Chaos hegemony

Chapter 519 Disaster!

Chapter 519 Disaster!

"How come the fighters from this high-level sect came to our backcountry? What's more, it's strange that they even dispatched a master of the Linghuang rank!" The warriors who slowly gathered in the city began to discuss one after another.

"Could it be that another genius appeared in our Qingshan City, and that's why people from the high-level sects were alarmed?" A warrior guessed, after all, Qingshan City is remote and the surrounding spiritual power is not very abundant, which can attract high-level sects. There are only genius disciples.

"Based on what you said, it's possible that rare geniuses appeared in the three major families in the city, Liu Xiahui from the Liu family, Ge Qiang from the Ge family, and Qing Hai from the City Lord's Mansion. I have already broken through to the Spirit Monkey level a few months ago, such an achievement at such an age is worthy of the name of a genius." A warrior said with a deep voice.

Hearing the warrior's words, envy appeared in the eyes of the warriors around him. Being able to enter the high-level sect is a great opportunity for the warriors. Only within the high-level sect can there be a system Training, and there are countless training resources, advanced martial arts, which is definitely a great temptation for warriors.

"Let's go, let's tell the news to the three major families!" Some warriors who have friendship with the three major families immediately ran towards the city.

At this time, on top of the five giant griffins in the midair, the disciples of the Fallen Valley were all expressionlessly looking at the commotion of the crowd below, waiting for the leader to issue orders.

"This is Qingshan City? There is a genius who beheaded Shaogu Lord in such a place that doesn't want to shit?" The leader, Linghuang, looked at the commotion crowd below with disdain, and said lightly.

"There are troublemakers in the backcountry, maybe Shen Haoxuan used some shady means to kill the owner of the young valley. The owner of the young valley was too careless, and he died in the hands of such a person!" A depraved The elder of Gu said with a cold snort, his tone was full of contempt.

"No matter what method he used, it is an indisputable fact that Master Shaogu died at his hands. Although we don't like that Master Shaogu, this is an order from Master Gu. Let's do it honestly!" The leader of the Linghuang powerhouse said lightly, when he first received this order, he actually refused it, but the order of the valley owner had to be obeyed, asking him to kill a small family in Qingshan City who can't see the table, it is really a shame. will get his hands dirty.

Hearing the old man's words, the faces of the disciples of Fallen Valley trembled. For the valley owner that the old man said, they were afraid from the bottom of their hearts and even the depths of their souls. They never dared to refute the words of the valley owner.

"Okay, go down and find the Shen family, remember, don't leave one behind!" The old man of the Linghuang rank ordered in a cold voice. Jumped down and rushed towards the city.

At this time, the three major families in the city and the people in the city lord's mansion all saw the warriors who jumped from the sky, and they all started to move immediately. From their point of view, these warriors came to find genius disciples, and they had to find a way. Get in touch with them for a while, and then recommend the disciples of your own family.

However, when the warriors from the City Lord's Mansion, the Liu family and the Ge family rushed into the city, they found that those warriors were all heading for the Shen family. They, the warriors in Qingshan City all looked stunned. They didn't expect that the warriors who wrote about them came directly to the Shen family.

"Shen family, I didn't expect it to be the Shen family again. Three years ago, Shen Haoxuan was born in the Shen family, which is already very against the sky. I don't know who will be so lucky to be selected by the high sect this time."

"This time, if someone from the Shen family enters the high-level sect again, then the Shen family's status in Qingshan City may directly overwhelm the other three major forces and become the king of Qingshan City. After all, two disciples have entered the high-level sect. Those two people have a certain right to speak in the sect, even if they directly eradicate the other three major forces from Qingshan City, it is just a matter of one sentence!"

"I don't know if the other three major forces can hold back the lord!" There was a sound of discussion in Qingshan City, and the elders of the Ge family, Liu family and the city lord's mansion also had a bit of a bad face when they heard the discussions.

Those warriors were right, if there was another member of the Shen family like Shen Haoxuan this time, then Qingshan City would really belong to the Shen family in the future.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!" The three families reached an agreement at this moment, and quickly walked towards the Shen family's mansion.

After a while, all the warriors in Qingshan City flocked towards the Shen family. They also wanted to see what the Shen family had that would attract this high-level sect.

By the time everyone sensed the Shen family, those disciples from the Fallen Valley had already arrived at the square of the Shen family. At this time, the old man of the Shen family, that is, the grandfather of Shen Haoxuan, was leading the members of the Shen family to welcome these warriors here.

"Patriarch, there is something wrong with the atmosphere. These people don't seem to be here to accept disciples!" Sensing the oppressive atmosphere in the air, the elder of the Shen family frowned.

Hearing this, Old Man Shen frowned slightly, and he looked at the lineup of the Fallen Valley disciples in front of him, three spiritual peak powerhouses, twenty spirit martyrs, and in the midair, there was a volleying Void Stepper. The Linghuang powerhouse, this formation, does not look like he is here to recruit disciples.

"I don't know when the seniors came here?" Mr. Shen suppressed the doubts in his heart, and asked with his fists clasped.

"Is this Shen Haoxuan's family?" A psychic powerhouse in the Fallen Valley did not return to Mr. Shen's words, but asked coldly.

Hearing the words and the cold tone of that psychic master, old man Shen understood that these people probably came to seek revenge from Shen Haoxuan, and his thoughts immediately turned sharply.

"Yes, but Haoxuan is not in the family now, everyone please go back!" Mr. Shen heard that those people were full of hostility towards Shen Haoxuan, and his expression became gloomy at the moment, and he said in a cold voice.

"Hmph, leave? Who said we came here for Shen Haoxuan? Since this is Shen Haoxuan's family, it's easy to handle, come here, kill them all, and leave no one behind!" A cruel smile appeared, and with a random wave of his hand, the disciples from the Fallen Valley rushed out and killed everyone in the Shen family!
"What!" Seeing those disciples rushing forward, Mr. Shen's face changed drastically. It turned out that the target of these people was not Shen Haoxuan, but members of the Shen family!At that moment, Old Master Shen's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted at the Shen family members behind him: "Run away!"

As soon as Mr. Shen finished speaking, those disciples from the Fallen Valley rushed into the Shen family. Before they could react, the long knives in the hands of the Fallen Valley disciples fell on him, and the warm blood It sprayed out in an instant, and disaster spread across the Shen family in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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