Chaos hegemony

Chapter 37 Fierce fighting spirit disciples! 【Favorites! 】

Chapter 37 Fierce fighting spirit disciples! 【Favorites! 】

"How could it be him?" Shen Haoxuan was also surprised by Lin Ziqing's appearance.

Xue Xuehe and the others stopped when they came to this open area, and after whispering a few words in Lin Ziqing's ear, Lin Ziqing stepped forward and shouted to the surroundings: "Brother Leng, I know you are here, Come out!"

Hearing Lin Ziqing's words, Shen Haoxuan was startled, "Did they find me?" But he was not sure, so he could only continue to hide his figure.

Lin Ziqing saw that there was no movement around for a long time, then walked under an old tree, looked up at a hidden place on the tree and said with a smile, "Brother Leng, there are many mosquitoes on the tree, why don't we come down and talk?"

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's face was very ugly, because Lin Ziqing was standing under the big tree where he was hiding and said that he was really discovered!
Now that he was discovered, Shen Haoxuan didn't continue to hide, and jumped down from the tree with a leap.Then he looked at Lin Ziqing, and said coldly: "How did you find me?" Shen Haoxuan was sure that he did not leave any traces, and was found just like that, and he was still very puzzled.

"Hehe, it's not difficult to find you!" Lin Ziqing touched the black centipede behind his ear and said with a smile.

Shen Haoxuan's eyes were sharp, and when he saw the black centipede, he suddenly reacted: "There is something wrong with that Chiyan grass!" After finishing speaking, he took the Chiyan grass out of the storage ring, swept his spiritual thoughts, and immediately discovered the problem .In the soil at the root of Chiyancao, a black centipede is slowly wriggling!
"Hmph, what a good trick!" Shen Haoxuan pulled out the centipede and crushed it, furious in his heart, he didn't expect that he would be fooled!
"Haha, each other! Brother Leng, now you are like a sheep among wolves, and you can't fly without wings. Let's talk!" Lin Ziqing said with a smile.

"Hmph, talk? What's there to talk about!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly.

"It's very simple, as long as you give me the top-grade spirit stone and red flame grass, I will not interfere in your affairs with Xuexuehe, and even save your life at a critical moment, how about it?" Lin Ziqing said with a smile.

"Sounds very tempting! But, once it's in my hands, there's no reason to give it away!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan didn't appreciate it, Lin Ziqing shrugged his shoulders, didn't say anything else, turned around and retreated into the crowd, but said in a low voice when passing by Qingshenhe: "Brother Xue, I leave it to you, don't forget our agreement !"

"Hmph!" Xue Xuehe snorted coldly, and walked forward.

"Leng Feng, don't come here without any problems!" Looking at the person in front of him who made him "think about it day and night", Xue Xuehe roared in a low voice.

"Well, I really haven't changed, but I heard that you were disfigured?" Shen Haoxuan replied holding his chin.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, a tyrannical feeling suddenly erupted from Xue Xuehe's body, and the robes on his body automatically moved without wind!

"Hehe, thanks to you, it's okay!" After finishing speaking, Xue Xuehe took off the mask on his face, and stared at Shen Haoxuan with red eyes, wishing to twitch his skin and tendons!
When Shen Haoxuan saw Xue Xuehe's face that looked like crumpled paper, he was also taken aback!Then he laughed loudly: "Haha, why did you grow up like this, does your mother recognize you?"

"Leng Feng! I'll let you taste that life is worse than death!" Xue Xuehe said with a gloomy expression.

"Come on, seal the surroundings, don't let a single fly go! I will make it difficult for him to fly!" Xue Xuehe ordered, and then walked towards Shen Haoxuan.

"Yes!" After hearing the order from Xueshenhe, the Blood Skull members immediately dispersed and sealed off the area!
Shen Haoxuan's heart sank when he saw the members of the Blood Skeleton who blocked all the way out, and then looked at the Xuehe River approaching him, whose aura was constantly rising. Shen Haoxuan took a long breath, and his aura slowly rose, a The soaring fighting spirit burst out from his body!Since there is no escape, the only option is to fight!If Shen Haoxuan wanted him to bow his head, even the heavens couldn't do it, let alone a martial artist of the spirit apprentice level!

Sensing the fighting spirit on Shen Haoxuan, Xue Xuehe smiled and said, "Hmph, it's just a little spirit, I'll let you know how stupid your decision is!"

"Boom!" After finishing speaking, Xue Xuehe kicked his feet on the ground, his figure rushed towards Shen Haoxuan like a cannonball, a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand, and slashed fiercely at Shen Haoxuan's face!
Sensing the sharp wind coming from in front of him, Shen Haoxuan immediately turned sideways with his own speed, dodged Xue Xuehe's fierce attack, then tore off the giant black ruler on his back, and smashed it hard on his head!

