Chaos hegemony

Chapter 41 9 ghost wheel transfer!

Chapter 41 Transfer of Nine Nether Wheels!
After returning to the cave, Shen Haoxuan gently placed the girl on the stone bed, and then looked at Old Yan expectantly.

"Alas..." Looking at Shen Haoxuan's appearance, Old Yan sighed softly, and said, "You are pregnant with a two-year contract, and it was not the time for you to accept the inheritance of an alchemist. I was afraid that you would be distracted. It seems that now I have to let you accept the inheritance!"

"Close your eyes, keep your mind tight, and prepare to accept the inheritance!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes tightly, and slowly emptied his mind, ready to accept Yanlao's inheritance!

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was getting ready, Elder Yan pointed his finger between his eyebrows, and then a huge amount of information poured into Shen Haoxuan's mind!
The sudden huge amount of information made Shen Haoxuan's head feel like it was about to explode!But in the process of accepting the inheritance, one must keep a clear mind, and Shen Haoxuan could only bite his lips tightly, forcing himself to hold on!

The sharp pain lasted for a full 10 minutes before it gradually disappeared. Shen Haoxuan also heaved a sigh of relief, the spiritual thought was swept away, and a message emerged in his mind.

Alchemy Inheritance: The way of alchemy, refining the six paths of heaven and earth, achieving the highest peak!The six paths are the way of alchemy, the way of refining weapons, the way of martial arts, the way of puppets, the way of talismans, and the way of life and death!
The so-called way of alchemy...

A long series of explanations followed, Shen Haoxuan was dazzled!He also gained a lot of knowledge, such as the way of puppets, the way of talismans, and the way of life and death. Shen Haoxuan has never heard of it before!

But now Shen Haoxuan is not concerned about these things. After roughly browsing the outline of the alchemy inheritance, he began to look for a way to dissolve the body of the Nine Yin Profound Spirit!

"The body of the Nine Yin Profound Spirit, also known as the body of the curse, will be corroded by the Nine Nether Qi every time it breaks through, and it is extremely painful! I was entrusted by an old friend, and spent my whole life finally researching the method to dissolve the Nine Nether Qi— The art of the five elements and four images!
The technique of the five elements and four images uses the spirit of the five elements and the four gods and beasts as an introduction, and then cooperates with the Jiuqu Xuyuan Pill to refine the Nine Nether Qi, condense the Nine Nether Pill, and achieve the legendary Nine Nether. body!
However, this method is only a theoretical solution, because the primordial spirit of the five elements can be encountered but cannot be sought. Even if it is obtained, it is impossible to introduce it into the body because of its terrifying power!And it is even more difficult to obtain the magic pills of the four great beasts!As for the Jiuqu Xuyuan Pill, although it is only a seventh-rank high-grade pill, it needs the essence and blood of the ancient beast Taozhen to be refined. Blood is undoubtedly a fantasy!Helpless, I can only take the next best thing, create the Nine Nether Wheel Seal, and seal the Nine Nether Nether Qi in my body!

The Nine Nether Revolver Seal uses the spirit of the fire element between heaven and earth to seal the Nine Nether Qi in the body, so as to get rid of the erosion of the Nine Nether Qi!However, this method is only a method of suppression. When the strength of the sealed person becomes stronger, the power of the Nine Nether Qi will also become greater, and once the strength reaches the level of the Spirit Emperor, the Nine Nether Qi can destroy the seal. At that time, all the accumulated Nine Nether Qi will explode!
With so many Nine Netherworld Qi erupting, the consequences would be unimaginable, at least within a radius of ten thousand miles, not a single blade of grass would grow, and it would be frozen for thousands of years!Therefore, the Nine Nether Wheel Seal is a method of salvation, and even more of a method of destruction, future generations should use it with caution! "

After seeing the relevant information about the body of the Nine Yin Profound Spirit, Shen Haoxuan frowned and his face was very ugly!
Let alone the effect of the technique of five elements and four phenomena to dissolve the body of the Nine Yin Profound Spirit, Shen Haoxuan was stumped by the materials needed.The primordial spirit of the five elements is exactly what I need to awaken the chaotic god body, whether I can find it all or not is another matter!As for the divine elixirs of the four great beasts, Shen Haoxuan felt that it was easier to get together the spirits of the five elements than to gather the divine elixirs of the four great beasts!After all, the primordial spirits of the five elements at least exist, but what about the magic pills of the four great beasts?As early as in ancient times, the divine beasts had been extinct due to some reasons. If you want to get the divine elixir, unless Shen Haoxuan can travel through it!

And the Jiuqu Xuyuan Pill is not easy, and the seventh-grade high-grade pill is not easy to refine. The gluttonous essence and blood are easy to talk about, and I will ask Changmao to borrow a drop, but Shen Haoxuan has never heard of other elixir. It is even more difficult to gather together, after all, I am just a warrior from a small family!
As for the second type of Nine Nether Wheel Seal, Shen Haoxuan didn't dare to use it lightly. If it was really as said in the alchemy inheritance, it would be a disaster for Xingluo Continent!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's ugly face, Elder Yan also let out a long sigh, and said: "Boy Shen, this is why I don't want to help you, the method mentioned in the inheritance is impossible to accomplish in this era! And this is why this woman The baby's life, no one can help her!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan looked at the frozen girl and fell into deep thought.

