Chaos hegemony

Chapter 716 The Awakened Giant!

Chapter 716 The Awakened Giant!
"Uh ah..."

Shen Haoxuan firmly grasped the magma chain with both hands, the veins on his arms burst out, and his entire cheeks turned red. At this moment, Shen Haoxuan used all the strength in his life!


The terrifying high temperature from the magma chains, even Shen Haoxuan who has the fire spirit obsidian and the unicorn arm that has been transformed into a dragon claw, can't bear it. Faint green smoke emerges from Shen Haoxuan's palm, and there is a burnt smell When it came, Shen Haoxuan's entire palm was scorched in an instant, and he couldn't help trembling due to the excruciating pain, but Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest intention of letting go, and stared fixedly at the magma chain, not breaking it today, Shen Haoxuan will not give up!

Just as Shen Haoxuan was struggling, there was a deafening roar from below the high platform, the voice was dull and hoarse, and the simple aura rushed towards him, making Shen Haoxuan feel as if he was in the ancient times, his eyes were a little dull, However, the tingling sensation from the palm brought him back to reality in an instant.

"Quick, quick, he's about to wake up!" Changmao yelled hurriedly, slipping back into Shen Haoxuan's body a little uneasy.

"I know...I'm working hard!" Shen Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.


At this time, a pair of huge palms descended from the sky, and the magma in the center of the palms poured towards Shen Haoxuan like a waterfall, making Shen Haoxuan's scalp tingle, but now Shen Haoxuan couldn't avoid it, if he stepped aside, Xue Ling would definitely be killed This magma waterfall burned directly into nothingness.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shen Haoxuan directly protected Xue Ling under his body, and the purple-black flame formed a circle of fire curtain above his head, protecting the two of them in it.


A dull sound sounded, and the huge magma waterfall poured on the fire curtain. The huge force made Shen Haoxuan's body tremble, and he bent down instantly. The scorching breath caused the clothes on Shen Haoxuan's back to be burned into nothingness. The skin that had been baked into a red one was exposed, and the severe pain made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Looking at the painful Shen Haoxuan with distorted facial features, Xue Ling's heart was bleeding, and she begged bitterly: "Shen Haoxuan, don't worry about me, if this continues, we will all die here, let's go!"

"If you want to live together, if you want to die together, die together. In my dictionary, Shen Haoxuan, I haven't given up on these two words! Break it!" Shen Haoxuan roared, and then a trace of madness flashed in his eyes, and the purple-black flame on top of his head Wrap the magma and swallow it all into the body!

"Boom..." On the scorching magma, there was extremely violent fire-attribute spiritual power. At this moment, Shen Haoxuan violently devoured the violent spiritual power, not caring at all about the damage in his body by the violent spiritual power. Meridians.

Forcibly devouring the berserk fire attribute spiritual power, Shen Haoxuan's strength increased greatly, his arms swelled up again, and he pulled towards the magma chain, and the terrifying power made the magma chain burst out with "squeaks".

"Crack bang..." A crisp sound sounded, the magma chain was finally overwhelmed and broke completely, and the moment the magma chain broke, Shen Haoxuan hugged Xue Ling and rushed out desperately, Because at this time, the big hand of the magma giant had fallen from the sky and came to the top of their heads.


Shen Haoxuan desperately rushed to the outside of the high platform, a deafening sound rang out, and the powerful air wave directly lifted Shen Haoxuan into the air, and he rolled hundreds of meters in mid-air before he finally stabilized his body. Under the palm of the magma giant, it turned into nothingness.

Looking at the turbulent air waves, both Shen Haoxuan and Xue Ling couldn't help taking a breath, it was too terrifying, too thrilling, if it was a little later, the two of them would be smashed into pieces by that giant palm up!
The two of them looked at the giant with eyes, and their mouths were bitter. At this time, the giant of magma had completely stood up. His body of hundreds of feet made him look like a pillar standing between heaven and earth, made of magma. The armor was tightly attached to his body, and the explosive muscles made people feel tremendous pressure even by looking at it, and the crimson magma slowly flowed down from his body, as if the magma was like water to him , without the slightest temperature.

"What... what is this?" Xue Ling murmured, and couldn't help but licked her chapped lips.

"I don't know, I just know that we should run away now, we seem to have angered him!" Shen Haoxuan stepped back and said with a solemn expression.

"Escape, can we escape?" Xue Ling looked at the magma giant and said in disbelief.

"Yes!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, but after saying that, Shen Haoxuan's face turned bitter. What he himself said was a bit lacking in confidence. Facing this unknown magma giant, Shen Haoxuan had nothing to do. If he knew what the other party was , Shen Haoxuan can still think of a way, but the unknown is the scariest thing, because he doesn't know what shortcomings the other party will have.

The two stared at the magma giant, their eyes full of vigilance. Suddenly, the magma giant moved, and the hairs on Shen Haoxuan and Xue Ling's bodies instantly stood up. They didn't see each other's movements at all. The next moment, A pair of giant palms appeared in front of the two of them.

"Fall!" Shen Haoxuan and Xue Ling were shocked. Their bodies were like meteorites, and they fell towards the magma world below. It made the two of them feel suffocated for a while.

Although the magma giant is huge, its speed is so fast that it is frightening. With his movements, the magma world below begins to riot. The entire volcano is trembling, and it seems that there is a possibility of eruption at any time.

After Shen Haoxuan and Xue Ling avoided the attack of the magma giant, they withdrew and retreated. Obviously, this big guy seemed to be angry, and Shen Haoxuan and Xue Ling couldn't bear this guy's anger at all.

"No, that guy's speed is too fast!" Changmao looked at the huge palm that struck at that moment, and his hair stood up in fright. Holding Xue Ling, he couldn't dodge such attacks several times.

"Flee, run into his mouth!" Yan Lao's voice sounded in Shen Haoxuan's heart, and his tone was full of solemnity.

"In the mouth, isn't that self-defeating?" Chang Mao heard Yan Lao's words, his eyeballs almost fell out, and then looked at the pouring mouth of the magma giant, and couldn't help shrinking his neck.

"Listen to me, that's right, hurry up, or we'll all die!" Yan Lao's voice sounded again, with a hint of anxiety in his tone.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan looked at the giant palm that the magma giant attacked again, and immediately became cruel, holding Xue Ling and rushing towards the mouth of the magma giant...

[ps: One chapter was missing for shoes yesterday, and chapter 713 was posted directly after chapter 715. I am deeply sorry. Chapter 714 has been added today, and it has been combined with chapter 713 into one big chapter. Sorry everyone! 】'

(End of this chapter)

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