Chaos hegemony

Chapter 728 Ji Lingxuan's Heart!

Chapter 728 Ji Lingxuan's Heart!

Within the Qinglong Clan, Ya Fei has already retreated to refine the spirit pill of the eighth-order spirit beast, Xue Ling is also recovering from her injuries, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan are sitting quietly on the house, enjoying their time together .

Ji Lingxuan leaned her head on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder, her eyes were slightly closed, and there was a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth. The bright moonlight poured on her body, making Ji Lingxuan look extremely holy, and Shen Haoxuan lost his mind for a moment, just like that Looking at Ji Lingxuan, she didn't blink her eyes.

"Brother Haoxuan, what are you doing looking at him like that?" Ji Lingxuan seemed to feel Shen Haoxuan's fiery gaze, raised her head immediately, and said shyly, her pretty face flushed like a ripe apple, Shen Haoxuan wanted to pounce on it take a bite.

"Who made my family Ling Xuan so beautiful, I naturally have to take a second look!" Shen Haoxuan chuckled, and fondled Ji Lingxuan's head, which made the latter even more shy, almost buried her head between her arms middle.

Looking at Ji Lingxuan in front of him, Shen Haoxuan chuckled, but then his expression gradually turned bitter, and he said apologetically, "Lingxuan, I'm sorry, about the matter of Ya Fei and Xue Ling, I..."

Before Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, Ji Lingxuan pressed her mouth with her jade finger. Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan in front of her, and then said: "Brother Haoxuan, there is no need to apologize, I know that no one can control feelings, Yafei I don’t dislike the appearance of Sister and Sister Xueling, I know that no one can replace my position in Brother Haoxuan’s heart, and the same is true for Sister Yafei and Sister Xueling, I also like Sister Yafei and Sister Xueling They, I will not be by Brother Haoxuan's side often in the future, and someone will take care of you for me, this is a good thing, Brother Haoxuan should be happy!"

"Lingxuan..." Hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Shen Haoxuan was a little moved. Ji Lingxuan's saying that she didn't care was definitely a lie. After all, women would definitely be jealous when encountering such a thing, but what Ji Lingxuan said came from the heart, she didn't want to It made Shen Haoxuan feel awkward, but she was willing to accept Ya Fei and Xue Ling.

Shen Haoxuan hugged Ji Lingxuan tightly into his arms, wishing to integrate Ji Lingxuan with himself.Shen Haoxuan has already felt Ji Lingxuan's heart, thinking that Ji Lingxuan is the princess of the hermit family, no matter in terms of appearance, identity or temperament, they are all incomparable existences, and those who pursue her say that they can fill the whole world. However, Shen Haoxuan was so touched that such a proud girl of heaven was able to let go of her figure for herself. He swore in his heart that he would never let Ji Lingxuan suffer any more in the future, otherwise, how could he be worthy of Ji Lingxuan for doing it for herself? thing too!

Leaning on Ji Lingxuan's body, Shen Haoxuan gradually fell asleep. He hadn't slept so soundly for a long time. The burden on his shoulders forced him to practice desperately. Only in this way could he gain strength, rescue his parents, and avenge the Shen family. He had to be tense to prevent other people from assassinating him. Now leaning on Ji Lingxuan, Shen Haoxuan felt inexplicably at ease, inhaling the fragrance wafting from Ji Lingxuan's body, and just fell into a deep sleep.

Ji Lingxuan gently carried Shen Haoxuan back into the house, gently stroking Shen Haoxuan's face that seemed to have gone through vicissitudes, her eyes were full of reluctance.

"Miss, we should go back!" In the room, Uncle Hei appeared behind Ji Lingxuan at some point, and said softly.

Hearing this, Ji Lingxuan nodded, this time she ran out by herself originally, now that Feng Yin can't hold back in the clan, she has to go back quickly, otherwise if the members of the Ji family find out about Shen Haoxuan's place, Then Shen Haoxuan's situation is dangerous.

"Brother Haoxuan, take care, Lingxuan is leaving!" Ji Lingxuan looked at the sleeping Shen Haoxuan and said softly, two lines of tears couldn't help but drip down from her eyes, the two had just met and were about to part, Ji Lingxuan's heart was full of reluctance .

"Miss, it's also for his own good. I believe you will meet again soon. If Shen Haoxuan really cares about you, he won't let you suffer alone in Ji's house. I believe he will come to see you soon. Yours!" Heb comforted softly.

Hearing this, Ji Lingxuan nodded, then gritted her teeth cruelly, turned around and left the room, she was afraid that if she looked at Shen Haoxuan one more time, she would not want to leave.

Ji Lingxuan followed Uncle Hei and Uncle Bai away, quietly, without disturbing anyone.

After Ji Lingxuan left, Shen Haoxuan's originally closed eyes slowly opened, looking at the back of Ji Lingxuan leaving, a trace of determination flashed in Shen Haoxuan's eyes.

"Ling Xuan, wait for me, I will definitely surprise you the next time we meet!" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists and thought to himself, then he stopped resting and began to practice directly. This time, he must break through to Emperor Ling!
Ji Lingxuan and Yanlao left one after another, which gave Shen Haoxuan a lot of stimulation. If it wasn't because of his low strength, Yanlao and Ji Lingxuan wouldn't need to leave. In the end, he was still too weak. Shen Haoxuan had never been like today. Thirst for strength.

In the blink of an eye, one night passed, and at dawn the next day, Long Xiaotian came to Shen Haoxuan's room and called Shen Haoxuan out.

"The medicine pond in the medicine hall is about to open today, and the hall master Yao Wuchen asked me to take you there!" Long Xiaotian said with a smile.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded, he couldn't wait to enter the medicine pond.

Shen Haoxuan followed Long Xiaotian to the medicine hall. At this time, the patriarchs of the other three great beast families and Yao Wuchen were waiting for him in the lobby.Seeing Shen Haoxuan's arrival, except for Bai Zhennan, the rest of the people came up to welcome him.

"Little friend Shen, today we will open the medicine pool for you, as a repayment for your kindness in saving Zhongdu a few months ago!" Yao Wuchen stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Medicine Hall Master, I wonder if we can go directly to the medicine pool now?" Shen Haoxuan said impatiently.

"Uh... yes!" Shen Haoxuan's impatient look made Yao Wuchen a little embarrassed. I originally prepared a set of speeches today, just to make Shen Haoxuan feel that this is a favor, but I didn't expect Shen Haoxuan to come up so directly. I can only agree.

"Hmph, if you are so anxious to seek death, then you will be fulfilled!" Bai Zhennan sneered in his heart, and then followed Yao Wuchen and the others to the back mountain of the medicine hall.

The deeper you go into the medicine hall, the more intense the spiritual power of the surrounding world becomes. When everyone came to a valley, the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth had become thicker. Shen Haoxuan looked down from the valley, and in that In the center of the valley, a pool of pure white water flows quietly, and the energy in the pool can be seen even with the naked eye.

"Is this the medicine pool?"

(End of this chapter)

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