Chaos hegemony

Chapter 410 Crazy World!

Chapter 410 Crazy World!
In the conference hall, the voice that had been suppressed by the first elder sounded again, and everyone turned their attention to the third elder Jun Luohua. When they saw Jun Luohua's indifferent expression, everyone couldn't help admiring it. It turned out that Jun Luohua had already Knowing that her three disciples could complete this task, at the same time they turned their attention to the fourth elder, seeing the latter's gloomy expression, they were all amused in their hearts.

"Go, invite the three of them in!" the Great Elder said in a deep voice after pondering for a moment.

"Yes!" The disciple ran out quickly after receiving the order. The elders in the meeting hall were all crazy. If he stayed any longer, he felt that something was going to happen to him.

Half a quarter of an hour after the disciple left, Shen Haoxuan brought Murong Wanqing and Han Xu to the gate of the conference hall. When they saw the elders in the room, the three of them were obviously taken aback, and they couldn't return at the moment. Come on.

"Brother Haoxuan, why is there such a huge force?" Murong Wanqing glanced at the elders in the hall and said in a low voice.

"Could it be to welcome us!" Han Xu also guessed.

"It's a good idea, I'm afraid there will be some troubles to deal with today!" Shen Haoxuan glanced at the faces of those elders, their expressions betrayed the thoughts in their hearts.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Murong Wanqing and Han Xu were a little moved, and then their expressions became serious, and they followed Shen Haoxuan into the conference hall.

"Disciple Shen Haoxuan, Murong Wanqing, Han Xu have met the teacher, the suzerain and all the elders!" The three of Shen Haoxuan walked into the meeting hall, bowed and saluted.

Looking at the three people in front of them, apart from Jun Luohua, Second Elder and Tian Ao, the other elders had strange expressions on their faces.The three people in front of them, one is a fifth-level spirit, one is a sixth-level spirit, and the strongest girl is only a seventh-level spirit. Are these three people really eradicating the Hehuanmen of the second-rate forces?The elders present couldn't believe it.

"I heard from the third elder that the three of you wiped out the Hehuan Gate?" the First Elder asked first, his tone full of doubts.

Although the doubtful look in the elder's eyes was well concealed, it still did not escape Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and Shen Haoxuan also said lightly at the moment: "That's right, the third elder gave us a small task, just a Hehuan Gate , there is no need for the elders to be so concerned!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the corners of Tian Ao's mouth twitched uncontrollably.Small task?That's all, do you know how long this small task in your mouth has annoyed the elders for a long time, and you almost tear your face and use the power of the whole sect to wipe it out. It's a task that can be dismissed, you want to drive these elders to death!

Sure enough, after hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the faces of those elders became gloomy. What Shen Haoxuan said, coupled with that casual expression, seemed to be mocking the elders themselves.

"Hmph, how dare a little Linghou disciple dare to speak wildly? The Hehuan Sect even the elders in my sect can't do anything about it. With the three of you alone, how can we wipe it out? You're really standing up and talking!" No back pain!" An elder said coldly.

"Oh, don't you believe it? Then you can inquire about it. After all, the Hehuan Sect is a second-rate force. The fact that the entire sect was massacred overnight has a lot of influence. If you just inquire about it, you will know it?" Shen Haoxuan spread out Spreading his hands, he said lightly.

overnight?The whole family was slaughtered?Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the elders were shocked again. Then the first elder whispered a few words to the disciple behind him. The disciple nodded, and then he left the conference hall. After a while, the disciple was in a hurry again. When he came back, his face was a little ugly.

Then the disciple whispered a few words in the ear of the Great Elder. Hearing what the disciple said, the expression on the Great Elder's face became more and more exciting.Below, with a smile on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth, he looked up at the Great Elder whose face was constantly changing.Shen Haoxuan used his toes to think about it, and he knew that the first elder asked that disciple to inquire about his affairs, and now he should have got the result.

Sure enough, after hearing that disciple's report, the doubtful look in the elder's eyes completely disappeared, replaced by a face full of disbelief, and he also looked at Shen Haoxuan curiously.

"Your name is Shen Haoxuan? You did a very good job this time! You and your two companions can participate in this competition for places!" The elder said with a big laugh. One of the thorns has been pulled out, which can be regarded as a considerable contribution to the Tiangang Sect.

However, upon hearing what the Great Elder said, the rest of the elders were taken aback for a moment, and the Fourth Elder was even more dissatisfied and said: "Great Elder, isn't this matter to be discussed later? Besides, give up such a precious place to these three who just I firmly disagree with the brat who squeezed into the sect!"

The Great Elder seemed to have guessed that the Four Elders would object, and he said calmly: "I just got the news that the Hehuan Gate in the boundary of Shenwu City was destroyed overnight. The Hehuan Gate has completely disappeared from the Northern Territory!"

"What!" Hearing what the great elder said, the rest of the elders couldn't help but screamed.They had previously suspected that Shen Haoxuan and the three were lying. After all, how could the Hehuan Sect, a second-rate force, be wiped out by three Linghou disciples? Now that they heard what the Great Elder said, they all went to Shen Haoxuan and the three again in large numbers. .

"Hmph, even if the Hehuan Sect was destroyed, it might not be the work of these three people. The three of them are just disciples of the Linghou rank. How could it be possible to kill Chen Hutian? That's the powerhouse of the Spirit Emperor." Ah! With the strength of the three of them, not to mention the head of the Hehuan Sect, the elite disciples of the Hehuan Sect can kill them!" The fourth elder said still unconvinced.

"Oh, is the Fourth Elder questioning the strength of the three of us?" Hearing what the Fourth Elder said, Shen Haoxuan twitched his lips, and looked at the Fourth Elder provocatively.

"Hmph, question? You know your strength, do you still need me to question it?" the Fourth Elder said disdainfully.

"In that case...Third Elder, I wonder if I can take action and teach this Fourth Elder a lesson?" Shen Haoxuan asked Jun Luohua softly with a wicked smile on his lips.


As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, the entire conference hall exploded. What did they hear?A disciple of the fifth-level Linghou wants to speak wild words to teach the elders of the sect?God, this world is so crazy, they have lived for so long, they have not seen anything so crazy.

However, what made them even more confused was Jun Luohua's words. Jun Luohua took a sip of green tea and said lightly, "Okay, but remember to be merciful!"

Be merciful...haven't they heard it wrong? A disciple uttered wild words to teach the elder a lesson, but his master actually wanted the disciple to be merciful. Could it be that the pair of masters and apprentices don't know that the Fourth Elder's Strength?This is not a level of battle at all...

(End of this chapter)

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