Chaos hegemony

Chapter 62 God Killing Crossbow!

Chapter 62 God Killing Crossbow!
"God Killing Crossbow? What a domineering name!" Shen Haoxuan was curious when he heard this term for the first time.

"By the way, I remembered, the God-killing Crossbow! Legend has it that even gods can be shot!" Ji Lingxuan also remembered the information about the God-killing Crossbow after hearing Shen Haoxuan's prompt.

"Even gods can be shot!" Shen Haoxuan was a little surprised. Shen Haoxuan didn't know what kind of existence a god was, but he was also a figure who could dominate a world. A crossbow arrow that could even shoot a god, how powerful would it be? !Unexpectedly, there is such a powerful weapon in this small tomb of the Linghuang!
"Yes, it is said that the God Killing Crossbow was forged by an ancient craftsman from the blood of the meteoric iron and the gluttonous beast. Theoretically, the God-killing Crossbow can devour and store spiritual power without limit. You can imagine that if a Spirit Emperor powerhouse pours spiritual power into it day and night, after ten or a hundred years, the God-killing Crossbow will The stored spiritual power is quite considerable, and its power will become extremely terrifying!" Ji Lingxuan explained.

"If this is true, isn't it considered a bug in the cultivation world?" Shen Haoxuan frowned, if any low-level warrior got this, then it would be as simple as drinking water to challenge and kill by leapfrogging!
"So, after the gods in ancient times knew the existence of the God-killing Crossbow, they destroyed it and the people who made the God-killing Crossbow. This is God's Wrath and it has become a legendary weapon. I didn't expect to see it here. Arrived!" Ji Lingxuan was also staring at the end of the passage curiously, wanting to see what this God Killing Crossbow looks like.

Hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but slapped his mouth, thinking in his heart: "These gods are really domineering. They invented something that could threaten them, and they just destroyed it. This world is indeed a world of the jungle!"

"Brother Shen? What are you mumbling about!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan lowering his head and talking to himself, Luo Xiaowen asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just thought of something!" Shen Haoxuan said in a low voice.

"Oh, brother Shen, do you know how to pass through this passage?" Luo Xiaowen said in surprise.

"Not really, but at the end of this passage there should be a triggerable spiritual weapon! If you destroy it, you should be able to pass through safely!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's work together to destroy it!" As soon as Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, Wu Mengqi shouted, as if she wanted to fight for the leadership of the team!

Hearing Wu Mengqi's shout, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan looked at Wu Mengqi like idiots, and Luo Xiaowen directly sarcastically said: "It's really big-chested and brainless. The warriors present are all spirit disciples. Whose attack can hit Wu Mengqi?" The end of the tunnel? With your IQ, how did you survive till now!"

"You..." Hearing Luo Xiaowen's words, Wu Mengqi's face turned red and she couldn't say a word!
"Then tell me, what should I do? You can't turn around and go back!" Yang Yu at the side immediately stepped forward to rescue Wu Mengqi, and now the two of them were on the same warship.

"Of course not. I have observed that this kind of weapon should not be able to fire continuously. As long as you avoid the first attack, there will be a buffer time. During this time, you can rush to the end of the passage and destroy the spiritual weapon! "Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Then, who should we send?" Luo Xiaowen asked the most important question. Everyone knows the attack power and attack speed of the spiritual weapon. No one is absolutely sure to avoid the attack, and no one Willing to risk your life to try!
"If you want me to say, whoever made this proposal, let him go!" Wu Mengqi shouted.

Hearing Wu Mengqi's words, Luo Xiaowen was unhappy, pointing at Wu Mengqi's nose and scolding: "You are so vicious, brother Shen is the weakest here, wouldn't you let him go be equal to death? Also, people Discovering the method is already a great achievement, why do you let other people contribute, if you have the ability, you go!"

"Hmph, since he can discover the existence of the spirit weapon, he must know a lot about it, so let him go! What do you think?" Wu Mengqi asked the surrounding warriors.

Hearing Wu Mengqi's words, everyone around fell silent, which was regarded as acquiescing to this suggestion!

"I also think that sister Mengqi is right. Since brother Shen proposed this idea, he should go. Otherwise, even if we pass by, what should you do if we can't destroy the spirit weapon?" Yang Yu said with a smile.

"You...huh, you are really a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Luo Xiaowen said, looking at the indifferent people around her.

"Since everyone agrees with this proposal, Shen Haoxuan, please! Don't waste your time here!" Wu Mengqi urged.

Looking at the aggressive Wu Mengqi, Ji Lingxuan's body was filled with cold, and she was very angry in her heart!His own brother Haoxuan pointed out the way for them to pass, but they still forced him to risk his life to destroy the spiritual weapon. Thinking of this group of villains who only want to sit back and enjoy the benefits.Ji Lingxuan wanted to take out their hearts to see if they were red or black!
And the impatient Luo Xiaowen even pulled Shen Haoxuan out of the tomb: "Come on, little brother Shen, we don't want the things in the Linghuang's tomb, let them go there by themselves!"

But Shen Haoxuan didn't move, just smiled, and then said: "No, I'll go!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, everyone present were stunned, they never thought that Shen Haoxuan would agree so easily.

"Brother Haoxuan, you..." Ji Lingxuan looked even more worried.

"Don't worry, I have my plan!" Shen Haoxuan took Ji Lingxuan's hand and squeezed it lightly, signaling her not to worry!

"However, it's not impossible to ask me to go, you must show your sincerity, I can't make this trip in vain!" Shen Haoxuan changed his voice and said in a cold voice.

"what do you want?"

"Afterwards, I only want one thing you got from the Linghuang Tomb!"

"No, there are many dangers in the tomb of the Linghuang. We have exchanged our lives for everything we got. How could we give it to you!" What about the passage in the tomb?

Seeing Wu Mengqi who was so selfish, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly: "Hmph, that's the condition, if you agree, I will destroy the spiritual weapon, if you don't agree, everyone should go home together, no one can get other things in the tomb! "

"You..." Facing such a strong Shen Haoxuan, Wu Mengqi had nothing to say.

"Okay, we agree!" Yang Yu said at this time.

"That's good, all the people present will testify!" Shen Haoxuan said loudly, then comforted Ji Lingxuan again, and stepped onto the passage.

In fact, Shen Haoxuan was also a little scared, after all, if he was a little careless, he would lose his life!

"Long Mao, are you sure you can feel the movement of the God Killing Crossbow?" Shen Haoxuan asked again.

"Don't worry, there is the blood essence of the gluttonous clan on it, I can't feel it more clearly!" Chang Mao hid in Shen Haoxuan's arms, vowing.

Seeing that Chang Mao is so sure, Shen Haoxuan is also relieved, his life is connected with Chang Mao, if there is really danger, with Chang Mao's character of greed for life and fear of death, he will not let himself take this risk!

"Okay, pay attention, I'm leaving!" Shen Haoxuan took a long breath and began to walk forward slowly.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan who started to move forward, everyone also held their breath, and the tense atmosphere spread in the passage!
"Will he succeed?" Luo Xiaowen asked cautiously.

"He will succeed!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back, Ji Lingxuan said with certainty, but at the same time she was also prepared, if Shen Haoxuan failed, she would let everyone here be buried with him!

(End of this chapter)

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