Chaos hegemony

Chapter 46 Call Me Ling Xuan

Chapter 46 Call Me Ling Xuan

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan's body seemed to be bathed in a golden ocean!Under the shining of this golden light, the blood in the body began to evaporate, and the bones began to melt!
However, Shen Haoxuan didn't feel any pain at all during this process, but instead had a look of enjoyment, which is very weird!

As the blood in his body evaporated, drops of gray blood appeared, which was exactly all the essence and blood in Shen Haoxuan's body!Nine-nine 81 drops, all of which revolved around the golden sun-like Feng Lingzhu.

After a while, 81 drops of gray blood essence slowly approached, and finally completely merged into the Feng Lingzhu, merging into a drop of golden blood!
Ninety-nine to one!In this world, nine is not an extreme number. After everything reaches the extreme, it will always return to the original!At this moment, there was only a drop of golden blood left around Feng Lingzhu!

After the golden blood was formed, it quickly came to Shen Haoxuan's heart, and directly merged into his heart.



A powerful heartbeat sounded, echoing in the cave.When Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan heard the heartbeat, their faces finally showed joy!

So far, the golden light has not dimmed, and the light continues to shine.In the dantian, the peerless artifact Soul Eater began to melt slowly under the light, and finally turned into a puddle of molten iron, flowing towards Shen Haoxuan's limbs and bones!

The molten iron transformed by the peerless artifact quickly melted into Shen Haoxuan's body, becoming one with him!At this point, a pair of steel and iron bones is officially formed!
After reshaping the muscles and bones, the golden light of the golden sealing pearl began to subside, and finally slowly fell into Shen Haoxuan's dantian.

After the golden light disappeared and the golden core fell silent, a terrifying suction erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and soon, a spiritual vortex formed in the cave, and continued to spread outward!

And at this moment, Shen Haoxuan's strength is like riding on a rocket, rising steadily!

"Fourth-level spirit person! Fifth-level spirit person, sixth-level spirit person..."

"Ninth-level spirit, still rising! Are you going to break through to spirit disciple?" Seeing Shen Haoxuan whose strength has skyrocketed, Old Yan frowned.If Shen Haoxuan's strength continues to rise like this, it will have an unimaginably serious impact on his future growth!
"Stop!" Just when Old Yan was worried, Shen Haoxuan's soaring strength finally stopped.

"En?" After Shen Haoxuan's strength stopped growing, it suddenly dropped!
"The eighth-level spiritual man... the seventh-level spiritual man... this...he is compressing the soaring spiritual power in his body!" Yan Lao said in surprise.The sudden increase in strength will definitely cause Shen Haoxuan's foundation to be unstable. If he does not have a solid foundation, then he will not go too far on the road of cultivation in the future!
Ordinary people will be pleasantly surprised by the skyrocketing strength, wishing to jump a few steps in a row!Shen Haoxuan was no exception, but luckily he came to his senses at the end, knowing that it would be great to see his strength soaring for a while, but compared to his future cultivation path, this growth is actually a stumbling block for him!
After Shen Haoxuan's desperate compression, his strength has finally stabilized at the sixth-order spirit, and he is only one step away from the seventh-order!

After Shen Haoxuan's strength stabilized, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and two solid golden lights flashed, piercing Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan couldn't open their eyes!
"Haha!" Feeling the current physical condition, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help laughing out loud. Then he clenched his fists and punched the stone wall behind him. Immediately, cracks like spider webs spread out instantly. Finally, the stone wall shattered, and a burst of smoke and dust arose!
Seeing how powerful his body was, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Roar!" Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and Chang Mao, who was sleeping beside Shen Haoxuan, also woke up. Along with the loud roar, the image of a black giant beast appeared behind Chang Mao!
This giant black beast was completely wrapped in black mist, and its appearance could not be seen clearly.However, there is a kingly aura emanating from him, which makes people want to worship him!Both Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan almost fell to their knees at the feet of the giant beast!

However, the spirit beasts around the Xuanling Mountains did not have such good luck. After the giant black beast appeared, a coercion came from the depths of their hearts and blood, making them all kneel down and prostrate on the ground Shivering!
Fortunately, the black behemoth came quickly and disappeared quickly!
After the giant black beast disappeared, the oppressive feeling in Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan's hearts also dissipated.Then they looked at Shaggy.At this time, the long-haired body has become extremely solid, no different from the real body!The golden rune on the forehead shone for a moment, then melted into its body and disappeared.

The long hair that returned to normal jumped onto Shen Haoxuan's shoulder.Shen Haoxuan glanced at Changmao, and went straight to Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan.

