Chaos hegemony

Chapter 50 Go to Tianwu City!

Chapter 50 Go to Tianwu City!
"Crash!" In Shen Haoxuan's dantian, waves of waves rose from the ocean of spiritual power.These splashed spiritual fluids flowed through his body along the meridians, and slowly melted into his bones, flesh and blood.

With the intrusion of the psychic liquid, Shen Haoxuan obviously felt that the meridians and bones became tough and broad, and a powerful force began to gradually gather in the body, and the whole person seemed to be sublimated!
Feeling the benefits brought by the spiritual liquid, Shen Haoxuan's body uncontrollably erupted with a strong suction force, which shocked Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan outside.

Fortunately, the spiritual sea in Shen Haoxuan's dantian only became silent after more than ten minutes of commotion, and the suction in his body gradually weakened until it disappeared.

The moment the suction in his body disappeared, Shen Haoxuan's closed eyes suddenly opened. In an instant, the black hair on his back moved without wind, the robe on his body bulged without wind, and a fierce aura that was several times stronger than before emanated from Shen Haoxuan. The body exploded out!

Sensing the powerful aura of Shen Haoxuan, Yan Lao said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have become a real spiritual disciple! You have officially started your journey to become a strong man!"

"Congratulations, Brother Haoxuan!" On the side, Ji Lingxuan also smiled.

After Shen Haoxuan's aura lasted for a while, he finally fell silent.After spitting out the turbid air that had been eliminated from the body, he turned around and looked at Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan who were smiling beside him. He also grinned, and the joy on his face was hard to hide.

It has been a year, and it has been a year since he came out of the Shen family to practice. During this year, Shen Haoxuan has been wandering between life and death every day, practicing day and night, and only he knows how much he has suffered!But hard work always pays off. Today, he finally advanced to become a spiritual disciple!

After becoming a spiritual disciple, it can be regarded as getting rid of the public rank!Although spirit disciples are still the lowest level warriors, only those who become spirit disciples are qualified to climb to a higher peak and be called strong!What's more, Shen Haoxuan is still young, he is only 16 years old!He has plenty of time to attack the legendary realm!
Clenching his fists, feeling the surging power in his body, Shen Haoxuan now knows how huge the gap between a spirit disciple and a spirit person is!The most obvious thing is the vigor of the spiritual power in the body!There is only one spirit pill in the spirit person's body as the supply point of spiritual power, while the spirit disciple's dantian is an ocean of spiritual power!The gap is not a star and a half.If it wasn't for relying on the advanced martial arts of the mysterious rank and this strong physique, it would be impossible to defeat Xuexuehe!
"Brother Haoxuan, the strength of a spiritual disciple is not only the majestic spiritual power, but also this..." After finishing speaking, a light blue spiritual power emerged from Ji Lingxuan's arm, and soon wrapped the entire arm.

"This...?" Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan wondered, what's the use of this?
"This can be regarded as a sign of a spiritual disciple. A warrior who has become a spiritual disciple can use spiritual power to wrap a certain part of himself to achieve the effect of strengthening or defending this part!" Ji Lingxuan explained.

"Strengthen, or defend?" Shen Haoxuan murmured, and then imitated Ji Lingxuan, mobilizing the spiritual power in his body.After a while, gray spiritual power wrapped his entire arm!
"Sure enough!" After the arm was wrapped by spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan obviously felt that the power on the arm was stronger, and the defense was also stronger!
"However, a spiritual apprentice warrior can only wrap a certain part of the body. After breaking through the spirit general, he can wrap the whole body, and the power is even greater! Therefore, only those who are above the spirit general can be regarded as strong!" Ji Lingxuan continued.

"Oh~ really?" Shen Haoxuan looked at his arm, full of longing for what Ji Lingxuan said.I can't wait to break through to the Spirit General right now!

"Okay, now is not the time to think about that, you should hurry to Tianwu City and get ready to find the Yuanling of the fire element!" Yan Lao reminded in time.

