Chaos hegemony

Chapter 380 Overbearing Shen Haoxuan!

Chapter 380 Overbearing Shen Haoxuan!

On the top of the mountain, the atmosphere froze for a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and their eyes were full of vigilance. Only ten of the 11 people could stay, and everyone hoped that they were the ones who stayed, not the ones who were driven away.

"We all worked so hard to reach the top of this mountain, and even lost half our lives trying to break through this mighty power. Naturally, we couldn't leave, but the two women behind Shen Haoxuan didn't take any trouble from the beginning to the end. The strength is all brought up by others, I think the one who left should be chosen from the two of them!" When everyone was suspicious of each other, a warrior pointed to Murong Wanqing and Han Xu behind Shen Haoxuan and said in a cold voice .

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all came to their senses in their hearts. That's right, I tried my best to occupy this place, but those two women didn't make any effort. They were completely led by Shen Haoxuan. Those who came up, maybe they made some dirty deal with Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan worked so hard for them, if he wants to leave, he should choose from those two women!
For a moment, everyone turned their eyes to Murong Wanqing and Han Xu, their eyes full of hostility.

"Are you two going to get off by yourself, or are we going to drive you off?" the martial artist who mentioned at the beginning that Murong Wanqing and Han Xu were going to leave pointed at them and said arrogantly.They are also familiar with this martial artist, and it is the junior who has been standing behind Ouyang Shaoyu. He has this idea, and he must have something to do with Ouyang Shaoyu.

Murong Wanqing and Han Xu looked angry at the moment, looking at those warriors who pointed the finger at them, filled with resentment in their hearts. These people are really shameless and selfish. Girls do it!

"Hmph, we won't go down. Brother Haoxuan brought us up with great difficulty. Without his consent, even if you beat me to death, I won't leave this mountain for half a step!" Murong Wanqing scolded angrily. , not afraid of those menacing warriors at all.

"Yes, I won't leave either!" Han Xu also shouted angrily.

Seeing that the two had no intention of leaving, the warrior sneered, and then said, "Everyone, they don't want to leave, what should we do?"

"Kick them off!"

"Yes, you can only get to the top of the mountain with the help of others. Such a person is not worthy of entering the Shenwu Blood Pool!"

"Get off, get off!"

A sound of scolding came from those warriors and echoed on the top of the mountain. Murong Wanqing and Han Xu's complexions instantly became ugly, and their eye sockets instantly turned red.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan also frowned, then walked forward slowly, and came to the warrior who proposed to let Murong Wanqing and Han Xie leave.

Shen Haoxuan looked down at him, expressionless, and asked indifferently: "Are you going to let the two of them leave?"

Shen Haoxuan stood in front of that warrior, and a faint coercion enveloped him, and only then did the warrior feel Shen Haoxuan's terror.But when he thought that Ouyang Shaoyu was standing behind him, he would still be afraid of a little second-level soul.

"Yes, the two of them shouldn't be on the top of this mountain, and they don't have the right to be here, so why should we let those who have worked so hard to leave, and let the two of them stay with what's ready-made! "The warrior said sharply.

"What if I object?" Shen Haoxuan's eyes were fixed, and two cold lights flashed.

"Hmph, object, there are so many people here who agree, do you think you can reverse everyone's wishes by yourself?" the warrior snorted again.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan sneered, and his sharp eyes swept over those warriors who agreed.Everyone who was stared at by Shen Haoxuan felt cold in their hearts, and then turned their heads away. They didn't know why, but they felt great danger from this kid who only had a second-level spirit.

In the end, Shen Haoxuan cast his eyes on the martial artist, and said indifferently: "Actually, it's just one more person, so there's no need to trouble yourself!"

"Why, do you have anything else to do?" the warrior asked.

"Of course there is, and it's very simple, that is to let you get out!" Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan's voice changed, and he said aggressively.

Hearing this, the warrior was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, you said let me go, it's really funny, it's up to you? Let me tell you, except for Senior Brother Ouyang and Elder Shenwu, none of the people present are qualified to dare to say let me go!" Get out, you kid dare to say that, I think you are impatient, believe it or not..."

The warrior pointed at Shen Haoxuan's nose and laughed loudly, but before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly, because Shen Haoxuan really didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he punched the warrior in the stomach without warning , The violent power poured out, and the severe pain made the warrior's eyes almost pop out, and he lost his fighting power in an instant.

"People who talk a lot of nonsense are the most annoying in my life, so you'd better get out!" Shen Haoxuan leaned into the warrior's ear and said lightly, then kicked out, kicked out directly, and rolled directly along the steps down.

Shen Haoxuan glanced lightly at the martial artist who fell down the mountain without knowing his life or death. Then he looked at those who agreed to let Murong Wanqing and Han Xu go down the mountain before, and said lightly: "Now ten people just Well, do any of you have any objections?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, those people trembled all over, and looked at Shen Haoxuan with some fear. They didn't believe that Shen Haoxuan would drive people away directly in front of Elder Shenwu. If he had no chance to react, the martial artist would have been kicked down the mountain by him!

The warrior just now, but Ouyang Shaoyu's younger brother, is also a top [-] strongman in the Qianlong list, but he couldn't withstand Shen Haoxuan's punches and kicks, how could they have the courage to resist?If Shen Haoxuan was offended, if he punched and kicked again, he would probably be kicked down the mountain. Losing the chance to enter the Shenwu Blood Pond for an irrelevant person is really not worth it!
"Then they all agreed?" Seeing that no one had any objections, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction, and smiled at Murong Wanqing and Han Xu.Dare to provoke the people he brought, it's really boring!

Looking at the domineering Shen Haoxuan, everyone couldn't help but look sideways. Elder Shenwu also shook his head helplessly. He said before that there was one more person in the quota and one person needs to withdraw. He thought they would discuss it and resolve it peacefully. Thinking of Shen Haoxuan being so domineering, he just kicked him down...

(End of this chapter)

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