Chaos hegemony

Chapter 347 I See You Are Displeased!

Chapter 347 I See You Are Displeased!
Following behind Murong Wanqing, the three squeezed into the crowd, looking at a man and a woman surrounded by people.

The young man was dressed in fancy clothes, with a fat head and big ears. His face was so fleshy that it covered his facial features. If the fat on his belly didn't have Bundchen in his robes, he might be able to fish on the ground, while the girl was In stark contrast to the fat man in Chinese clothes, the clothes on his body are mostly patched, and his figure is extremely thin. His face may be a little yellow due to malnutrition, but it still can't hide her beauty. The big eyes look even more adorable.

At this moment, the fat man in Chinese clothes was pulling the girl's arm, looking at her fiercely.

"Isn't this the young master of the City Lord's Mansion, Young Master Hua? He's coming to rob the girls again?" a bystander said softly.

"Shh, keep your voice down, if Young Master Hua hears it, be careful not to lose your head!" Another onlooker thought, looking at Young Master Hua with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know whose family this girl is, she's going to be ruined again!" The people around looked at the poor girl and couldn't help but sigh.

In the arena, the girl looked at Young Master Hua with a pale face at the moment, her two big eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't help begging: "Master Hua, please, let me go, I still have an old man at home. Dad needs my care, please..."


However, regarding the girl's entreaties, Young Master Hua slapped the girl's face directly. In an instant, five clearly visible palm prints appeared on the girl's face.

"You stinky bitch, it's your honor that this young master took a fancy to you, yet you still dare to resist, are you getting impatient? If you dare to resist again, believe it or not, this young master will finish you right away?" The one called Young Master Hua scolded viciously.

"Woooo... Young Master Hua, please, let me go!" Threatened by Young Master Hua, coupled with the burning pain on her face, the girl couldn't help but shed tears.

"Damn it, you bitch, how dare you cry!" Young Master Hua shouted cursingly, then raised his palm, ready to slap him down again!


This time, a slap that was several times louder than before resounded above the market, shocking everyone around!

However, when everyone saw that it was not the girl who was slapped, but Young Master Hua, the scene became extremely quiet for a while, and everyone looked at the girl in the red dress standing in front of the girl in disbelief.

"Who is this girl? Doesn't she know that Young Master Hua is the young master of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"If you want to be brave, you have to look at the target. It's over now. These two girls probably won't be able to escape Young Master Hua's clutches today. It's such a pity!" The people around started talking.

Shen Haoxuan and Han Xu were also looking at Murong Wanqing standing in front of the girl with black lines at the moment. This girl was so impulsive that she rushed out so recklessly...

At this time, on Young Master Hua's right cheek, five bright red fingerprints were clearly imprinted on his face, a burning pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, Young Master Hua was directly slapped by Murong Wanqing Fan was stunned, stars appeared in front of his eyes.

" dare to hit me?" After a while, feeling the burning pain on his face, Young Master Hua finally realized it, and yelled at Murong Wanqing ferociously.

However, when he saw Murong Wanqing's appearance, he was completely stunned!

"Beautiful, so beautiful!" Young Master Hua stared straight at Murong Wanqing. She had a beautiful face, a proud figure, and a princess-like temperament. Young Master Hua had never seen such a woman before. I was suffocating, I even forgot the pain on my face for a while.

"Little lady, do you want to go home with me and have a drink?" After a while, Young Master Hua's face changed, and he said with a smile, but those wretched eyes kept scanning Murong Wanqing back and forth, with a lustful expression. No secrets!

Hearing this, Murong Wanqing coldly forgot to give that young master Hua a look, and then turned around to help the girl behind her up without paying any attention.

"I said, little lady, I did something wrong just now, I am here to make amends to you, how about I invite you two to have a drink at the mansion?" Young Master Hua invited again.

"Have a drink with you, a well-dressed animal? Hmph, just looking at you will dirty my eyes, and drinking with you is a joke!" Murong Wanqing replied unceremoniously. You know, he is a beast in clothes!
"Oh? Miss, is this going to reject me?" Hearing Murong Wanqing's words, Young Master Hua's expression changed, and he said in a cold voice.

"I think you are not only a beast in clothes, but also a beast without brains. Didn't you hear what I said just now?" Murong Wanqing cast a cold glance at the young master Hua, and sarcastically said.

Listening to Murong Wanqing's words, Young Master Hua's complexion became darker and darker, and in the end, water dripped from his gloomy complexion!

"Dare to scold me? In this Divine Martial City, those who dare to scold me will never live to see the sun the next day! But for your beauty's sake, I will spare you! However, the death penalty is exempt, There is no escape, neither of you two can escape today!
Come on, bring these two girls back to me, my young master is going to take care of them tonight!Ha ha! "Master Hua looked at Murong Wanqing and the two, and roared with a lewd laugh.

Hearing that, all the warriors around rushed up, surrounded Murong Wanqing and the girl, and then rushed towards them!

However, just as they were about to leave, the ground under their feet suddenly turned into soft sand, directly burying those warriors, leaving only one head exposed!

"If you dare to touch her hair today, believe it or not, I will prevent you from seeing the sun for a second?" Then, a cold voice sounded, echoing in Young Master Hua's ears!

"Who, have the ability to come out to this young master!" Hearing that cold voice, Young Master Hua couldn't help but tremble, and shouted towards the surroundings.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed, and he appeared directly in front of Young Master Hua, and then he slapped him with a big palm!

There was another crisp sound, and Young Master Hua's already fat cheeks were even more swollen and out of shape.

"Don't ask me why I hit you, I see you are upset!" Shen Haoxuan said in a cold voice without waiting for Young Master Hua to speak.

Young Master Hua was covering his swollen cheeks, his eyes were full of hatred!

" dare to hit me, do you know who I am?" Young Master Hua roared indistinctly.

"This young master is the young master of the Lord's Mansion of Shenwu City. My second brother is an inner disciple of Hehuan Sect. If you dare to hit me, my second brother will definitely kill you!" Young Master Hua roared.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's eyes lit up, looking at Young Master Hua, it was like seeing a naked beauty!
"You said, your second brother is an inner disciple of Hehuan Sect?" Shen Haoxuan asked with narrowed eyes.

"What, are you scared?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Young Master Hua's mouth.

"Afraid?" Shen Haoxuan snorted softly, and then without warning, he slapped Young Master Hua's face again. The two slap prints overlapped perfectly!
"Ah!" A scream echoed above the market...

[ps: Sorry, the update is late, the shoes are a bit urgent these two days, this chapter was written a few days ago, the matter will end tomorrow, and the third update will resume tomorrow, sorry everyone! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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