Chaos hegemony

Chapter 499 surrender, or die!

Chapter 499 surrender, or die!
In Shen Haoxuan's sea of ​​consciousness, a faint khaki light lit up, covering Shen Haoxuan's entire body in it, and when the khaki light lit up, the pain from Shen Haoxuan's body also completely disappeared.

"Huh..." A moment later, when Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark space, and then looked down at his intact body, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. It was the right bet, the khaki token saved his life.

"This should be the inner space of the khaki token!" At this time, Yan Lao's figure slowly appeared beside Shen Haoxuan, looking curiously at the surrounding pitch-black space.

"Old Yan, why did you come in?" Seeing Old Yan, Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised, and asked immediately.

"What can I do? That khaki token is so domineering, even I didn't let it go!" Yan Lao shrugged and said helplessly.

"But although I was also attracted by him, I can't use any power, so if I fight with the earth spirit Xuanming later, I can only rely on you!" Yan Lao continued.The khaki token recognized Shen Haoxuan as the master, so Shen Haoxuan can still use power in this space, but Yan Lao is different, he is just a spiritual thought, and has no real connection with Shen Haoxuan. So the power was directly sealed.

"Okay!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan had no choice but to nod helplessly, then walked forward cautiously, and began to look for the trace of the earth spirit Xuanming.

In the pitch-black space, Shen Haoxuan walked aimlessly forward, his eyes kept sweeping around, suddenly, two khaki-colored lights lit up in the distance, and the faint light shone in the pitch-black space. looks very conspicuous.

"I found it!" Seeing the khaki-yellow lights like two lanterns, Shen Haoxuan showed joy, and then ran towards the two lights. When Shen Haoxuan came in front of the two lights, he was caught by the Stuff stunned.

What appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan at this time was a huge tortoise, oh no, to be precise, this is not a tortoise, because behind this giant beast, there is actually a snake tail growing, this image, and ancient books The mythical beast Xuanwu recorded above is very similar.

"Turtle body and snake tail, this is Xuanwu among the four great beasts!" Looking at the huge beast, Yan Lao exclaimed.

"This should be transformed by the earth spirit Xuanming!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the Xuanwu giant beast that was looking around, his face was full of joy.The spiritual wisdom of the fire spirit obsidian is the appearance of the mythical beast Suzaku, and this earth spirit Xuanming is naturally the mythical beast Xuanwu!

"Be careful, this guy is not easy to deal with!" Yan Lao looked at the huge Xuanwu and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also nodded, he could also feel a strong coercion from the giant Xuanwu beast, after all, it is the spirit of heaven and earth, it is an existence that has been precipitated for millions of years.


While Shen Haoxuan was observing the giant Xuanwu beast, Xuanwu also seemed to have discovered the existence of Shen Haoxuan, and immediately roared angrily, it is this human being who tried to refine it, and immediately ran on all fours, rushing towards Shen Haoxuan without saying a word. Come on, the huge body is like a meat and egg chariot, Shen Haoxuan can feel the whole earth trembling.

"This guy is really straightforward, he doesn't even discuss with you!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the basalt giant beast that rushed towards him, and couldn't help complaining immediately, and then a huge spiritual thought gushed out, instantly condensing into a spiritual body. Read the wall, the cross is between Xuanwu and himself.


The next moment, the body of the giant Xuanwu slammed into the wall of spirituality, causing the entire wall of spirituality to tremble violently. Circles of ripples spread, and Xuanwu's huge body turned sideways, fiercely. He fell hard to the ground.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth, it was in the unknown khaki token, and that khaki token already recognized him as the master, so Shen Haoxuan could use the power of the khaki token to block it. Looking at the giant Xuanwu beast, if he wants to break through this spiritual wall, unless the strength of the giant Xuanwu beast can not be restrained by the khaki token.

At this time, the giant Xuanwu beast wobbled up from the ground. The bump just now made it a little dizzy. It seemed to have seen countless birds flying in front of his eyes, and it was still chirping non-stop.


The Xuanwu giant roared, shook its head to get rid of the dizziness, then stared fiercely at Shen Haoxuan, pawed the ground with its hind legs, and rushed up again.

"Don't..." Before Shen Haoxuan reminded, the basaltic giant bumped into it again, and as a result, it naturally turned over on its back again and fell directly to the ground.

After a while, the giant Xuanwu beast stood up again, its eyes were full of crimson, it still doesn't believe it today, it can't even break through a wall, and he wants to make the boy hiding behind the wall pay the price!
"Roar..." the Xuanwu giant roared, and kept crashing towards the spiritual wall, the muffled noises made Shen Haoxuan's scalp go numb.In the end, Shen Haoxuan couldn't bear to look directly at it, and sat down cross-legged, ignoring the Xuanwu monster.

"Come on, let's talk about it when you calm down!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly, then closed his eyes and began to practice...

"Boom boom boom..." In the pitch-black space, muffled crashing sounds continued to be heard, which seemed extremely abrupt in this silent space.

I don't know how long it took, but the dull impact sound became weaker and weaker, until finally it disappeared.At this time, Shen Haoxuan's closed eyes slowly opened, and when he saw the huge Xuanwu beast lying there motionless like a dead dog behind the spiritual wall, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With one wave of Shen Haoxuan's hand, the block between him and the giant Xuanwu beast slowly dissipated.Shen Haoxuan stood up, and walked slowly towards the giant Xuanwu beast.

At this moment, the giant Xuanwu beast was already exhausted. A series of impacts nearly shattered his head, but it still failed to break through the spiritual wall.When he saw Shen Haoxuan walking towards him, his eyes were full of resentment, but the feeling of weakness in his body made him powerless.

Shen Haoxuan stood in front of the basalt giant beast, looking down at the vain basalt giant beast, and then countless vortices appeared behind him, and from the dark vortex, sharp long swords slowly emerged.

"Surrender, or be obliterated by me, you choose!" A faint voice resounded in the pitch-black space, causing the pupils of the Xuanwu monster to shrink instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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