Chaos hegemony

Chapter 48 Kill Serum River!

Chapter 48 Kill Serum River!

"Haha, Captain Xue was joking, you haven't died yet, how dare I die first!" Shen Haoxuan came to the middle of the hall, looked at Xue Xuehe and said with a smile.

"Huh, sharp teeth and sharp mouth! Since I failed to kill you last time, this time, I will let you taste the taste of death again!" Xue Xuehe looked at Shen Haoxuan coldly and said.

"It's not certain who will die!" Shen Haoxuan's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

"What a bold tone! You came to the base camp of our blood leader and dared to utter wild words. Believe it or not, each of us can drown you by spitting!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, a group of people who came to congratulate A thin warrior said.

"That's right, what an arrogant kid!" Hearing this, everyone in the hall echoed.

Looking at all the warriors in the hall who were standing on his side, Xue Xuehe raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and looked at Shen Haoxuan in the center with playful eyes.

Facing so many warriors, Shen Haoxuan did not show any panic, instead he smiled, his eyes swept across the warriors in the hall, and a cold killing intent burst out from his body!

"Today, anyone who dares to meddle in the grievances between me and Xuexuehe will be killed without pardon!" Shen Haoxuan's voice was emotionless, as if it came from the Nine Netherworld.

As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, Ji Lingxuan walked out from behind him, and a powerful aura enveloped everyone present!
Feeling this powerful momentum, everyone turned pale, couldn't help taking a breath, and exclaimed: "Spiritual general!"

Xue Xuehe looked at the beautiful girl behind Shen Haoxuan, and his heart skipped a beat. Such a young and strong spirit general, who also obeys Shen Haoxuan's command, is he really a disciple of a certain sect?Then this kid must not stay!Xue Xuehe's thoughts changed sharply.

Looking at the warriors who had fallen silent in the hall, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction.Although Ling Xuan's strength has fallen to the level of the spirit apprentice, the spirit of the spirit general has not diminished, and it is still possible to use it to scare people!

"Leng Feng, since it's a grudge between the two of us, how dare you fight me!" Xue Xuehe said loudly.

Hearing Xue Xuehe's words, Shen Haoxuan sneered in his heart. It seemed that he was afraid of Ji Lingxuan. After all, killing him was as easy as trampling an ant to death by a strong general. That's why he proposed a one-on-one fight. What an old fox!
"Why don't you dare!" Even though he knew Xue Xuehe's plan, Shen Haoxuan still complied.After all, Ji Lingxuan's current strength is just like that of a third- and fourth-level spirit disciple, and the aura of a spirit general level is just a superficial phenomenon.

"You will regret your decision!" Xue Xuehe smiled darkly, and then tore off the wedding clothes on his body, undoubtedly revealing the aura of a fifth-level spiritual disciple!
"Hmph, it's not certain who regrets it!" Shen Haoxuan took a long breath, said in a cold voice, and then assumed a fighting posture.

After all, Xue Xuehe is a fifth-order spiritual disciple, the strongest enemy he has ever encountered besides Zuo Chuan, and Shen Haoxuan dare not underestimate him in the slightest.

After gathering his momentum, Shen Haoxuan rushed towards the Blood River like a cannonball!With a huge gap in strength, Shen Haoxuan chose to take the initiative!Otherwise, if the battle rhythm falls into the hands of Serum River, then this battle will be very difficult.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan rushing towards him, Xue Xuehe sneered and stepped forward to meet him.

"Bang!" The speed of the two was extremely fast, and the next moment their fists collided with each other, making a dull sound.

After the two punches collided, both Shen Haoxuan and Xue Xuehe's bodies froze. After a while, the two of them recovered, and then they wrestled even more frantically. The dull sound echoed continuously in the hall.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was no longer the combat rookie half a year ago!In the past six months, Shen Haoxuan fought with spirit beasts in the Xuanling Mountain Range, wandering between life and death every day, and his fighting skills also improved rapidly!

