Chaos hegemony

Chapter 351 Here Comes!

Chapter 351 Here Comes!

It turned out that Luo Xiaowen and Na Luocheng were half-brothers and sisters. Although Luo Xiaowen's mother was the main wife, the second aunt who was the second wife was the first to give birth to two sons, and Luo Xiaowen became a member of the family. The youngest sister.

However, as the child of the main family, Luo Xiaowen wanted to inherit the family business, but the second aunt strongly opposed it because Luo Xiaowen was a daughter, and she wanted her two sons to inherit the Luo family business .

Luo Xiaowen also knew what Second Aunt was thinking. She had always been at odds with her mother. Once her two older brothers inherited the family business, then she and her mother would never have a good life!Therefore, in order not to let her mother suffer in the future, Luo Xiaowen can only constantly compete with her two older brothers!

As a daughter, Luo Xiaowen, compared with her two elder brothers, is naturally inferior to them in terms of cultivation talent, but the main business of the Luo family is an auction house, and Luo Xiaowen's business acumen is not as good as those of his two brothers. Brother can be compared.However, because the three have their own strengths, the family elders have no way to make a decision, and they are still on the sidelines.

"Then what's the matter with the Floating Life Card?" Shen Haoxuan took out the purple token and asked in doubt, she seemed to have heard that it was related to some competition of the Luo family?
"The Floating Life Card is the status symbol of the direct descendants of the Luo family, and each person can only give it once in a lifetime. This is related to a secret of the Luo family, and it is not the time to tell it!" Murong Wanqing explained from the side, as Luo Xiaowen's Sister, Murong Wanqing also knows a lot about the situation of the Luo family.

"At the beginning when you didn't come out from the Linghuang's tomb, I thought I gave away my Floating Life card to others for nothing, but I didn't expect you to be alive. If that's the case, I must go to the imperial capital in three years!" Luo Xiaowen looked at Looking at Shen Haoxuan, he said with a chuckle.

"Three years later?" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan murmured, then nodded slightly.Three years later, it was indeed time for me to visit the imperial capital.

"Don't worry, Miss Xiaowen, even if he doesn't go, I will escort him to you. This is related to your fate!" Murong Wanqing assured from the side.

Hearing this, Luo Xiaowen chuckled, she believed too much that Shen Haoxuan would arrive on time.

"By the way, Miss Xiaowen, why did you come to Beiyu, and that annoying Luo Cheng also came!" Murong Wanqing asked curiously.

"Could it be that you also sneaked out because you thought the family was too boring?" Murong Wanqing said with a snicker.

Hearing this, Luo Xiaowen nudged Murong Wanqing's forehead, and said with a smirk, "You think everyone is like you, you know how to play in one day! I received an order from my family to come to the ancient desert city in the Northern Territory Take something, I heard that it is very important to the family, Luo Cheng heard about it, so he followed me, wanting to claim credit!"

"Is Miss Xiaowen going to the ancient desert city too? What a coincidence!" Hearing this, Murong Wanqing yelled, startling everyone in the room.

"What's it called?" Luo Xiaowen asked suspiciously.

Afterwards, without waiting for Shen Haoxuan to speak, Murong Wanqing narrated the experience between herself and Shen Haoxuan during this period of time. Shen Haoxuan only saw the essence of Murong Wanqing at this time. Like setting off firecrackers, there is no way to stop!

Luo Xiaowen seemed to have gotten used to this kind of Murong Wanqing a long time ago, and patiently listened to her words, and picked out the key points.For this, Shen Haoxuan and the others were all in admiration. Murong Wanqing said a lot, most of which were irrelevant nonsense. It would take a long time for most people to understand her meaning, but Luo Xiaowen could understand it in an instant. Isn't it great?

"Oh, so you're here to fight for a place in Shenwu City!" Luo Xiaowen nodded and said.

"Yes, the mission given by the sect!" Shen Haoxuan shrugged and said casually.

"It seems that we are very destined, and we all have to fight for this spot!" Luo Xiaowen rubbed her forehead and said helplessly.

"Tianwu Auction House is so important in Shenwu City, does it still need to fight for the quota?" Murong Wanqing said with a curled lip.

"That's natural. This is the rule of the Northern Territory. It is not something that our Tianwu Auction House can control. It is said that there are only four places in the Shenwu City. You need to go to the Shenwu Realm of the Shenwu City to pass the barrier. The top four are eligible to get it." As for the quota to go to the ancient desert city, I've been busy with it for the past few days!" Luo Xiaowen said.

"Shenwujie, what is that place?" Shen Haoxuan and the others had some doubts.

"This world of martial arts is a space opened up by the ancient god of martial arts. He set up four checkpoints in it for his own selection of disciples, and they have been left behind. As for the four checkpoints inside, I haven't figured it out yet. "Luo Xiaowen told Shen Haoxuan all the news she found out.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan and the others also nodded, and they were also somewhat curious about the Shenwu world.

"Miss, Hua Zhiming, the second son of the Lord's Mansion of Shenwu City outside the door, please see me!" Just as Shen Haoxuan and the others were chatting, a maid walked in outside the door and said respectfully.

"Hua Zhiming? What is he looking for me for?" Luo Xiaowen frowned slightly. She had only been in Shenwu City for a few days, and she had never had contact with anyone in the Shenwu City's lord's mansion.

"Cough..." Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan coughed lightly, and said, "Sister Xiaowen, the second son of the Hua family is here to look for me!"

"Looking for you? What trouble did you kid cause?" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's embarrassed expression, Luo Xiaowen guessed it, and couldn't help but feel amused at the moment, this kid will cause trouble everywhere he goes!

"Let him go, just say that there is no one he wants here!" Luo Xiaowen ordered.

"Hey hey hey, don't miss Xiaowen, I caught him with great difficulty, you can't just let him go!" Hearing that Luo Xiaowen wanted to drive Hua Zhiming away, Shen Haoxuan hurriedly block road.

"You fished him out?" Luo Xiaowen looked at Shen Haoxuan suspiciously, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"Come on, let's go down and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, and then took the lead to walk downstairs.

After leaving the gate of Tianwu Auction House, a young man with a pale complexion was standing at the gate, and behind him stood a well-trained army!

Seeing that army, all the warriors around Tianwu Auction House gathered around and started whispering.

"Isn't this the army of the City Lord's Mansion? Why did it appear in the Tianwu Auction House? It looks like a provocation!"

"The Tianwu Auction House has never been involved in the affairs of the city. Why did the army of the City Lord's Mansion confront the Tianwu Auction House?"

"I don't know, look!"

Facing everyone's whispers, the pale-faced young man was not moved in the slightest. He took a deep breath and yelled at Tianwu Auction House: "Shen Haoxuan, get out!"

Powerful sound waves spread within Tianwu Auction House...

(End of this chapter)

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