Chaos hegemony

Chapter 336 Tiangang 3 Absolutes!

Chapter 336: The Three Wonders of Tiangang!

"What, you joined the Tiangang Sect? You are still a disciple of the Third Elder!" In the flower garden, there was a sudden scream, and the birds that were resting in the garden were frightened and flew around!
It turned out that after Shen Haoxuan invited Ling Feng into the garden, he told Ling Feng about joining the Tiangang Sect, and Ling Feng's reaction satisfied the three of them.

It's no wonder Ling Feng wasn't shocked. The Third Elder seldom manages affairs in the Tiangang Sect, and he rarely appears in the sight of the disciples. Many disciples probably only heard the name of the Third Elder, but never met the Third Elder. I, and now when the three of Shen Haoxuan came, not only did the third elder go out to greet them in person, but they were also directly accepted as closed disciples. This is very unscientific!

"Ahem... I heard that you were troubled by the elder Fang of the outer sect, and said to see if you are okay. I didn't expect that you are not only fine, but also joined the sect of the third elder. Congratulations!" Ling Feng hesitated for a long time God, finally slowed down, and congratulated enviously.

"There's nothing to congratulate, but you just joined the Tiangang Sect." Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said casually.

Hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but roll his eyes. The prestige of the third elder in Tiangang Sect is not ordinary, and his strength is terrifying. Which disciple would not want to worship the third elder as his teacher? Hong'an County is so cheap that it's cheap , I can't bear it anymore!
"Well, since you've also joined the Tiangang Sect, I'll take you around and show you our Tiangang Sanjue!" Ling Feng quickly changed the subject, and continued chatting with Shen Haoxuan, probably he would Be pissed off.

"Three Wonders of Tiangang?" Hearing this, the three of Shen Haoxuan were a little curious.

"Yes!" Ling Feng smiled mysteriously.Afterwards, a disciple brought Shen Haoxuan and the three with the costumes and tokens of the inner disciples of the Tiangang Sect. After the three of Shen Haoxuan changed into them, they followed Ling Feng and walked towards the inside of the Tiangang Sect.

"What are the three celestial gangsters?" Shen Haoxuan asked on the road.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, Ling Feng stopped being mysterious, and immediately introduced: "The three wonders of Tiangang, they are the three treasures of my Tiangang sect, namely the Buddha Pagoda, Tiangang Hall and the secret pavilion! This secret pavilion is for storing exercises. There is no need to say more about martial arts, this is the root of a sect, and you must all understand it.

This Tiangang Palace is unique to our Tiangang Sect.The climate in this northern region is abnormal, and there are often some strong winds blowing by, but this strong wind has the effect of body training!Ordinary Gangfeng has little effect, but the Gangfeng in our Tiangang Temple is extraordinary.

The astral wind in the Tiangang Palace is divided into the earth-shattering wind and the heavenly-gang wind. This earth-shattering wind blows from the depths of the ground. It is so powerful that ordinary people can't bear it at all. The day's gang wind is even more terrifying. It comes from a crack in space. It was blown out that even the fourth-order spirits who are the best at defense will be torn apart in an instant. It is difficult for warriors below the spirit level to walk in. Among the 500 inner disciples, only a few can take them with them. A quarter of an hour, but not more than half a stick of incense, that kind of place can indeed become a Jedi! "

"Is it heaven and earth?" Hearing Ling Feng's introduction, Shen Haoxuan felt a little eager to see it. After all, the road of body training has long been abandoned by martial artists in the mainland. The body training process is extremely painful and requires a very long time. Time will see results.And refining spiritual power, not only does not need to endure pain, but also the cultivation speed is very fast. In comparison, body refining is naturally lagging behind!

But Shen Haoxuan knows how necessary it is to have a strong physique, and if one refines one's body to achieve great success, the power will definitely far exceed that of a martial artist who refines spiritual power!
Now Shen Haoxuan also knew that Ling Feng suffered such a serious injury in the desert, and he was still able to deal with that Wang Laowu. It seems that he has been practicing in Tiangang Palace for a long time!

"Then there are only two unique skills, how about one more?" Murong Wanqing asked.

Hearing this, Ling Feng smiled lightly, pointed to a tall black tower in the distance, and said, "The last trick is right there, the Buddha Pagoda!"

Hearing this, the three of Shen Haoxuan looked around, and in the distance, a pitch-black tower pierced into the sky, and there was an ancient and simple atmosphere, which could be felt even from such a long distance.

"This pagoda is the foundation of the Tiangang sect and one of the holy places of the Tiangang sect. Only inner disciples can enter the pagoda. The pagoda is also a place to test the combat power of the disciples. The pagoda is divided into thirteen Each floor has a guard, and only when you hit the guard can you pass through.

Although those guardians have no physical body, they are extremely powerful. There are 500 inner disciples, most of them can only rush to the fourth floor, only more than 30 people can rush to the fifth floor, and even fewer people on the sixth floor , there were only ten people, and there were three people who rushed to the seventh floor! "

"So few, did the thirteenth floor only reach the seventh floor?" Murong Wanqing was a little surprised.

"Of course, you think that the Buddha Pagoda is easy to break into. It is the guardian of the fourth floor, and the strength has reached the sixth-level spirit, which is the minimum requirement for inner disciples!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes. Said.

"Then which floor did you break into?" Han Xu asked, Ling Feng's strength has reached the eighth-level Spiritual Marquis, so his strength should not be bad!
"I, I rushed to the sixth floor! The guardian of the sixth floor has reached the peak of spirit, and I can barely defeat it!" Ling Feng said proudly.

"Is it only the sixth floor?" Shen Haoxuan murmured softly, but when Ling Feng heard this, he was almost pissed off by Shen Haoxuan, what is only the sixth floor, out of [-] inner disciples, only ten of them can reach it, this Not bad?

"However, there is another pervert who rushed to the ninth floor. The strength of that guy is really terrifying! Oh, by the way, brother Shen, you have to be careful. The pervert who rushed to the ninth floor has something to do with Fang Yazhong , maybe I will trouble you!" Ling Feng suddenly thought of something, and warned Shen Haoxuan.

"Really?" Shen Haoxuan murmured softly, also remembering the person Ling Feng mentioned in his heart.To be able to surpass five hundred inner sect disciples, this person must have something extraordinary.

"Let's go, I'll take you to have a look!" Ling Feng said after seeing the three people looking forward to it.

"Okay!" Murong Wanqing said happily, she wanted to see what's so special about this pagoda.

The four of them followed to the tall pagoda, standing in front of the pagoda at such a close distance, the faces of the three of Shen Haoxuan were full of shock.

The dark pagoda is covered with jerky and difficult to understand runes. The tadpole-like characters show its history. This pagoda is definitely handed down from ancient times.

"Let's go in and have a try. I haven't been here for a long time, just to test what level my strength has reached!" Ling Feng said eagerly, and then led Shen Haoxuan and the others towards the Buddha Pagoda...

(End of this chapter)

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