Chaos hegemony

Chapter 367 Ouyang Shaoyu!

Chapter 367 Ouyang Shaoyu!

"I'm sorry brother, you scared her, and she doesn't have time to have a drink with you, please leave!" At this time, Shen Haoxuan took a quick step forward, blocking Han Xu behind him and said with a smile .

Seeing Shen Haoxuan blocking his sight, Ouyang Shaoyu frowned, then looked at Shen Haoxuan who had been ignored by him all the time, and said with displeasure: "Where did you come from something that doesn't have long eyes, here is your part to speak ? It's none of your business for me to pick up girls, get out, or don't blame me for being rude!"

After all, Ouyang Shaoyu wanted to reach out and throw Shen Haoxuan away. In his opinion, he was just a second-level spirit. Throwing him away was as simple as flicking away a fly!
However, when his hand was about to touch Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan grabbed it directly.

"You really don't have any tutoring at all. Is this how you educate your disciples in Fallen Valley?" Shen Haoxuan said with a relaxed expression while holding Ouyang Shaoyu's hand.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was blocking him from the ruins, Ouyang Shaoyu's face immediately became gloomy. He looked at Han Xu behind him and suddenly understood something.

"Little lady, wouldn't this short-sighted thing be your match? Let me tell you, your vision is really bad. What's your future with this trash? Why don't you join me, I'm the owner of the Fallen Valley Personal disciple, the next candidate for the Valley Master, and his strength ranks in the top five in the Northern Territory Qianlong list, as long as you follow me, you are guaranteed to have unlimited glory, and you will feel like dying every day!" Ouyang Shaoyu said lewdly .

Hearing Ouyang Shaoyu's obscene words, the warriors around frowned and lowered their heads to whisper.

"This Ouyang Shaoyu is just like the rumors. He has a perverse personality and has no bottom line in his life. He even said such unsavory words in front of a girl's friend. The name of the Fallen Valley is really well-deserved."

"Indeed, but this girl's friend is too useless, he is still smiling when he is being molested by other men, he is really worthless, such a beautiful woman is really stuck in cow dung! "

"I think he doesn't dare to resist. After all, Ouyang Shaoyu's strength lies there. No. 4 on the Qianlong list. Who else is his opponent in this younger generation!"

A sound of discussion reached Ouyang Shaoyu's ears, and he was very pleased to hear it. He glanced at Shen Haoxuan lightly, and said disdainfully: "Little lady, today I will let you see how good you are. Useless!"

After Ouyang Shaoyu's words fell, his whole body became cold, and he withdrew his arm from Shen Haoxuan's hand, then turned his fist into a palm, and punched Shen Haoxuan's head with a powerful fist wind. , if Shen Haoxuan was hit, his head would probably explode right away, this Ouyang Shaoyu, once he made a move, it was a killer move, and he didn't hold back anything!

"Hmph, good time!" Looking at the mighty Ouyang Shaoyu, Shen Haoxuan grinned at the corner of his mouth and let out a sneer, then he clenched his right fist tightly, and a prehistoric force instantly gathered on his right fist, aiming at Ouyang Shaoyu. Feather's fist to meet!
Seeing this scene, the warriors around were all dumbfounded. Not only did Shen Haoxuan not dodge in such a situation, he actually wanted to confront Ouyang Shaoyu head-on. Is this kid impatient?

Just as everyone was amazed, the fists of Shen Haoxuan and Ouyang Shaoyu collided directly, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye spread from the center of the two fists to the surroundings, forcing the surrounding warriors to retreat two steps.

Above the fists of the two, terrifying forces poured out continuously, pouring into each other's body, and the bluestone slab under the two's feet, under the powerful force, directly shattered and turned into a sky-filled sky. stone chips!

There was a muffled sound, and the fists of the two separated after a while. Both Shen Haoxuan and Ouyang Shaoyu couldn't help but retreat. Every time they took a step, they would leave a deep footprint on the ground. It can be seen that the two How powerful is the power of man!

The two people who were retreating suddenly stepped on the ground, released the force from their bodies, stood firmly, and stared at each other solemnly.

Seeing this scene, the warriors around couldn't help but take a deep breath, this kid actually tied with Ouyang Shaoyu!You must know that Ouyang Shaoyu is the direct disciple of the owner of the Fallen Valley, the top five characters on the Qianlong list in the Northern Territory, and an unknown second-level spirit who can even tie with him. Who is this kid?

Hearing the astonishment of the people around, Ouyang Shaoyu's face was so gloomy that water dripped out.In this Northern Territory, except for those ranked above him, he has never lost. How could this kid be tied with himself!
Looking at the gloomy Ouyang Shaoyu, Shen Haoxuan sneered and said, "Tie? Do you really think you can draw with me?"

Seeing the smile on Shen Haoxuan's face, Ouyang Shaoyu's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition lingered in his heart.


Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan let out a soft drink, and then a muffled sound came from Ouyang Shaoyu's body, and Ouyang Shaoyu's face turned pale in an instant, a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, looking into Shen Haoxuan's eyes , full of incredible colors!

" dare to plot against me!" Ouyang Shaoyu snarled in a low voice with his body trembling, his eyes full of resentment.

"Accuse you? Why did you plot?" Shen Haoxuan spread his palms and said with an innocent face. He just sent a wisp of fire spirit obsidian into Ouyang Shaoyu's body during the fist fight just now, and then detonated it. That's all, how can this be called plotting?
"I'm going to kill you!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan who pretended to be innocent, Ouyang Shaoyu's heart rose with murderous intent, and a dark and ink-like cold aura burst out of his body, and he wanted to attack Shen Haoxuan.This kid dared to hurt himself, and he would never forgive him!

However, just when Ouyang Shaoyu's dark aura was about to envelop Shen Haoxuan, a melodious bell sounded from the square, which directly scattered his aura.The breath collapsed, Ouyang Shaoyu was also implicated, and a mouthful of blood spewed out again.

But at this time, no one paid attention to Ouyang Shaoyu. All the warriors on the square raised their heads, looked at the sky with fiery eyes, then knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "Welcome Elder Shenwu!"

"Welcome Elder Shenwu..."

On the square, thousands of warriors shouted loudly in unison, and the substantial sound wave spread out, straight into the sky, deafening.After a while, the space in the sky began to distort, and an illusory figure slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

With the appearance of this old man, everything around seemed to be quiet, even the air stopped circulating, everyone's eyes were focused on the old man, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Is this Elder Shenwu? What a powerful aura..." Shen Haoxuan looked at the old man in midair and murmured...

(End of this chapter)

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