"That's right, that's right, the Yuanling of the fire element is more important now!" Shen Haoxuan withdrew the spiritual power on his arm with unsatisfied enthusiasm.

"Then let's separate here. You keep going east, and you will reach Tianwu City in about two days!" Yan Lao pointed to Dongfang and said.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was surprised, and then asked: "Separate? Old Yan, aren't you with us?"

"Yes, I have something to do. I will go to Tianwu City to find you after I settle it. Don't worry, it won't be too long!" Yan Lao said with a smile.

"Uh...Okay! It's just that you have been with you all this way, Mr. Yan, and you're not used to leaving me!" Shen Haoxuan rubbed his head and said a little embarrassedly.

"Hehe, a real eagle will not live under the wings of your parents and teachers. The sky is very big, and one day you will soar alone!" Yan Lao said earnestly.

"Okay, don't be hypocritical here, let's go! Remember, when you arrive in Tianwu City, you must learn to keep a low profile and try not to conflict with others. There are dragons and gods mixed there, and there are all kinds of people, so be careful!" Yan Lao asked. road.After that, he left alone.

"Let's go too!" After watching Yan Lao leave, Shen Haoxuan let out a long breath, and beckoned Ji Lingxuan to walk eastward.


Two days later, in front of a huge city.

"Tianwu City!" On the gate of the city, three big characters were engraved on it, and a simple and simple atmosphere came from it, the momentum was extremely brilliant!

"Tsk tsk... Is this Tianwu City? It's bigger than our Qingshan City!" Shen Haoxuan said with a tsk.

But when Shen Haoxuan looked around, his face darkened immediately.At this time, people entering the city around were staring at the two of them, oh no, to be precise, they were staring at Ji Lingxuan who was beside Shen Haoxuan, their eyes were unblinking, their mouths were almost drooling!

This is not to blame for these people, Ji Lingxuan's appearance would make even a fairy nine days away feel ashamed, let alone those people who have entered the city around them?When had they ever seen such a beautiful person, so under Ji Lingxuan's appearance, they collectively lost their composure!

But Shen Haoxuan was not happy. He and Ji Lingxuan had been together for half a year, and both of them gave their lives for each other!Shen Haoxuan has even tacitly agreed that Ji Lingxuan is his woman, now such a group of men are staring at his woman, how can Shen Haoxuan feel at ease!

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan took a few steps forward, and protected Ji Lingxuan behind him, blocking the obscene gazes of the men around him.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was actually jealous, Ji Lingxuan covered her mouth and smiled lightly, with a little sweetness in her heart.

After all, Shen Haoxuan's body is thin and small, so he can only block the eyes of some people. When some people saw Ji Lingxuan's appearance of a little girl covering her mouth and chuckling, blood rushed to her head in an instant, and two pillars of blood spurted out of her nostrils, and she even fainted past!

"Laugh! You're still laughing!" Shen Haoxuan saw the fainted male warrior, turned his head and scolded.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's scolding, Ji Lingxuan became playful, and then put on a pitiful look, looked at Shen Haoxuan with two big eyes, and said with teary eyes, "I'm sorry, Brother Haoxuan, I didn't mean to !"

"You..." Seeing Ji Lingxuan's appearance, even Shen Haoxuan, who has such a good heart, almost couldn't control it. He quickly turned his head, grabbed the playful Ji Lingxuan and walked into the city, and said as he walked: "Ni You wait, wait until you enter the city to see how I deal with you!"

"Hehe..." Looking at Shen Haoxuan whose face was flushed by herself, Ji Lingxuan couldn't help but chuckled. As for tidying up herself, if she acts coquettishly again at that time, Shen Haoxuan will definitely have nothing to do with herself!

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was completely unaware of Ji Lingxuan's dark thoughts, so he just dragged her towards the city gate!Along the way, Shen Haoxuan felt countless killing intents!If eyes could kill, Shen Haoxuan would probably be a piece of meat by now!
"Oh, what a disaster for a beauty!" Regarding this, Shen Haoxuan could only sigh helplessly...

(End of this chapter)

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