on the red lotus, staring at the four drops of red chalcedony on the stamen, his eyes motionless.

"Look at your prospects, you are a person with a chaotic god body, and your extreme physique is scum in front of you, okay? This red flame chalcedony is just for you to quench your body, can you put away your saliva! "Old Yan gave Shen Haoxuan a shudder, and said with disgust.

"Didn't you also have a chaotic divine body in your old life? Didn't you spend most of your life looking for the red flame chalcedony!" Shen Haoxuan said aggrievedly, covering his head.

"The skill I got from the chaotic stone inscription is to cultivate one attribute to the extreme, at most it is only one-fifth of the chaotic god body that has been awakened, so I need this red flame chalcedony, and you are different, you awakened This is the real Chaos Divine Physique, which is already a physique with five extreme attributes, but it needs the spirit of the five elements to activate it!" Yan Lao said.

"Then this is also a treasure, I can take it back to Grandpa and use it for Ling'er!" Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand to pick the red lotus.

"Stop!" Seeing this, Old Yan hurriedly stopped him.

"You are stupid, all geniuses and treasures must be picked and preserved by special methods. If you get started so directly, you will destroy the red lotus and chalcedony!" Yan Lao scolded.

"Ah, what should we do then?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"Get out of the way, I'll come!" After Yan Lao said, a black flame rose from his palm, and quickly condensed into the shape of a knife.

Seeing the black flame in Yan Lao's hand, Shen Haoxuan suddenly felt a sense of hunger and thirst, and suddenly had the urge to devour the flame!This is not the first time this feeling, every time Yan Lao summons the black flame, this feeling will appear!

However, since there are still important things to do now, Shen Haoxuan suppressed this strange feeling, and then stared at Yan Lao's movements motionlessly.

"The red flame chalcedony must be filled with the petals of the red flame red lotus, so as to ensure that the energy in it will not be lost!" After that, Yan Lao cut off a petal of the red flame red lotus with a dagger transformed from black flames. , made an exquisite small jade bottle, and put the four drops of red flame chalcedony in it.

Afterwards, Old Yan took up the knife and cut off the red lotus of red flame along the root, and handed it to Shen Haoxuan: "Put this away, and sit on it when practicing in the future, the speed will be much faster! And it will be of great use in the future !"

"Okay, let's go!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan put away the Chiyan Honglian and Chiyan Chalcedony, Yan Lao looked around and said.

"Go? Let's go now?"

"Nonsense, you took all the most valuable things here, and if you don't leave, you still want to stay here to live with these magmas?" Yan Laobai gave Shen Haoxuan a look, and then picked him up and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

When Shen Haoxuan and Yan Lao returned to the ground, a sneaky figure appeared in front of them. Shen Haoxuan took a closer look, and it was the long hair that lured away the Fierce Hellfire Wolf King!

"Why are you here?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"How dare you say that, if I hadn't been clever enough to lure this stupid wolf to the territory of another fifth-order spirit beast, you wouldn't have seen me!" Shen Haoxuan, it is an unforgivable crime to let the noble animal gluttony to sell meat to attract the enemy!

"Aren't you standing here properly? Don't worry, I will reward you well later!" Shen Haoxuan said, winking at Changmao.

"Really? Did you get the things?" Hearing this, Changmao approached Shen Haoxuan and asked in a low voice.

Seeing the long hair like a thief, Shen Haoxuan nodded with a strange expression, and said: "Why do you look like a thief!"

"We are thieves, okay?"

"Wrong, I call it an aboveboard robbery, oh no, it's taking, we are civilized people, we don't know how to steal!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head and corrected.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's serious nonsense, Yan Lao couldn't bear it anymore, and interjected: "You two masters, if you don't leave, it will be too late, I can already feel that the hellfire wolf king is approaching here very fast, I want to come I found out that I was fooled!"

"Roar!" Sure enough, as soon as Old Yan finished speaking, a roar mixed with anger came from a distance!
"Oops. Get out!" Shen Haoxuan screamed, and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong. If the Hellfire Wolf King finds out that he has taken its treasure, it will definitely tear itself to pieces!
Shen Haoxuan used Yan Lao's spiritual thoughts to cut off the breath, and soon left the cave!

"Roar!" "Boom!"

Not long after Shen Haoxuan left, there was a burst of roaring and roaring from the direction of the cave. Presumably it was the Hellfire Wolf King who found out that his treasure had been stolen, and was venting his inner anger!
Looking at the mountain wall slowly crumbling in the distance, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed for a while, fortunately he ran fast, otherwise it would be his small body that was torn apart!

But this trip reached the real value, Shen Haoxuan touched the storage ring containing the red flame red lotus and the red flame chalcedony, nodded in satisfaction, then turned and disappeared into the forest, now he needs to go back to the waterfall , Started body quenching!

(End of this chapter)

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