Chaos hegemony

Chapter 393 Strange green mist!

Chapter 393 Strange green mist!
However, Elder Xue underestimated Shen Haoxuan's reaction speed and fighting instinct. As Yan Lao's disciple, under Yan Lao's almost abnormal training, Shen Haoxuan's reaction speed and fighting instinct had already been deeply rooted in his bones, and Shen Haoxuan After practicing the Nine Heavens Shocking Cloud Walk, Elder Xue still can't catch up to him in terms of speed!

Shen Haoxuan directly ignored the roaring crutches, his body sank slightly, and he blasted towards Elder Xue's chest like lightning.Because of swinging the cane horizontally, Elder Xue's face was exposed in front of Shen Haoxuan for a moment, and Shen Haoxuan used this moment to launch the bombardment!


With a muffled sound, before the crutch touched him, Shen Haoxuan's fist landed on Elder Xue's chest. Terrifying power poured out instantly, knocking back Elder Xue directly, and the remaining strength Let his feet swipe several meters on the ground, and after breaking a towering giant tree behind him, he finally stopped his figure.

A trace of blood left the corner of Elder Xue's mouth, he looked down at his chest, his eyes were full of disbelief, on his chest, a purple fist was imprinted on it, the tyrannical energy directly penetrated his body, The clothes on the back were pierced and torn apart, and the severe pain made Elder Xue's face immediately darken.

He raised his head and looked at Shen Haoxuan with red eyes. A strong killing intent erupted from Elder Xue's body. Since he became Zhang Lai of the Fallen Valley, he has never been injured. Not only was he injured today, but he was also beaten by someone weaker than himself. The boy was wounded, a nameless anger burned in his chest, and the killing intent towards Shen Haoxuan increased exponentially.

"Boy, you are the first to hurt me for so many years!" Elder Xue wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and walked up slowly.

"In order to repay you, I will have fun with you!" Elder Xue suddenly threw away the crutch in his hand, his face became grim, and traces of green mist diffused from his body, quickly enveloping him .

As the green mist wrapped Elder Xue in it, the wrinkles on Elder Xue's face were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the muscles on his body also swelled suddenly, directly splitting the clothes he was wearing. The muscles with extremely sharp lines seem to give people a great sense of impact.

As Elder Xue became stronger, the aura on his body also gradually increased. In the end, the tyrannical aura even pressed the ground into cracks, and continued to spread towards Shen Haoxuan.

"It's interesting!" Looking at Elder Xue whose aura suddenly rose, Shen Haoxuan grinned, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes. He wanted to see how powerful Elder Xue was in this state.

After a while, Elder Xue's aura was completely stabilized, and he was very satisfied with the explosive muscles and strength.At that moment, he moved his body, smiled cruelly at Shen Haoxuan, and his body instantly disappeared in place.

This time, Elder Xue's speed was many times faster than before, even Shen Haoxuan could only see an afterimage flash by, and the next moment, Elder Xue appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

A sense of crisis suddenly rose without warning, and Shen Haoxuan instinctively raised his right arm, placing it across his side. The next moment, Elder Xue's leg swept over and kicked Shen Haoxuan's right arm. On top of that, the tyrannical force bent Shen Haoxuan's body down, and his arms also lost consciousness at that moment and became numb.

"What a powerful force!" Shen Haoxuan secretly said, after Elder Xue strengthened his body with that green mist, not only his speed skyrocketed, but his strength also increased greatly.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan blocked his own blow, Elder Xue didn't change his face. He immediately hooked Shen Haoxuan forward with his feet, clenched his fists tightly, and was about to attack Shen Haoxuan's face. Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan also raised his fist, two punches They collided in an instant, and two strong winds raged in an instant, cutting off the surrounding towering ancient trees at their waists. The cut was extremely smooth, as if cut by a sharp blade.

Shen Haoxuan and Elder Xue stood in a stalemate, above the fists, the shock waves visible to the naked eye eroded each other, but no one could do anything to the other.

At this moment, Elder Xue was shocked in his heart. He has used all the secret techniques, and his strength has at least reached the level of a third-level spiritual appearance. Isn't it easy to deal with a boy who is a fifth-level spirit, but, Shen Haoxuan's current combat power is not weaker than him at all. How can this not shock him, a fifth-level spirit candidate has strength equivalent to a third-level spirit phase. What is the origin of this kid?
"Hmph, I don't believe it, you can still stop this!" Elder Xue saw that the two were evenly matched in terms of strength, and his eyes became ruthless, and he thought to himself.Immediately, traces of green mist emerged from Elder Xue's body and spread along Shen Haoxuan's arm.

"This is..." When the green mist touched Shen Haoxuan's skin, Shen Haoxuan's face suddenly changed, and he looked at the green mist in shock.At the moment when the green mist wrapped around Shen Haoxuan's body, Shen Haoxuan felt that the vitality in his body began to drain, and moved towards Elder Xue along the green mist.

"What the hell is this!" Shen Haoxuan frowned, and then his body wanted to step back, away from the faint green mist, otherwise, the vitality in his body would be swallowed up by Elder Xue!
However, when Elder Xue absorbed Shen Haoxuan's vitality, a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his whole body became extremely excited, looking at Shen Haoxuan was like looking at delicious food!
"It's too pure, it's really too pure!" Elder Xue shouted like crazy at this moment, he had never devoured such pure life force as Shen Haoxuan, and the life force in Shen Haoxuan's body was extremely huge, if the life force in Shen Haoxuan's body If the vitality is completely swallowed up, maybe I can be decades younger in an instant!

Thinking of this, Elder Xue clasped Shen Haoxuan's fist with his old fist, preventing him from escaping at all. At the same time, the green mist emitted from Elder Xue's body became more and more intense, Rich, wrapped up towards Shen Haoxuan like crazy!

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned. He also saw the death methods of those Fallen Valley disciples just now, which must have something to do with these green mist, and Elder Xue's strengthening of his body was also due to this green mist. This green mist seems to be able to devour others. Vitality, however, is fed back to the senior so that he can maintain the metabolism in his body. Now, this green mist actually wants to swallow the vitality in his body!

Shen Haoxuan wanted to get rid of Elder Xue's restraint, but in the face of such a temptation, Elder Xue didn't know where the strength came from, and Shen Haoxuan couldn't get rid of it. Looking at the green mist that was getting closer to Shelley, Shen Haoxuan's mind flashed, and then he turned cold He said: "Since you won't let me go, then I will burn all your things!"

After all, the Fire Spirit Black Obsidian in Shen Haoxuan's body immediately rioted, and countless black flames rose up, meeting the green mist in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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