Chaos hegemony

Chapter 53 Yan Lao Returns!

Chapter 53 Yan Lao Returns!
"Who the hell is it? If you have the ability, stop pretending to be a ghost!" The big man looked up and looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"Ability? Then I'll show you that I don't have any ability!" After the voice fell, an invisible energy bombarded the big man's chest.

"Pfft!" With this blow, the burly man at the level of a spirit general flew into the air, smashing down many market stalls along the street before stopping his figure.

"Second Uncle!" Seeing the big man flying away injured, Wu Mengqi was shocked and ran towards the big man.

"Cough cough..." At this time, the big man on the ground was pale and coughed weakly twice, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"Second Uncle, are you okay!" Wu Mengqi ran to the side of the big man, helped him up quickly, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, let's get out of here!" The big man urged directly regardless of his injury.This time, the opponent's cultivation base was not so powerful, and he was seriously injured without even seeing the opponent's face!The big man was extremely clear in his heart, if the other party hadn't shown mercy, he would be a corpse now!

"Leave, but..." Wu Mengqi glanced at Shen Haoxuan unwillingly.

"It's nothing, let's go!" The big man suppressed his injuries and forcibly pulled Wu Mengqi towards the Wu family. He was afraid that if he provoked that mysterious person again, his and Wu Mengqi's lives would be lost!

Everyone looked at Wu Mengqi's uncle and nephew who staggered away, their faces were full of differences, the plot changed too fast, they didn't have time to react!This dignified second master of the martial arts family was actually scared away by a mysterious person who hadn't shown his face yet.

But the strength of this mysterious person is really terrifying. Could it be that these two people are really children from a certain big family?Everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan and they thought.

Being looked at by everyone like this, Shen Haoxuan felt a little embarrassed even with such a thick skin, and then pulled Ji Lingxuan to leave the street.

Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan turned left and right in Tianwu City, and stopped in a secluded alley.

"Come out, Old Yan!" Shen Haoxuan softly shouted to the surroundings, and after a while, an illusory figure slowly appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, the person who came was Yan Lao who left a few days ago.

"Old Yan, why are you back? Didn't you go to your own business?" Seeing Elder Yan appear, Shen Haoxuan asked suspiciously.

"Hmph, brat, do you still dare to say that? Didn't I tell you to keep a low profile when you come to Tianwu City? How are you, you have offended the overlord of the city, why don't you go to heaven? If I didn't come in time, you would have been waiting to be killed." Let's dismember the corpse!" Yan Lao snorted coldly and said in a desperate manner.

"Old Yan, it's not my fault. It's Wu Mengqi who was brutal and unreasonable first. I just educated her for his parents. Who knew she was the little princess of the Wu family!" Shen Haoxuan replied with an innocent face.

"Are you still reasonable?" Old Yan glared angrily.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Yan, I was wrong!" Seeing that Mr. Yan was angry, Shen Haoxuan quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"Old Yan, don't blame brother Haoxuan, it's actually Wu Mengqi who bullied others first, brother Haoxuan was just defending himself!" Seeing that old Yan was angry, Ji Lingxuan quickly spoke good words for Shen Haoxuan.

After hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Old Yan's expression softened, and he sighed and said, "Forget it, I originally planned to make you famous in Tianwu City today, after such a commotion, I think the city will know you soon, although Offended the Wu family, but the goal has been achieved."

"Old Yan, don't you blame me?" Hearing that Lao Yan's tone softened, Shen Haoxuan said with a playful smile.

"Hmph, don't be too happy too early. The Wu family is not the kind of person who would consider themselves unlucky after suffering a loss. They won't let you go! Fortunately, I am intimidating them now, and they dare not make any big moves. Wait until they get it." The spirit of the fire element will leave here immediately, and in my current state, I can't keep you for a long time." Yan Lao said seriously.

"Got it!" Shen Haoxuan also knew the seriousness of the matter, and said in a deep voice right now.

"But we don't have the slightest news about the Fire Element Spirit, how can we get it? Ling Xuan doesn't have much time!" Shen Haoxuan said worriedly.

"Don't worry about that, I've been looking for news about the Fire Element Yuanling for the past two days."

"Old Yan, do you know where the Fire Element Yuanling is?" Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed.

"Nonsense, I used to be its owner!" Yan Lao said proudly.

"Then why don't you just bring it out?"

"I think so! Now I'm only in the state of spiritual thoughts, and it's the limit to control the flames produced by a few clusters of Yuanling, let alone the original Yuanling itself!" Yan Laobai said with a glance at Shen Haoxuan.

