Chaos hegemony

Chapter 44 Crisis!

Chapter 44 Crisis!

Shen Haoxuan walked out of the cave, followed Yan Lao's prompt and walked carefully in the dense forest!After all, this place is inside the Xuanling Mountain Range, and Shen Haoxuan would be able to eat a pot if he casually lures out a spirit beast, so it's better not to be too ostentatious!

"Old Yan, haven't you found it yet?" Shen Haoxuan asked anxiously after walking for a long time and still not seeing Ji Lingxuan.

"Hurry up, it's right ahead, it's very close!" Yan Lao said.

"Old Yan, you've said it hundreds of times!" Shen Haoxuan said speechlessly.

"Why didn't you say that you asked hundreds of times!" Yan Lao rolled his eyes and replied.

"Uh..." When Shen Haoxuan found out, he couldn't argue with Yan Lao, and he was always the one who suffered!No more words at the moment, continue on your way.

However, just when Shen Haoxuan was about to move forward, Yan Lao suddenly shouted in his heart: "Boy Shen, hide quickly, there is a situation!"

"En?" Shen Haoxuan was taken aback, and immediately jumped onto a towering ancient tree, Yanlao's spiritual thoughts wrapped it, isolating his aura!
As soon as Shen Haoxuan stood firm, he felt the ground start to tremble, and then, deafening roars of beasts came!


"What... what's going on here?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of smoke and dust in the distant forest, and after that, countless spirit beasts ran out like crazy, and the place they passed was a mess!
"Beast tide!" Shen Haoxuan screamed, so many spirit beasts quickly passed under the tree, and the strong wind brought him so that he could not stand firmly!
"Boom!" "Roar!"

"What's going on? Why is there a sudden outbreak of beasts here?" Shen Haoxuan frowned slightly.

Seeing the galloping below, and there are many mid-to-high-level spirit beasts of the fourth and fifth ranks among them, Shen Haoxuan felt a little uneasy in his heart!

"Boy Shen, have you noticed that these spirit beasts don't seem to be gathering, but more like fleeing for their lives!" Yan Lao said in Shen Haoxuan's heart.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan took a closer look, and found that these spirit beasts were chaotic, disorganized and organized, and their aura was not as scary as when the beast horde broke out. They really looked like they were running for their lives!
"Did something happen deeper?" Shen Haoxuan looked into the distance.

"Oops, boy Shen, something happened to that girl, and I feel that the spiritual imprint I left has weakened a lot!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice.

"What!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed!

"Old Yan, which direction are you in!" Shen Haoxuan stood up and took off the giant black ruler on his back.


As soon as Old Yan finished speaking, Shen Haoxuan rushed out like a cannonball!After unloading the giant black ruler, his speed instantly increased several times!Now Shen Haoxuan can't care about those galloping spirit beasts anymore, first find Ji Lingxuan first!

At the same time, in the depths of the forest, Ji Lingxuan, whom Shen Haoxuan had been looking for, was staggering forward, looking flustered, looking back from time to time, as if she was afraid of something catching up with her!
At this time, Ji Lingxuan was in a state of embarrassment, her clothes were ragged, her right arm was drooping, blood dripped down her fingertips, her beautiful face was full of panic, her face was extremely pale, her steps were shaky, obviously she had suffered a serious injury injury!

And not far behind Ji Lingxuan, a spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail was following closely behind it, and it kept throwing out powerful light clusters of spiritual power in its hands, blocking Ji Lingxuan's escape.

"Damn human, leave the soul baby fruit behind! Otherwise, you will die without a place to bury you!" The spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail spit out human words!

Hearing the angry cry from behind, Ji Lingxuan smiled wryly in her heart.Originally, she used the spirit weapon stolen from the family to completely isolate her own breath to steal the soul baby fruit!Unexpectedly, this spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail left its soul imprint on the baby soul fruit. Ji Lingxuan was discovered the moment she took off the baby soul fruit!

The spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail found out that the Soul Baby Fruit had been stolen, and was furious!This baby soul fruit is the most important thing for him to step into the eighth-order spirit beast and transform into a human form!So he immediately chased it out, bombarding Ji Lingxuan wildly along the way, causing all the surrounding low-level spirit beasts to flee in fright!
Facing the attack of the seventh-level peak spirit beast, which had already stepped half of its foot into the eighth-level spirit beast, Ji Lingxuan desperately dodged, and finally saved her life by relying on the best spiritual weapon all over her body, but she was also taken seriously!