When the two fought against each other, Xue Xuehe also figured out Shen Haoxuan's cultivation level, an eighth-level spirit!But it was this eighth-level spirit that shocked Xue Xuehe!

Facing Shen Haoxuan, Xue Xuehe couldn't find a chance!On the other hand, Shen Haoxuan attacked like a thunderbolt, and defended like a steel fortress. Moreover, Shen Haoxuan's strength was enormous, not inferior to his own at all, and even a little stronger than his own. It was hard for Xuexuehe to imagine that this was the eruption of an eighth-level spirit person. The combat power that comes out has no weaknesses to find at all!

"Damn it!" Xue Xuehe cursed secretly in his heart, he had nothing to do with an eighth-level spirit!
"Hmph, if that's the case, let's procrastinate! I don't believe it, you, an eighth-level spiritual being, can have my spiritual power!" Xue Xuehe thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, Xue Xuehe didn't lie in Shen Haoxuan's head-on confrontation, but kept doing Tai Chi with Shen Haoxuan.

Sensing the transformation of Xuexuehe's fighting style, Shen Haoxuan immediately understood Xuexuehe's intention: "Hmph, it's really too naive to want to exhaust my spiritual power!"

"Bang!" The two hit each other again, and the powerful counterattack pulled the two of them apart.

After the two separated, Shen Haoxuan rubbed his numb arm and thought in his heart: "I can't drag it on any longer, now I only have one elixir left in my body, and the spiritual power is definitely not as strong as that of a fifth-order spirit disciple! It's too bad for yourself!"

"It seems that the winner can only be determined by one move!" Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan took a long breath, and slowly mobilized the remaining spiritual power in his body.

Sensing the surging spiritual power all over Shen Haoxuan's body, Xue Xuehe's eyes froze. He knew that Shen Haoxuan had a powerful martial skill, so he didn't dare to neglect it right now, and mobilized the spiritual power in his body, ready to receive Shen Haoxuan's blow!
"Drink! Kill the sky!"

A moment later, a loud shout came from Shen Haoxuan's mouth. Immediately, Shen Haoxuan's body was like a dragon coming out of an abyss, and in an instant, he landed in front of Xuexuehe, and his huge fist ruthlessly smashed into Xuexuehe's face.

Sensing Shen Haoxuan's punching wind, Xue Xuehe's face changed drastically. He didn't expect Shen Haoxuan's martial arts to be so powerful, and the powerful punching wind actually made him feel suffocated!
In the past few months, apart from cultivating, Shen Haoxuan has been tempering this high-ranked Xuan-level killer!With Shen Haoxuan's perverted comprehension ability, he has already mastered this sky-shattering killer. If it is not a matter of strength, Shen Haoxuan can even use it to display the power of an earth-level martial skill!
But this power is enough!Xuan-level martial arts are rare, and earth-level martial arts are even rarer. Even in Linghe Sect, earth-level martial arts are also the treasure of the town, let alone in such a small Yunluo Town?

"Blood Fiend Palm!" Feeling the strong fist wind, Xue Xuehe had no way out, he could only use his most powerful martial skills, as long as he blocked Shen Haoxuan's blow, then he would be powerless, Shen Haoxuan Undoubtedly defeated!

Thinking of this, Xue Xuehe could only desperately pour the spiritual power in his body into the palm of his hand, to meet Shen Haoxuan's sky-shattering kill!


The fists and palms of the two men met, and there was a loud noise. Cracks spread from the feet of the two of them like spider webs, all the way to the surrounding walls, and then the whole house collapsed!

The people in the hall reacted quickly. They jumped outside the moment the house collapsed. Looking at the ruined house in front of them, everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe that the boy of an eighth-level spirit He actually forced Xue Xuehe, who has a fifth-level spiritual apprentice cultivation base, into nothing!
"Bang!" Just when everyone was surprised, a figure shot out from the smoke, then fell in front of everyone, rolled a few times on the ground and stopped.

After everyone saw the faces of the figures on the ground, they couldn't help but take a deep breath!The one that fell on the ground was none other than Serum River!

(End of this chapter)

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