Although Shen Haoxuan didn't know why he felt that this girl was very important to him, but Shen Haoxuan knew that he would not let the girl die like this!

"Since this is her fate, then I will help her change it! Since no one can help her, then I will!" Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan's eyes became firm again.

Sensing the change in Shen Haoxuan's momentum, Old Yan's face was filled with disbelief: "Boy Shen, you..."

"Old Yan, I want to save her! Use the Nine Nether Wheel to transfer the seal!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Boy Shen, you have to think about it clearly. If you can't find the materials for the Five Elements and Four Images technique before she breaks through to the Spirit Emperor, then she won't be the only one who will suffer!" Yan Lao said with a sullen face. Said.

"Old Yan, I've decided. I believe that I will be able to gather together the materials for the art of the five elements and four phenomena, and I must also gather together!" A soaring arrogance emanated from Shen Haoxuan's body. At this moment, Shen Haoxuan felt It's as if the whole person has been sublimated, and the whole body is warm and indescribably comfortable!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan appearing in such a strange state, Old Yan was overjoyed, this is the manifestation of advanced spirituality!You must know that spirituality is inherent, although it can become stronger with the growth of the city, but the quality of spirituality is not easy, it can only rely on enlightenment or some heaven-defying geniuses and treasures!
After the ideological struggle just now, Shen Haoxuan's spiritual quality broke through the first level, and also met the requirements of an alchemist!This is also the reason why Yan Lao did not pass on the alchemy inheritance to Shen Haoxuan before!
After feeling happy for Shen Haoxuan, Elder Yan also said: "Since you have decided, then I will not stop you." Elder Yan fully respects Shen Haoxuan's choice, what he has to do now is not to dissuade Shen Haoxuan, but to do his best Helping Shen Haoxuan, this is what he can do for his students as a teacher!
"Thank you, Old Yan!" Shen Haoxuan was moved in his heart.

"But now there is no Yuanling of the fire element, what should we do?" Shen Haoxuan asked, could it be that the girl is in danger now, but the Yuanling of the fire element is still missing!

"Let me tell you the truth, the gift I want to give you is the spirit of the fire element, but it is far away in Tianwu City, and now it can only be replaced by the red flame chalcedony for a while! According to my calculations, if the red flame If chalcedony comes to seal, it should be able to last for about half a year, so you have to rush to Tianwu City within half a year!" Yan Lao said.

"Really!" Hearing Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan's expression brightened.This time, it solved a lot of troubles!
"You should hurry up and get familiar with the Nine Nether Wheel Seals. The spiritual power reserve in your body is not enough to draw the Nine Nether Wheel Seals! I have to refine some rejuvenation pills." After saying that, Old Yan left the cave Go find the elixir.

Seeing that Old Yan left, Shen Haoxuan also let out a long breath, imprinted the Nine Serenity Wheel in his mind and found it, and began to practice over and over again. After all, the life of the girl was at stake, and Shen Haoxuan did not dare to neglect it!

I don't know how long it took, but Shen Haoxuan finally memorized the Nine Nether Reincarnation Seals by heart!When he opened his eyes, Yan Lao had successfully refined more than a dozen Huiling Pills and placed them in front of him.

"Huh...Old Yan, I'm ready to start!" Taking the Recovering Spirit Pill in his hands, Shen Haoxuan said with a trembling voice as he looked at the girl in the ice.

"let's start!"

Hearing what Yan Lao said, Shen Haoxuan took out the red flame chalcedony from the jade bottle, the temperature in the cave instantly rose, and the frost on the girl's body also began to melt away.

After the frost on the girl's body melted, Shen Haoxuan manipulated the red-flame chalcedony to the girl's forehead. With extremely precise control of spiritual power, the red-flame chalcedony turned into a stream of pure spiritual power and merged into the girl's body!

After the energy of the red flame chalcedony melted into the girl's body, Shen Haoxuan began to draw the seal according to the strokes of the Nine Nether Wheel Seal!

At the beginning of the characterization, Shen Haoxuan felt the spiritual power in his body flow into the girl's body along his arms like a flood, which surprised Shen Haoxuan!
"What a terrifying speed of spiritual power consumption!"

However, Shen Haoxuan immediately calmed down, with the spirit pill prepared by Yan Lao in his hand, and the three spirit pills in his body, Shen Haoxuan was confident that he could finish painting the Nine Nether Wheels!

After calming down, Shen Haoxuan continued to draw along the center of the girl's eyebrows, a vague red imprint formed on the girl's face, and continued to spread down along Shen Haoxuan's fingers.

Looking at this light red mark, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction, and when he continued to draw, it suddenly appeared! !
"Keep your mind, hurry up, or you will encounter the backlash of the Nine Nether Qi!" Yan Lao quickly reminded.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan quickly closed his eyes, shielded his senses, and continued to draw downwards only with spiritual thoughts.Shen Haoxuan really didn't dare to open his eyes anymore, he was afraid that he would bleed too much and die!
From the girl's chest down, Shen Haoxuan has been in torment, his fingers touching the smooth, creamy skin!I don't know how long this torment lasted, Shen Haoxuan tapped the girl's lower abdomen a few times, and finally completed the seal of the Nine Nether Wheel transfer!Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan didn't have time to observe the girl's situation, so he ran out of the cave to vent his anger!

Looking at the energetic Shen Haoxuan, Yan Lao couldn't help sighing: "It's good to be young..."

(End of this chapter)

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