Running wildly all the way, Ji Lingxuan also underestimated the patience of the snake-tailed spirit beast with a human body and snake tail, and she still has no intention of giving up after chasing it until now!

"Boom!" It was another attack of spiritual power, but this time Ji Lingxuan was unable to dodge due to loss of strength, and was hit directly. Her body slid out of a ravine on the ground until she hit a towering ancient tree before stopping. come down!

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Ji Lingxuan's face became even paler!She wants to stand up, to find that she has no strength left!

Looking at Ji Lingxuan who fell on the ground with a large snow-white body exposed, the eyes of the snake-tailed spirit beast with a human body revealed a greedy and obscene look!

"Damn human, you will pay for your actions!" The snake-tailed spirit beast licked its lips and threw itself at Ji Lingxuan!

Looking at the spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail, Ji Lingxuan's eyes flashed with determination, and then she closed her eyes tightly, and the spiritual power in her body surged!If this spirit beast dared to do such things to her, Ji Lingxuan would detonate the spiritual power in her body, even if she blew herself up, she wouldn't let this spirit beast insult her!
However, just when Ji Lingxuan felt that she was going to die, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, followed by a loud shout:

"Destroy the sky!"

In the sky, like lightning, a young man holding a giant black ruler ruthlessly bombarded the unsuspecting spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail!The Heaven-breaking Killer blessed by Yan Lao's spiritual thoughts erupted with extremely powerful power at this time, directly forcing him back more than ten steps, and a red mark appeared on his arm. The beast is hurt!
It was Shen Haoxuan who came, and after pushing back the spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail, Shen Haoxuan immediately came to Ji Lingxuan's side, and saw that this originally beautiful girl was so embarrassed at this moment.A tyrannical emotion welled up in my heart!

But this emotion was quickly suppressed by Shen Haoxuan, and now behind them there is a spirit beast at the peak of the seventh order!
Ji Lingxuan was also surprised by the sudden appearance of Shen Haoxuan, but before she could ask, Shen Haoxuan hugged her, and then yelled at the spirit beast with a human body and snake tail: "Ugly, follow your soul baby fruit! "After that, he threw the light cluster of spiritual power in his hand at it.

The spirit beast that was stunned by Shen Haoxuan's blow came back to its senses after hearing Shen Haoxuan's explosive drink, and subconsciously caught the flying light ball of spiritual power!After all, in his heart, the baby soul fruit that allows him to advance is much more important than other things!

However, as soon as the thing started, it felt something was wrong.And when Shen Haoxuan saw that the spirit beast with a human body and a snake tail caught the light ball of spiritual power, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said softly: "Yangyang Explosion!"

"Boom!" As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, there was a loud noise, and a terrifying explosion exploded from the hands of the snake tail, and the spiritual storm raged instantly!
At the moment of the explosion, Shen Haoxuan was brought into the air by Yanlao, and immediately flew out, because he knew that it was impossible for an attack of this level to hurt the spirit beast at the peak of the seventh order!
"Roar!" Sure enough, after the spiritual power storm raged, a terrifying roar rang out, destroying the spiritual power storm in an instant!

After the smoke and dust in front of him dissipated, only a small black spot was left in Shen Haoxuan's field of vision!Looking at the black spot in the sky, the snake-tailed spirit beast was furious. The spiritual power of its whole body was concentrated in its mouth, and a very thin beam of light flew out, flying towards Shen Haoxuan at a terrifying speed!Wherever it passed, the space was cut apart, and cracks appeared in the air, which was quite terrifying!

When Shen Haoxuan saw the beam of light behind him, the hairs all over his body stood on end. He felt the threat of death from this beam of light!

However, Shen Haoxuan found that he couldn't avoid this terrifying attack, and his clothes were soaked in cold sweat!Looking at the beam of light that reached in front of him in an instant, Shen Haoxuan could only protect Ji Lingxuan in front of him, and then draw out the spiritual power of the three elixirs in his body to protect his back!

"Boom!" The beam of light hit Shen Haoxuan, and the defense behind him was like paper in front of the beam of light, and was destroyed in an instant, even the giant black ruler that he had been carrying on his back was smashed to pieces!

After the attack of the snake-tailed spirit beast destroyed Shen Haoxuan's defense, it hit him hard on the back!Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan fell from the sky like a kite with a broken string!

"No!" Ji Lingxuan's miserable cry resounded in the air, echoing in the mountains and forests, and it lasted for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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