"Uh, then let's go find it quickly, what are we waiting for?"

"No, the spirit of the fire element is sealed by me in an ancient tomb. If you enter with your strength, you will die!"

"Ah, what should I do then?" Shen Haoxuan was troubled.

"Don't worry, the ancient tomb has been opened by me, you go to the Tianwu Auction House in two days and sell the news to them!"

"Sell them?"

"Yes, the mechanism in the ancient tomb is not something you can handle. You use the Tianwu Auction House to spread the news. It is the cemetery of a Linghuang. I believe it will be a big temptation for the warriors in Tianwu City, let them fight for you .”

"Don't worry, only I know where the Yuanling of the fire element is, they can't find it!" Seemingly knowing what Shen Haoxuan was worried about, Old Yan continued.

"That's good." Shen Haoxuan let go of the worries in his heart and said.

"Okay, find a place to live first, and when your fame spreads throughout Tianwu City, go to Tianwu Auction House!" After saying that, Old Yan returned to his spirit storage ring.

Seeing Yan Lao returning to the spirit storage ring, Shen Haoxuan also took Ji Lingxuan and disappeared into the alley, found an inn to live in, and waited for the opportunity to come.

Things happened just as Yanlao predicted. In the past two days, a teenager clashed with Wu Mengqi, a little witch from the Wu family, and made her suffer. Later, Wu Mengqi recruited the second master of the Shen family, and was severely injured by the mysterious person behind the teenager, and then fell into ruin. The story of fleeing spread wildly in Tianwu City, and soon, everyone in the city knew about it. Shen Haoxuan's reputation also rose sharply at this time, becoming a celebrity in Tianwu City!

At this time, in the east of Tianwu City, in the hall of the Wu family's mansion, the high-level Wu family gathered together, everyone was expressionless, and the atmosphere in the hall seemed extremely serious.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the second master of the Wu family jumped up, his face flushed, and he said angrily: "It's unreasonable, these unscrupulous people dare to spread such propaganda and slander the reputation of my Wu family!"

"Ahem..." Due to being too angry, the injury from two days ago was affected again!

"Second brother, don't be angry. What we are discussing today is not this matter, but the mysterious strong man behind that young man!" The middle-aged man said softly.

This person is the head of the contemporary Wu family, Wu Zhentian!

"Are you sure that mysterious person beat you seriously before he showed up?" Wu Zhentian asked with a frown.

"Yes, the opponent's strength is terrifying. If he hadn't been merciful, I would have been a corpse!" Second Master Wu said in a deep voice. Thinking of the mysterious man, he couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing how abnormal Wu Erye was, Wu Zhentian frowned even more!My younger brother can be said to be fearless, but when it comes to the mysterious person, he is so scared, which shows how terrifying the mysterious person is!Moreover, he severely injured Wu Erye, who is a strong spirit general, before he showed up. The opponent's strength was at least that of a spirit, or even a spirit level!This kind of person cannot be provoked.

"Master, that boy seems to be a child of a big family, and his status is not low, otherwise it would be impossible for such a strong person to guard him secretly! But we seem to have offended each other, what should we do now?" Sit down An old man asked worriedly.

"The other party didn't kill the second child, so it shouldn't be too late. Try to make friends with this young man. Even if you can't restore the relationship, try not to anger the other party. He should just come to practice and leave soon. Let's go!" Wu Zhentian pondered for a while, and quickly made a decision.

It has to be said that Wu Zhentian's decision is the most correct. He has already thought of a solution to the problem in such a short period of time, which shows that he is definitely a qualified patriarch.All the people in the hall nodded, they agreed with Wu Zhentian's decision.

At this time, during the guest battle, as the protagonist in this incident, our student Shen Haoxuan has just woken up from his cultivation.

"Ling Xuan, how is the situation outside now?" Shen Haoxuan let out a foul breath, then turned his head and asked Ji Lingxuan beside him.

"As Yan Lao said, now you are a big celebrity in Tianwu City, and everyone thinks you are a child of a big family!" Ji Lingxuan said with a smile.For the past two days, Shen Haoxuan has been practicing, and all the information from the outside world is collected by her.

"Hey, that's good, now it's time to go to the Tianwu Auction!"

(PS: I've been a little busy recently, but there is one update every day, at 22:00 p.m., the second update and the third update from time to time, please ask for recommendations, collections, book reviews, all kinds of requests!!)

(End of this chapter)

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