Chaos hegemony

Chapter 344 Mission?

Chapter 344 Mission?

Looking at the terrified Niu Ben, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but glanced at him contemptuously, then stretched out his hand, and said indifferently: "Niu Ben, right? Do you remember our bet? Where's your point token?"

Hearing this, Niu Ben's heart trembled, and he touched the point token in his arms. There were [-] points in it. This was all his savings, how could he be willing to give it to Shen Haoxuan.

"Why do you want to go back on your word? There are so many disciples here!" Shen Haoxuan frowned slightly, and said in a cold voice.

"That's right, do you want to go back on your word?" Murong Wanqing, Ling Feng, and Han Xu all surrounded him. Before, Niu Ben begged Shen Haoxuan to bet with him, but now he wants to go back on his word after losing?
The four surrounded Niu Ben and asked sharply.Feeling the aura of the four, Niu Ben's expression changed, and he could only reluctantly hand over the points token in his arms to Shen Haoxuan.

When they saw the points in the Niuben points token, the four of Shen Haoxuan were taken aback.[-] points, Ling Feng looked at Niu Ben strangely, has this guy never used points? How could he have so many points? You must know that when he had the most points in his hand, they were only a few thousand points.

How did they know that Niu Ben's points were just cheated from those weak disciples, just like today, he threatened to bet with him, but today he met Shen Haoxuan, and he was directly hit and bloody. It's called stealing chickens without losing rice, and you didn't get any benefits, and you even paid yourself out!
"You guys wait for me!" Niu Ben said with a gloomy face as he looked at the four people who kept marveling at them holding their point tokens.

"Why, you're not convinced? Do you want to compare again?" Shen Haoxuan swiped one hand, transferred the points in the Niuben point token to his own token, and then threw the zeroed token to the Bull run.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Niu Ben trembled, quickly picked up his points token, and ran out of the square of the Pagoda in desperation regardless of his heartache.

"Haha, look at how cowardly he is, he's so big and timid, he'll find soft persimmons!" Murong Wanqing looked at Niu Ben's back and said disdainfully.

Shen Haoxuan also smiled, and then asked Han Xu and Murong Wanqing to get the point token, and gave [-] points to the person above their point token!
"Wow, brother Haoxuan, you are so generous!" Seeing the extra [-] points on the point token, Murong Wanqing looked at Shen Haoxuan with bright eyes, almost jumped up and kissed him on the face.

"Hey, Wan Qing, didn't you ask someone to bet just now? That's a lot of points!" Han Xu reminded.

"Oh, that's right!" Murong Wanqing was so happy that she forgot about it, but when she turned her head to look for that disciple, she found that he was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn it, let him run away!" Murong Wanqing snorted coldly.

"This sect is so big, he can't run far, let's go, now that we have points, should we go to the other two great jedi?" Shen Haoxuan waved his hand and said indifferently.

As soon as the game was mentioned, Murong Wanqing's spirits rose again, and she quickly forgot what happened just now...

When Shen Haoxuan and the others were having fun in the Tiangang Sect, in the main hall of the Tiangang Sect, Luo Hua, the third elder, was sitting face to face with a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man in fine clothes is none other than Tianao, the suzerain of the Tiangang Sect.

"Third Elder, you said that you want three places to participate in the Ancient Desert City." Tian Ao asked with a frown.

"That's right, I have recruited three new disciples, and I want them to practice!" Jun Luohua said unhurriedly.

"Third Elder, you actually accepted disciples!" Hearing this, Tian Ao was stunned for a moment, and asked in disbelief, after knowing that the Third Elder usually likes to be alone, he would accept disciples?

"Why, can't you?" The third elder said lightly.

"Oh, of course. It's just that the number of places for Zongmen to enter the ancient desert city is limited. If you just give them three places based on the words of the three elders, isn't it a bit... Even if I agree, the elders will not agree. Yes." Tian Ao said with some embarrassment.

"Don't worry, there's no need to give the quota directly, they will also participate in the competition for the quota in two months' time!" Jun Luohua said.

"Participating in the quota competition, but that also requires their strength to reach the standard. I wonder what level the strength of your three disciples has reached?" Tian Ao asked.

"A sixth-level spirit, a fourth-level spirit, and... a first-level spirit!" When Jun Luohua said about Shen Haoxuan, she obviously paused.

"What, the first-level spirit, the third elder, you are not kidding me!" Tian Ao was stunned for a while.

"Don't worry, his strength is not as simple as it seems..." Jun Luohua took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"But..." Tian Ao still couldn't believe it.

"Sect Master, good news, good news!" While Tian Ao was speaking, an old man broke in from outside the hall.

"Second elder, why are you in such a panic?" Tian Ao asked, frowning slightly.

"Sect Master, I have great news for you!" The second elder's old face was full of joy, which could not be concealed at all.

"What good news?" Hearing this, Tian Ao was a little puzzled.

The second elder picked up a cup of tea on the table, drank it down, and then laughed loudly: "Sect Master, you don't know, just now, a disciple directly broke into the eighth floor of the Buddha Pagoda, and it took less than a day A stick of incense time!"

Hearing this, Tian Ao was not surprised at all: "Are you talking about blood devouring the sky?"

"No, there is someone else, and this disciple is only a first-level spirit!" The second elder shook his head, and then said excitedly.

"First-rank soulmate!" Hearing the second elder's words, Tian Ao and the third elder were taken aback, and then looked at each other.

"Is that disciple called Shen Haoxuan?" Third Elder Luo Hua asked softly.

Hearing the third elder's question, the second elder also paused and said, "How does the third elder know?"

"That means I just received my disciple!" Jun Luohua said lightly, but she was a little shocked in her heart.She also knew about the Futu Pagoda within the Tiangang Sect, even she couldn't see through it. Shen Haoxuan was able to reach the eighth floor in such a short period of time, which was completely beyond her expectations!
"Third Elder, is Shen Haoxuan really your disciple? If that's the case, I can fight for this spot for you!" Tian Ao said immediately after hearing what the Second Elder and the Third Elder said.

"It's just that they have just entered the sect after all. Even if they are talented, it is still difficult to convince the elders. Therefore, I need them to do one thing, which can be regarded as blocking the mouths of those old guys!" Ao continued.

"What's the matter?" the third elder asked.

"Go and eradicate the Hehuan Gate!"? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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