"Hmph, it's too slow!" The strong wind above his head didn't make Xue Xuehe panic, and he raised his big knife and slashed at the top of his head!
"Dang!" The giant black ruler collided with the long knife, sparks flew everywhere, and the crisp sound of gold and iron echoed in the mountains and forests!
After fighting Xue Xuehe, Shen Haoxuan finally knew the difference between a spirit man and a spirit disciple. The strength from the black ruler made Shen Haoxuan retreat more than a dozen steps, but Xue Xuehe's figure was completely motionless!The difference in the vigor of spiritual power is too great!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who had regained his breath, Xue Xuehe sneered and said, "Is that all you have? Then you should just obediently grab it with your hands up!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan didn't pay attention to Xuehe He, but just gave him a cold look.Then Shen Haoxuan put away the giant black ruler in his hand, let out a long breath of foul air, and then slowly closed his eyes in front of Xuexuehe!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan who was behaving strangely, Xue Xuehe was taken aback, then sneered: "No matter what you do, it's just a futile struggle! The ending is already doomed!"

After Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes, he completely emptied his mind, and his spiritual thoughts came to his dantian, looked at the three floating elixir, took a deep breath, and suddenly mobilized the spiritual power in the three elixir, a surge of spiritual power The river of force rushes out and pours into the various meridians!

If someone sees Shen Haoxuan's situation, he will definitely say that he is a lunatic. You must know that each person's body can only accommodate the spiritual power erupted from one spiritual pill, which is why each dancer can only have one spiritual power. The reason for the pill is gone, and if Shen Haoxuan squeezed all the spiritual power out of the three pills at once, he would undoubtedly be asking for a dead end!
But Shen Haoxuan couldn't think too much, at this time he could only fight, otherwise he would not be able to defeat Xuehehe who has the cultivation base of a fourth-order spiritual disciple!
"En?" Xue Xuehe, who originally wanted to see what kind of tricks Shen Haoxuan would play, suddenly felt a dangerous aura from him, and his expression sank.

"I can't wait any longer!" Xue Xuehe screamed in his heart, and then rushed towards Shen Haoxuan, all the spiritual power gathered in his palm.

"Liuhe Bahuang Palm!" Xue Xuehe yelled, and directly slapped Shen Haoxuan with his palm!

Liuhe Bahuang Palm, a low-grade martial skill of the Xuan rank, is Xuehehe's strongest move. After he felt the increasingly dangerous aura of Shen Haoxuan, he unhesitatingly used his strongest martial skill!
As soon as the Xuan-level low-level martial arts were released, a storm of spiritual power visible to the naked eye formed from Xue Xuehe's palm, and the powerful momentum oppressed the surrounding members out of breath.

"Go to hell!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan who was close at hand, Xue Xuehe roared angrily.

At this critical moment, Shen Haoxuan's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he raised his right fist, and the three brutal spiritual forces in his body gushed out along the specific meridians, and an aura that was not in the hands of Liuhe Bahuangzhang The attack came from Shen Haoxuan's right fist!

"Destroy the sky!"

The next moment, fists and palms collided, and a terrifying spiritual impact erupted from the center of the two of them. The soil under their feet splashed, and then a figure flew out, rolling against the ground until it hit a towering tree. On the ancient tree, the huge tree burst suddenly, and the figure stopped!

Everyone took a closer look and took a deep breath. The flying figure turned out to be the blood river of the fourth-order spiritual disciple!

Seeing Xue Xuehe's pale face, everyone present felt dizzy for a while. A second-level spiritualist actually made Xue Xuehe, a fourth-level spiritual disciple, into such a mess!

At this time, the mud debris in the sky also slowly fell to the ground, and Shen Haoxuan's figure also appeared.

Shen Haoxuan's situation is also not optimistic, his face is also pale, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, his right arm is drooping weakly, presumably dislocated!However, Shen Haoxuan was still happy in his heart, relying on the outbreak of the three elixirs and the high-grade martial arts of the Xuan rank, he unexpectedly forcibly made up the direct gap between himself and Xue Xuehe!
"I'm going to kill you!" Xue Xuehe roughly pushed Xiang Tian beside him, looked at Shen Haoxuan and said ferociously.He wanted to humiliate Shen Haoxuan before, but he didn't dare now. The strength Shen Haoxuan showed just now made him feel scared!
"Hmph, you want to kill me? Let's see if you have the ability!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, then raised his left arm, and a red and blue light cluster of spiritual power slowly flew out from the cuff!

After this ball of spiritual light flew out, Shen Haoxuan's face became even paler, his body was also crumbling, and he became weaker.

"This... this is..." After seeing the spiritual light cluster, Xue Xuehe's face was terrified, because he felt a familiar aura on it!

"I didn't kill you last time, this time I'm letting you have a taste!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan directly threw the light ball of spiritual power to the Blood River.

"Yanyang? Explosion" With Shen Haoxuan's soft shout, the light group of spiritual power exploded, a dazzling light flashed, and a storm of spiritual power that was more terrifying than before was formed, instantly swallowing everything around, and some people with low strength The warriors were directly blasted to pieces by this impact!

Shen Haoxuan also took advantage of the impact and quickly fled the scene!Because he knew that if Xueshenhe escaped once, he would be able to escape the second time. This attack still couldn't kill Xueshenhe. Shen Haoxuan's original intention was to create chaos in order to leave. As for Xueshenhe and his blood skeleton mercenary group...

"Hmph, I will pay back this debt sooner or later!" Shen Haoxuan glanced at the chaotic scene, turned around and sneaked directly into the Xuanling Mountain Range!
PS: I beg for support and recommendation, I will work hard to code!

(End of this chapter)

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