Chaos hegemony

Chapter 503 It's time to pay off the debt!

Chapter 503 It's time to pay off the debt!

" this fusion of spiritual power?" Seeing the dark yellow mass of spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Old Yan exclaimed in surprise.From the Turing power in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Yan Lao obviously felt two different breaths, one was extremely hot, and the other was calm and thick, which was obviously a fusion of the spiritual power of the earth attribute and the spiritual power of the fire attribute.

"That's right!" The corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised slightly, and then he snapped his fingers. Two groups of elf-like spirit seeds jumped out of Shen Haoxuan's hands, which were exactly the spirit seeds of Fire Spirit Obsidian and Earth Spirit Xuanming.At this moment, the two spiritual species were like a naughty child, constantly beating around Shen Haoxuan's fingers, and the next moment, they were directly fused together under Yan Lao's shocked gaze.

"Can the two spirits of heaven and earth also be fused?" Looking at the spirit-seed after the fusion of the earth spirit Xuanming and the fire spirit Obsidian, Yan Lao exclaimed again.Perhaps Shen Haoxuan's fusion of spiritual power in his body can still be said. Some people have special physiques, so it is not surprising to have spiritual power fusion, but the fusion of two kinds of spirits of heaven and earth is a bit unbelievable.

The five spirits of heaven and earth are the only ones between heaven and earth, and each has destructive power.Not to mention the mutual generation and mutual restraint between the five elements, it is that they are the only existence in the world, each spirit of the heaven and earth has its own arrogance, even if it is refined, it will never merge with each other, let alone the earth spirit Xuanming There is still an obvious restraint effect between it and Fire Spirit Obsidian, how can it be merged together?
"It's all thanks to my Hongmeng Small World!" Seeing Yanlao's surprised expression, Shen Haoxuan said with a chuckle.In the small world of Hongmeng, it is full of the power of chaos. Under the wrapping of the power of chaos, the fire spirit obsidian and the earth spirit Xuanming seem to have no intention of resisting at all. And they are also involved with each other, and finally merged directly together!
The fusion of two spiritual species is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The spirit of heaven and earth is a unique energy between heaven and earth. If they are fused together, the power will definitely undergo a qualitative change!Now the new spirit seed in Shen Haoxuan's hand has not only the violent hot aura of Fire Spirit Obsidian, but also the calm and heavy earth aura of Earth Spirit Xuanming. These two seemingly contradictory auras are perfectly integrated at this moment got together.

"Haha, well, it seems that your strength has also made a qualitative leap this time!" Boss Yan laughed loudly, and said with relief, his eyes were full of exclamation.When he met Shen Haoxuan for the first time three years ago, the latter was just a brat who was fighting to not be expelled from the family. In the blink of an eye, Shen Haoxuan had grown into a man who could handle himself alone!

"Yes, then it's time to repay the debt!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled lightly, then clenched his fists tightly, looking at the deep pit, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes.When he fell into this deep pit with the demon king, he did not believe that with the strength of the demon king, he would die in it directly.

Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan didn't stop there anymore, the Vermilion Bird wings appeared behind him, and he soared into the sky, flying towards the deep pit...

But at this time, outside the deep pit, the devil husky's eyes were still closed, standing motionless, but at this time the devil husky's aura was no longer vain, and it became unfathomable again. Not only that, the original broken His right arm and left leg have grown completely at this moment, and they look the same as before.

At a certain moment, the motionless body of the Demon King Huskies suddenly trembled slightly, and his closed eyes suddenly opened, two streams of substantial black energy flew out, and monstrous demonic energy erupted from his body, Almost directly covered half of the sky.

The dark wind was raging between the heaven and the earth, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves could be heard endlessly, and the surroundings of the deep pit instantly became eerie and terrifying like hell.After a long while, the evil wind and devilish energy gradually calmed down and flowed back into the body of the Demon King Husky.

"Huh..." After the devilish energy swelled in his body gradually subsided, the Demon King Husky exhaled a long breath, and then began to move his new body slowly.

"These damn humans, it took me so much energy to recover!" Demon King Husky cursed while moving his body. His terrifying recovery ability also required a great price. And the price is his blood!A serious injury like before consumed at least half of the demon king's blood!

"The blood essence that I have lost, then you can help me make up for it!" The demon king Husky looked at the depths of the secret realm, the human blood was exuding a delicious smell, and they haven't escaped from the secret realm yet!
"Haha, your king is back again, are you ready for the feast of slaughter?" The devil huskie smiled slyly, and then slowly flew up into the sky, looking for a direction to rush out, but just as he started, Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in the sky, falling down like a shooting star, directly stepped on the back of the Demon King Husky, and instantly stepped on him from mid-air.


The Demon King Husky and that figure were like meteorites, crashing on the ground. The terrifying force directly lifted the gravel and smoke on the ground several feet high, and the whole ground cracked open. Deep pits appear above the ground.

This figure falling from the sky is really Shen Haoxuan flying out of the deep pit.As soon as Shen Haoxuan flew out of the deep pit, he saw the Demon King Husky rising into the air, and wanted to leave this place, but he couldn't hold back for a moment, kicked him up, and kicked him down from the midair.

"Who! Who is it!" The demon king husky who fell into the ground suddenly got up from the ground. Although Shen Haoxuan's kick was not weak, it was still a little bit reluctant if he wanted the demon king to be injured.

The devil husky has red eyes and a ferocious face, yet he was kicked down from the air. This is simply a humiliation!When the Demon King saw Shen Haoxuan standing in front of him with a leisurely expression, the killing intent in his heart became even stronger.

"It's you again! You didn't die?" Husky the Demon King roared in a low voice, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes. He knew how violent the spiritual power in the deep pit was, even if he didn't react quickly, he would It will be twisted into pieces in an instant, and a human warrior can come out of it intact?

"You old dog is not dead, how can I be willing?" Shen Haoxuan shrugged and said casually.Shen Haoxuan knew that the demon king would not die so easily, but this guy recovered from his injuries too quickly, even stronger than his own chaotic god body's recovery ability, he is really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang!

[ps: I took a national computer level two exam yesterday, and I missed a chapter, so I made it up today!Feel sorry! 】

(End of this chapter)

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