Chaos hegemony

Chapter 589 Despised?

Chapter 589 Despised?

"Okay! But..." When Xiaorui heard Shen Haoxuan's words, a look of joy appeared on her face, but then her little face became bitter again, and she glanced at Shen Haoxuan faintly, feeling a little embarrassed.

Seeing Xiaorui's eyes glance at her grandfather from time to time, Shen Haoxuan also understood, after all, Xiaorui has been by her grandfather's side since she was a child, and now it is impossible for her to leave her grandfather all of a sudden.

"Grandpa, Xiaorui is actually not suffering from some strange disease, but her physical problem. If she wants to solve it, she needs to follow me to practice. What do you think?" Shen Haoxuan asked Xiaorui's grandfather.

"Cultivation?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Xiaorui's grandfather was stunned for a moment, but then he nodded and said, "Yes, that would be great. This world is the world of the strong. I am not capable of it, old man." Let Xiaorui be a warrior, you can't protect her, since the little brother has this heart, then I will trouble you!"

"Xiaorui, grandpa agreed, how about you?" Shen Haoxuan asked Xiaorui again.

"Okay, I want to practice with my brother, and I want to become a powerful warrior like my brother!" Seeing that her grandfather agreed, Xiaorui nodded heavily.

Seeing that Xiaorui agreed, Shen Haoxuan also heaved a long sigh of relief. If Xiaorui did not agree, he would not be able to force others to do so. Then the Holy Eye of Heaven would not be destined for him. Fortunately, his character is not bad.

"Let's go, let's advance into the city!" Shen Haoxuan stood up, took Xiaorui's hand, and they walked towards Fenyan City together.

Entering Fenyan City, the hot feeling outside the city disappeared instantly, and the whole city seemed to be guarded by some formation, which shielded the violent factor in the fire attribute spiritual power, and felt the surrounding fire became much more docile. Attributed to spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan not only admired the people who built this city, not only was he able to build the city on top of hot magma, but he was also able to filter out the violent factor in the volcano.
Xiaorui on the side is like a curious baby, her big watery eyes are looking around, her face is full of excitement, she and her grandfather have lived in the deep mountains and old forests all year round, where have they ever seen such a bustling town , and then directly broke free from Shen Haoxuan's big hand, and started to wander around on the street.

Seeing Xiaorui who looked like a wild horse that had run loose, Shen Haoxuan shook his head helplessly, but he didn't restrain her, he just locked her on her body for two years, allowing her to test the new things around her.

After wandering around for a whole day, even the energetic Xiaorui couldn't take it anymore, finally she was so tired that she lay on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder and fell asleep directly. Shen Haoxuan looked at Xiaorui who had fallen asleep on his back, and sighed softly , and took Xiaorui's grandfather to the medicine hall in the city.

Arriving at the address of the medicine hall in Fenyan City, Shen Haoxuan looked at the medicine hall in front of him that was more than twice the size of White Fox City, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help sighing: "As expected of a big city, it's more grand than the one in White Fox City! "

"Medicine... medicine hall? Little brother, what are you doing here?" Beside Xiaorui's grandfather, looking at the huge plaque in the medicine hall, he said in surprise, the medicine hall is not accessible to ordinary people in the Yaozu. What did Shen Haoxuan bring them here for?
"It's something, let's go, let's go in!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, and then walked towards the main hall of the medicine hall.


Stepping into the medicine hall, there was a loud noise that was louder than the outside world. In the hall, many warriors gathered together, and the cries of hawking echoed continuously in the hall. It was deafening, and even Shen Haoxuan was sleeping soundly on his back. Xiaorui was also woken up.

The hall of this medicine hall is a small trading place, and some warriors ask for pills to sell or exchange for elixir, all of which are carried out in the medicine hall.Shen Haoxuan just glanced at the hall lightly, and then came to the front desk of the medicine hall with ease, and then handed the recommendation letter from Hall Master Hong to the reception staff, and said: "I was introduced by the master of the White Fox City Medicine Hall , look for the hall master of your hall if you need anything!"

The lady at the front desk found the recommendation letter in Shen Haoxuan's hand, and then glanced at it indiscriminately. When she saw that the recommendation letter introduced Shen Haoxuan as a sixth-grade alchemist and could refine the Linghuang Pill, the lady couldn't help but directly He laughed, and then directly threw back Shen Haoxuan's letter of recommendation.

"I'm talking about brats. When you meet our hall master, just say it. Is it necessary to make it so unreliable? You are still a sixth-rank alchemist, can you refine the Linghuang Pill? You are joking, you know what the Linghuang Pill is?" Is it? Even our hall master can’t refine it, let alone you, a brat? This is the funniest joke I’ve heard this year!” The receptionist glanced at Shen Haoxuan lightly, and said disdainfully .

The sarcastic voice of the reception lady was not low. Even in this noisy hall, the warriors around could hear it clearly. After making a noise, all eyes were cast on Shen Haoxuan, and the whole hall fell into silence for an instant, but then, there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, what did I hear? Someone wants to meet Hall Master Feng, saying that he is a sixth-grade alchemist?"

"I said boy, do you know what it means to be a sixth-grade alchemist and pretend to be here, and you still come to the medicine hall to pretend, what a coward!"

"Hall Master Feng has been immersed in alchemy for decades and has just been promoted to a sixth-rank alchemist. You, a young child, dare to call yourself a sixth-rank alchemist, and you will not take our group of alchemists seriously. gone?"

A sound of ridicule resounded in the hall, and the warriors around were all looking at Shen Haoxuan, their eyes full of teasing.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the warriors who suddenly gathered around and attacked, and frowned. He just wanted to meet Hall Master Feng, so why did he become the target of attack in their eyes?
"Boy, get out of here before you arouse public anger, otherwise, you won't even know how you died!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's frown, the reception lady thought that Shen Haoxuan's true face had been exposed, and immediately Said coldly.

Hearing the sarcasm and sarcasm around him, Shen Haoxuan's face gradually became colder, his eyes swept across the entire hall, and a cold voice came from his mouth: "I originally thought that everyone in the medicine hall of the monster race It's humble and polite, but now it seems that you are really a group of guys who look down on others!"

(End of this chapter)

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