Chaos hegemony

Chapter 387 Get Treasure!

Chapter 387 Get Treasure!

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, the one-month limit for opening the Shenwu Blood Pond was about to end, but Shen Haoxuan still hadn't come out of the Shenwu Blood Pond.

Towards the end, the surface of the Shenwu Blood Pool is no longer blood red, and the water in the huge pool has turned back to milky white, and the energy contained in it has already evaporated or penetrated into the earth, but in the depths of the Shenwu Blood Pool, Due to the crystallization of energy, it has no slight influence.

Since Shen Haoxuan didn't come out for a long time, everyone's interest also changed from the initial anticipation to gradually becoming dull. At the moment, they all thought that Shen Haoxuan died inside, so they left the Shenwu Realm a few days ago.Murong Wanqing and Han Xu waited here for a few more days before being summoned back by Luo Xiaowen.

At this moment, beside the Shenwu blood pool, there is only Elder Shenwu left.Elder Shenwu circled the blood pool continuously, looked at the depths of the blood pool, and frowned: "This Shen Haoxuan, did he really die in it?"

Although Elder Shenwu is the guardian of the Shenwu world, even he is impossible to know what happened in the Shenwu blood pool, so he can only guess at the moment, but he feels a trace from the Shenwu blood pool. There is a faint energy fluctuation, this energy fluctuation is not the energy in the Shenwu blood pool, it is more like man-made.

Thinking of this, Elder Shenwu was even more puzzled.Although the energy in the Shenwu blood pool is majestic, it is not as pure as the energy between heaven and earth, and can be absorbed and refined by warriors without fear. The energy in this Shenwu blood pool belongs to the venerable Shenwu, although It has been refined, but it will also produce great resistance to the human body. Generally, if a person stays in the blood pool for five or six days, the energy in the Shenwu blood pool will not be absorbed into the body again. The strength is strong and the talent is high. It's okay, it's only half a month at most, this Shen Haoxuan is so good, he actually stayed inside for a month, will this guy's body really not be repelled by the energy in the Shenwu blood pool?
Elder Shenwu couldn't figure it out, but if the Shenwu Blood Pond didn't disappear for a moment, he couldn't leave the mountain top, so he could only sit cross-legged there with peace of mind, waiting for the Shenwu Blood Pond to disappear, and waiting for Shen Haoxuan to come out.

But at this time, in the depths of the Shenwu Blood Pool, Shen Haoxuan's eyes were closed tightly, and a terrifying suction force erupted on him. The energy on the surrounding blood-colored spar, under Shen Haoxuan's predatory absorption, slowly changed color. It faded, from dark red to blood red, and finally even milky white.

The Fire Spirit Obsidian rose from his body, those huge energies passed through the flame barrier, were directly refined, and finally merged into Shen Haoxuan's body, and Shen Haoxuan's aura was also slowly increasing.

After half a month of painstaking training, coupled with the boundless and boundless energy around him, Shen Haoxuan's strength has already reached the fourth-level spirit, and now he is thinking about the impact of the fifth-level spirit!
"Boom bang bang..."

A muffled sound came from Shen Haoxuan's body. After tempered by that majestic energy, Shen Haoxuan's meridians, bones, muscles and even every cell in his body underwent qualitative changes.


Suddenly, there was a roar, and a powerful momentum erupted in Shen Haoxuan's body, and the strong wind cracked the surrounding energy crystals that were oppressed inch by inch.

Shen Haoxuan's tightly closed eyes also opened suddenly, feeling the momentum on his body, the joy on his face couldn't be concealed at all.

"The fifth-level spirit is ready!" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fist in disbelief.He originally thought it would be a great fortune to be able to break through two levels in this martial blood pool, but he didn't expect that the energy at the bottom of the pool was so huge and abundant that it could fill up this bottomless pit in his body.

Xue Ling at the side looked at the ecstatic Shen Haoxuan, and then at the large expanses of white spar around him, feeling a little speechless.When Shen Haoxuan was practicing, he was like a robber. He didn't seem to be absorbing and refining the surrounding energy at all. He was plundering, and he didn't make any sense. Shen Haoxuan had already plundered all of his energy. If he didn't reach the fifth-level spirit, then Xue Ling wanted to die!

"I said boss, don't be complacent, this Shenwu Blood Pond is probably going to be closed, can you still take the treasure below?" Changmao poured a basin of cold water directly over it.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also had a meal, and after calculating the time, there was only half a day left before the closing of the Shenwu Blood Pond!Afterwards, he turned his gaze to the bottom of the pool below. At this depth, Shen Haoxuan could still vaguely see the dark bottom of the pool.

However, even if there is only a hundred meters away, it is not so easy to break through.Shen Haoxuan broke through from the second-level aura to the third-level aura, and dived 50 meters deep. From the third-level aura to the fourth-level aura, he only dived [-] meters. It can be seen that the further you go down, the more difficult The bigger it is, even if Shen Haoxuan breaks through to the fifth-level spirit, it is estimated that he can only dive down more than [-] meters...

"Damn it, fight hard, wealth and wealth are in danger!" But it is impossible for Shen Haoxuan to give up the food that is about to be obtained, and then he gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Follow me for a while!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice to Changmao, and then his eyes were fixed, and the fire spirit Obsidian in his body began to riot.

"Ba Tianjie!" Shen Haoxuan let out a low cry, a violent energy erupted in his body instantly, and Shen Haoxuan's aura also suddenly increased, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the level of seventh-order spirit!

After performing Tyrant Tribulation, Shen Haoxuan didn't stop, his body turned into a sharp sword, and directly plunged into the depths of the Shenwu blood pool. Wherever he passed, the dark red energy crystals were all shattered, allowing Shen Haoxuan to open a path.

However, Shen Haoxuan's speed became slower as he went down. Even if he forcibly raised his strength to the seventh-level spirit, he was still somewhat powerless against the terrifying energy pressure around him. After diving tens of meters deep, the body of Shen Haoxuan His skin flushed again, and his face became serious.

"Long Mao, can you feel where it is?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"30 meters below you!" Changmao closed his eyes and felt it, and said quickly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and pondered in his heart: "Is there still 30 meters left?"

Don't underestimate the 30 meters, the energy coercion at the bottom of the pool is already no weaker than the power of a full-strength attack by a strong Linghuang. It is not easy to cross this 30 meters!

"I have five seconds, within five seconds, can you get that thing?" Shen Haoxuan asked again after pondering.

"As long as you can reach the bottom of the pool, I can do it!" Changmao said affirmatively, in terms of hand speed, he would not lose to anyone.

Hearing Long Mao's affirmative return, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, the Suzaku wings behind his back suddenly opened, and then the dragon's chant sounded under his feet, and his body might form an afterimage, diving down...

(End of this chapter)

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