"Old Yan, Ji...Miss Ji" seems to not know how to address Ji Lingxuan, after thinking about it for a long time, I can only call her Miss Ji...

"Call me Ling Xuan!" Ji Lingxuan subconsciously said.But after she finished speaking, her face turned red suddenly. Apart from her parents, no one else could call Ling Xuan such an intimate name.

"Okay! Ling Xuan..." Shen Haoxuan looked at Ji Lingxuan whose cheeks were as red as overripe apples, and smiled knowingly.

"Boy Shen, how do you feel now?" Yan Lao couldn't bear to look at these two people, so he asked immediately.

"Feeling? I've never felt better than now!" Shen Haoxuan said excitedly, clenched his fists.

"Nonsense, do you know what that golden bead in your dantian is? It's not a sealing bead at all, but an ancient god's relic! Now it's your elixir, I'd be surprised if it's bad!" The long hair turned white, Shen Haoxuan said with a glance.

"Ancient God Relic!" Elder Yan exclaimed in shock.In their era, the ancient gods had long since disappeared, leaving only some legends!And the ancient god's relic is the life essence left behind by the legendary ancient god after his incarnation!What kind of existence is that ancient god?In the journey of cultivation, the stage of quenching the spirit is the beginning, and the stage of spiritual sage is the peak!But a mountain is higher than another mountain, and the peak is not the end. There are still more powerful existences after the Holy Spirit, but people don't know it.And this ancient god is a more powerful existence than the Holy Spirit!
"Hmph, not only that, even that peerless artifact, the Soul Eater Sword, has been used to reshape your muscles and bones, what a waste! But now your body, if you say it's second in the whole continent, no one dares to say it's second!" One, even in that kind of place, it is absolutely unique!" Long Mao said with his tail cocked.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan re-examined this body again, it is really perfect and nothing to say!

"Stinky boy, don't be so happy, if you don't have Miss Ling Xuan, you would have died a long time ago!" Yan Lao immediately told Shen Haoxuan about Ji Lingxuan's consumption of 45 drops of blood essence.

Sensing Ji Lingxuan's current strength of only a first-level spiritual disciple, Shen Haoxuan's heart warmed up, looked into Ji Lingxuan's eyes, and said affectionately: "Lingxuan, thank you! Don't worry, I will definitely help you dissolve the Nine Nether Qi in your body Drop! I swear on my life!"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's fiery gaze, Ji Lingxuan turned her head away quickly, and said with a blushing face, "It's just a life for a life! You don't need to thank me!"

Seeing Ji Lingxuan who was still pretending to be cold on the surface, Old Yan couldn't help laughing, and sighed in his heart: "Oh... I didn't expect the little princess of the Ji family to be subdued by this brat! When the time comes, go The Ji family proposes a marriage, and see if the old man is not mad at those old people!"

Hearing Yan Lao's laughter, Ji Lingxuan was too shy to stay any longer, turned around and ran out of the cave.Looking at Ji Lingxuan's back, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth curled up unconsciously.

"That's it, brat, don't have sex dreams, it's been more than a month since you healed your wounds, and with your current strength as a sixth-order peak spirit, it's still a little difficult to kill Xuexuehe, you have to continue to practice!
And if you want to kill Xuexue River, you must break through to the eighth-level spirit!You only have one and a half months to stay in this Xuanling Mountain Range now!So you have to break through the second level within one and a half months! "Yan Lao analyzed.

"No problem!" Shen Haoxuan said seriously.The grievances with Serum River must be resolved, and no one from the Blood Skull Mercenary Group can be let go!Besides, with You Yan always around, Shen Haoxuan doesn't think it's a problem to break through two levels in a row in a month and a half, but he has to suffer a little bit!
"Okay! From now on, you must hunt and kill at least five third-order spirit beasts every day! If one is missing, the number will double the next day!" Yan Lao said sharply.

"Ah!" Shen Haoxuan was dumbfounded. A third-order spirit beast is equivalent to a warrior at the level of a human spirit apprentice, which means that he has to step up and kill five spirit beasts that are one level higher than himself every day!

"What, think it's too few? Then add two more!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's reluctance, Old Yan said sternly.

"No, no, no! I'll go now, I'll go now!" After finishing speaking, Shen Haoxuan could only run out crying, completing the task.

Ji Lingxuan, who just came back from the cave, looked at Shen Haoxuan who was almost crying and ran out, with a puzzled face, and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Oh, he farted, his eyes were too hot, he ran out to clean it, don't worry about it!" Yan Lao said casually.

"Oh..." Ji Lingxuan couldn't react, so she nodded subconsciously.Afterwards, he sat down with Yanlao and started flirting with Changmao...

(End of this chapter)

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