Chaos hegemony

Chapter 408 Arguing!

Chapter 408 Arguing!

In the dark Jueyang Valley, a strong smell of blood spread. The originally pitch-black ground was now stained red with blood. Hundreds of corpses of Hehuan Sect disciples were lying here and there. Stay cool.

"Quack quack..."

In the sky, groups of crows were screaming and circling. The smell from the corpse below attracted them, but due to the heavy Yin Qi, they could only hover in mid-air.

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan was standing on the highest point of the Hehuan Gate, looking at the Hehuan Gate where corpses were strewn across the field, and there was no disturbance in his heart.Shen Haoxuan didn't feel guilty for killing so many people. None of the disciples of the Hehuan Sect had blood on their hands, and they were all ordinary women who couldn't cultivate, and their families. Naturally, Shen Haoxuan would not feel pity.

"This mission is finally completed!" Murong Wanqing and Han Xu wiped the sweat from their foreheads and breathed a sigh of relief.Shen Haoxuan's plan was perfectly implemented, and no one remained in Hehuanmen.

"It's a pity that Ouyang Shaoyu was allowed to run away. That guy was not stupid. Seeing that the situation of Hehuanmen was not right, he ran away without hesitation." Han Xu said regretfully from the side. Come here to disgust myself, he can spit out his overnight meal every day, so naturally he wants to teach him a good lesson.

"It's not a problem, there will be a chance to meet!" Shen Haoxuan didn't care about it, Ouyang Shaoyu's appearance was just an accident, it would be the best to kill him, it doesn't matter if he can't be killed, anyway, Hehuanmen has been destroyed, The task given by Jun Luohua has been completed. As for Ouyang Shaoyu, even if he escapes now, he will definitely meet him during the trip to the ancient desert city. Then there will be opportunities to teach him a lesson!

While Shen Haoxuan and the others were talking, Xue Ling threw several black shadows directly in front of Shen Haoxuan, splashing a cloud of dust, and then the huge colorful python turned into a human form again.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the few corpses left on the ground casually by Xue Ling, and felt a little shocked. The six elders in the Hehuan Sect, plus the sect master Chen Hutian, were all shot to death by Xue Ling.The six elders of the Hehuan Sect don't say anything, just say that Chen Hutian, after all, is a strong spirit emperor, it is not easy to kill a strong spirit emperor, it seems that he still underestimated Xue Ling's strength !

"I'll kill you, remember your promise!" Xue Ling glanced at Shen Haoxuan, and said lightly.

"Don't worry, I promised you, I will never break my promise!" Shen Haoxuan nodded, this time Xue Ling had helped him a lot, and those few elixir plants would naturally be sent to him.

"It's the best. If you dare to break your promise, I can assure you that your death will be worse than these people!" Xue Ling said coldly, and then disappeared in place in a flash, leaving This Valley of Absolute Sun!
"Hmph, why are you pulling this woman? Isn't it because her breasts are bigger and her face looks better? Brother Haoxuan, don't worry, if this woman dares to touch you, I will make her a snake for you Soup!" Murong Wanqing said angrily while clenching her small fists while watching Xue Ling's disappearing figure.

Hearing Murong Wanqing's words, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouths couldn't help twitching, this little girl really dares to say anything, if Xue Ling hears it, maybe something will happen again!

"Ahem...well, let's leave too. It's time for the Tiangang Sect to hand in the mission. I don't think it's too far away from the competition for the quota!" Shen Haoxuan coughed lightly, and quickly changed the topic.

Hearing this, the other people also nodded, and they stopped staying in the Valley of Absolute Sun, turned around and left, leaving only the corpses all over the ground and the crows swarming up...

Back in Shenwu City, Shen Haoxuan didn't stop for a moment. After sending out the elixirs of the previous 20 people, he rushed towards the Tiangang Sect without stopping. The battle for the quota was getting closer and closer. If not, they will be late!

After Shen Haoxuan and the others left, the destruction of the Hehuanmen was like a plague, and it spread quickly. The forces that participated in the wedding of the Hehuanmen that day were all thankful that they hadn't been involved, otherwise, they would have suffered a terrible disaster. It's not just Hehuanmen.


At this time, in the Tiangang Canyon of the Northern Territory, the huge Tiangang Sect lay coiled in it like a sleeping dragon, and abundant spiritual power lingered in every corner of the sect.Perhaps it was because the competition for the places to enter the ancient desert city was coming soon, everyone in the sect had serious expressions on their faces, everyone looked very busy, and did not miss any chance to practice, after all, the ancient desert city , They all want to fight for it.

Compared with the tense atmosphere in the sect, the discussion hall of the Tiangangzong is also full of gunpowder. The senior officials of the Tiangangzong are sitting here at the moment, with more or less anger on their faces.

"I don't agree. Our elders don't agree with anything about this matter!" An old man took the case and said angrily.

"Yes, third elder, you fight for three places to enter the ancient desert city for three disciples who have just entered the sect. This in itself violates the sect's rules! The resources in my Tiangang sect are only for those who are capable, talented, and more The disciples who are loyal to our Tiangang Sect are distributed, and those three people just joined our Tiangang Sect, how can we give them such precious places!" Another elder said dissatisfied.

Jun Luohua seemed to be aware of the elders' opposition, and she didn't show any emotion at the moment, she just said lightly: "I'm not trying to fight for them to enter the ancient desert city, I'm just fighting for them to participate Opportunity to compete!"

"That won't work either. Those who can participate in the competition for places are all talented disciples with qualifications and strength in my sect. The three of them are not worthy!" After Jun Luohua's voice fell, it was Elder You who directly objected. road.

Hearing that there were still people objecting, Jun Luohua's face also turned cold. She had given in again and again. If these old guys are still not sensible, then they can only use force!

Seeing Jun Luohua's face turn cold, Tian Ao, the suzerain of Tiangang Sect, stood up quickly.Jun Luohua is the only one in the entire sect who knows the strength of Jun Luohua. If Jun Luohua gets mad, then these old fellows will suffer. As the sect master, he naturally doesn't want such a thing to happen, so he can only Stand up and smooth things over.

"Elders, calm down and listen to me. Now the third elder just wants those three disciples to participate in the quota competition, but the other elders refuse because of their junior qualifications and insufficient strength? If the three disciples If you can make some achievements for my Tiangang Sect, wouldn't that be enough?" Tian Ao said with a smile, looking at both sides.

"Hmph, what kind of merits can a few little spirits do for our sect!" Hearing Tian Ao's words, an elder said disdainfully.

Hearing this, Tian Ao had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and then said softly: "For example, if you completely eradicate the Hehuan Gate that you have been having headaches for a long time, does that count?"

(End of this chapter)

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